Part 6 (1/2)

=Bhanpura=, Rajputana. 25N. 76E. Res. and burial-place of Jaswant Rao Holkar.

=Bhartpur= ('city of Bhurat'), Rajputana. 27N. 78E. Unsuccessfully stormed by Lord Lake, 1805; taken by Lord Combermere, 1826. Under British administration, 1853. (See Malleson's 'Decisive Battles of India.')

=Bhatner=, Punjab. 30N. 74E. Captured and partially destroyed by Tamerlane, 1398.

=Bhilsa=, Rajputana. 24N. 78E. Contains mosques built by Akbar, 1583; by Aurungzebe, 1682. Plundered by Altamsh, 1235; seized by Ala-ud-din, 1290.

=Bhojpur=, Bombay. 19N. 74E. Contains stones bearing ancient carvings and inscription dating from c. 200 B.C.

=Bhubaneswar=, Bengal. 20N. 86E. Sacred city of the followers of Siva; of great antiquity.

=Bhuj=, Bombay. 23N. 70E. Taken by storm by Sir William Kier, 1819.

=Bidar=, Haidarabad. 18N. 78E. Captured by Ulugh Khan, 1321; by Aurungzebe, 1656.

=Biderra=, Bengal. 23N. 88E. Colonel Forde conquered Dutch under Colonel Roussel, 1759. (See Malleson's 'Decisive Battles of India.')

=Bijanagur= ('city of triumph'), Madras. 16N. 77E. F. in 1336; destroyed by Mohammedan kings, 1564. Contains temples made of granite.

=Bij.a.pur= ('city of victory'), Bombay. 17N. 76E. Taken by Aurungzebe, 1686; given to Rajah of Satara by British, 1818.

=Bilsa=, Bengal. 24N. 88E. Remarkable Buddhist remains discovered by English travellers, 1822; contains tomb of Mussulman, Djelal-ed-din Bhokhary.

=Bimlipatam=, Madras. 18N. 83E. Captured by Mahrattas, 1754; ceded to British by Dutch, 1825.

=Bindraban=, Bengal. 26N. 88E. Krishna is supposed to have pa.s.sed his childhood here, and several temples are erected in his honour.

=Birsinha=, Bengal. 23N. 88E. Bp. of Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, writer of 'Sitar Banabas.'

=Bisauli=, United Provs. 28N. 79E. Res. and burial-place of Dunde Khan.

=Bithur=, United Provs. 27N. 80E. One of chief centres of wors.h.i.+p of Brahma. Nana Sahib here defeated by Havelock during Mutiny, 1857.

=Bitlis=, Asiatic Turkey. 38N. 42E. Supposed to have been f. by Alexander the Great. Taken by Arabs, 648. Scene of defeat of Solyman by Persians, 1554.

=Blagovieshtchensk= ('city of the annunciation'), Siberia. 50N. 146E. F.

in 1856; capital of Amur district, 1858. Attacked unsuccessfully by Chinese, 1900. (See Fraser's 'Real Siberia.')

=Boca Tigris= ('the tiger's mouth'), China. 23N. 114E. Entrance to the Canton river, containing fortified islands taken by British, 1841, 1856.

=Bodinayakkanur=, Madras. 10N. 77E. Captured by Hyder Ali, 1776.

=Bokhara= ('a church'), Turkestan. 40N. 65E. Burnt by Djenghis-Khan, 1221.

Contains 360 mosques and many colleges. Scene of youth of Zelica and Azim in Moore's 'Lalla Rookh.'

=Bombay=, Bombay. 19N. 73E. Ceded to Portugal, 1530; part of marriage-portion of Catherine of Portugal, 1661; British established themselves here, 1666.

=Borsad=, Bombay. 22N. 73E. Res. of Rangoji, 1741; here made prisoner, 1748.

=Botad=, Bombay. 22N. 72E. Town near which is tomb of Pir Hamir Khan, Mussulman saint.