Part 3 (2/2)

=Aleppo=, Syria. 36N. 37E. Taken by Saracens, 636; conquered by Tamerlane, 1402; by Turks, 1517. Visited by earthquakes, 1170, 1822. Contains the Jami Sakarya, or Great Mosque, in which lie alleged remains of Zacharias, father of John the Baptist. Res. of Mutanabbi. (See Volney's 'Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte,' Hakluyt's 'Voyages,' Burckhardt's 'Travels in Syria and the Holy Land.')

=Aligarh=, United Provs. 28N. 78E. Contains Fort Aligarh, captured by General Lake from Mahrattas, 1803. Seat of Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College.

=Allahabad= ('city of G.o.d'), United Provs. 25N. 82E. F. by Akbar, 1575.

Taken by Britain, 1801. Contains Muir Central College. Scene of journeying of Rama and Sita described in the 'Ramayana' as the hermitage of Bharadvaja.

=Allah Shehr=, Asia Minor. 38N. 29E. F. by Attalus Philadelphus, c. 200 B.C.; supposed to be one of 'seven churches of Asia' mentioned in Apocalypse.

=Amarapura= ('city of the G.o.ds'), Burma. 22N. 96E. Former capital of Burma. F. in 1783, by Bodawpaya. Destroyed by fire, 1810; by earthquake, 1839. Contains celebrated temple with colossal bronze statue of Gautama.

=Amasia=, Asiatic Turkey. 41N. 36E. Former capital of kings of Pontus. Bp.

of Strabo.

=Ambur=, Madras. 13N. 79E. Muzaffar Jang conquered Anwar-ud-din, Nawab of Arcot, 1749.

=Amoy= ('gallery gate'), China. 24N. 118E. Taken by Britain, 1841; opened to foreign trade by Treaty of Nanking, 1842.

=Amritsar= ('pool of immortality'), Punjab. 32N. 75E. F. round sacred reservoir by Guru Ram Das, 1574. Contains Darbar Sahib, chief Sikh temple; also fortress of Govindgarh, 1809.

=Amroha=, United Provs. 29N. 78E. Said to have been f. by Hastinapur; res.

of Shah Wilayat. In the vicinity the Mongols were conquered, 1304.

=Amu Daria=, Turkestan. 37N. 73E. Ancient river Oxus, occurring as Amoo in 'The Veiled Prophet of Khora.s.san.' (See Moore's 'Lalla Rookh.')

=Anantapur=, Madras. 15N. 78E. F. by Chikkappa Udaiyar, 1364; attacked by Mahrattas, 1757.

=Aneysa=, Arabia. 26N. 45E. Bp. of Abdul-Wahab, founder of Wahabis. (See Doughty's 'Travels in Arabia Deserta.')

=Angkor=, Indo-China. 13N. 104E. Ruined city, near which are ruins of Angkor-Vat, a famous Cambodian temple. (See Little's 'Far East.')

=Angora=, Asiatic Turkey. 40N. 33E. Supposed to have been f. by Midas.

Scene of Christian Councils, 314, 358. Contains temple erected to Augustus. Sultan Bejazet I. captured by Tamerlane, 1402.

=Ani=, Asiatic Turkey. 41N. 43E. Ancient Armenian capital. Taken by Greeks, 1045; by Seljuks, 1064. Destroyed by earthquake, 1319.

=Anjangaon=, Berar. 21N. 77E. Treaty signed between British and Daulat Rao Sindhia after second Mahratta War, 1803.

=Anjengo=, Madras. 9N. 77E. Bp. of historian, Robert Orme, and res. of Eliza Draper, friend of Laurence Sterne.

=Anjidiv=, Bombay. 15N. 74E. Island visited by Ibn Batatu, 1342; by Vasco da Gama, 1498. Occupied by Portuguese, 1505. Mentioned by Ptolemy.

=Ankai Tonkai=, Bombay. 20N. 74E. Conquered by Shah Jehan, 1635; occupied by British, 1818.

=Antioch=, Syria. 36N. 36E. F. by Seleucus Nicator, c. 300 B.C. Scene of St. Paul's first ministry. Destroyed by earthquakes, 526, 1872. Ruined by Persians, 538; taken by Saracens, 658; by Turks, 1516. Bp. of Archias, St. Luke, and Chrysostom. (See Volney's 'Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte.')

=An-tung=, Manchuria. 40N. 125E. General Kuroki established here during Russo-j.a.panese War, 1904-1905. (See McKenzie's 'From Tokyo to Tiflis.')

=Anupshahr=, United Provs. 28N. 78E. Occupied by Ahmad Shah Durrani, 1757; by British, 1773.
