Part 10 (2/2)

Once more, lying on a pile of empty sacks, he waited for the signal that would announce their discovery; but when it did not come he relaxed with a sigh of relief.

The cart trundled on. If the driver had seen their furtive arrival he gave no sign of it.

Ginger could see only a vague silhouette perched high in front of him. As a matter of detail, that was all he ever did see of their unknown ally.

The cart went on at a speed that never varied. Clip-clop ... clip-clop went the hooves on the hard road. Occasionally the driver made an uncouth noise, presumably to encourage his horse.

The drizzle had now stopped altogether, and large, starry patches of sky showed that the clouds were dispersing. Still, the night air was chilly, and Ginger was glad to wrap himself in the sacks that still smelt strongly of onions and turnips. Not that he cared about that. His only emotion was one of relief at being out of an unpleasantly tight corner.

Clip-clop ... clip-clop ...

One hour, or it may have been two, pa.s.sed, and still the hooves beat their monotonous rhythm on the macadam. To Ginger the sound had become part of his existence.

Eventually he must have dozed, and it may have been the cessation of the sound that aroused him. At all events, he was suddenly aware that the cart had stopped. He started up, looking at Biggles. Biggles was looking at the driver. The driver said not a word, but pointed with his whip to the right-hand side of the road. Biggles dismounted. Ginger followed. The driver clicked his tongue. The harness strained. The wheels crunched.

Clip-clop ... clip-clop, went the hooves.

Ginger stood with Biggles on the gra.s.s verge while the sound faded slowly into the darkness.

'Twenty past midnight,' said Biggles, his voice sounding strange after the long silence. '

We've forty minutes to spare. It may not be too long. Let's get our bearings. The driver pointed this way. Thank goodness the weather's still improving.'

They walked along a low hedge until they came to a gate. This they climbed, to find themselves in a flat field of stubble of unknown extent, for the boundaries were lost in the gloom of distance. At one point a single yellow light showed the position of a cottage, or farm. How far it was away could not be ascertained a” not that it mattered.

Biggles walked a little way out into the field and tested the surface with the heel of his shoe. 'Nice and hard,' he remarked. 'I was afraid the rain might have made it soft.'

'Where are we going to wait?' asked Ginger.

'It doesn't really matter,' answered Biggles. 'We should hear the machine long before it gets here. That's the direction it should come from a”

unless it has run into trouble on the way' He pointed to the west.

'There's nothing much we can do until it comes, so we might as well take a stroll round the hedge.'

They walked for some way, but, seeing nothing of interest, decided to sit down to wait.

'There is this about it; everything is nice and quiet,' observed Ginger.

'I was a bit worried when I heard that bloke tell von Stalhein that he was having all possible landing-grounds watched. I was afraid they might have included this one.'

'I didn't overlook that,' returned Biggles. 'The same conditions apply as to Smith's shop.

There's no telling how much Intelligence people do know, until a situation like this arises to force them to show their hand. They don't seem to have got this place on their list, anyway.'

Hardly had the words left his lips when a motor vehicle of some sort could be heard coming down the road at high speed. Presently its headlights made the trees that occurred at intervals along the hedge stand out like pieces of stage scenery. There was of course no reason to suppose that the car was in any way concerned with them. Indeed, it did not occur to Ginger that this might be the case until it stopped at the gate by which they themselves had entered the field. There was then a good deal of noise, talking, and doors slamming, as if several men were involved. Lights appeared, and against them vague shadows.

Ginger glanced at Biggles in dismay.

'I spoke too soon,' said Biggles lugubriously. 'Smith told us that he has used this field before. Somehow the police must have got wind of it.

That's what usually happens, sooner or later.'

'What are we going to do about it?' demanded Ginger.

'If Algy comes, and we signal to him to keep clear, the light will be seen and we shall almost certainly be caught,' answered Biggles. 'Let's wait to see what goes on before we get into a flap.'

'I can see four men,' said Ginger.

'One will have stayed with the car, no doubt. Call it five.' 'What are they doing?'

Two men had remained near the gate. A brittle sound, as of wood striking wood, came through the night air. The other two men began walking across the stubble, slowly, appearing to carry something between them.

'They are trapping the field,' observed Biggles.

'You mean, they're running a wire across it?'

'Yes, about a couple of feet from the ground. The trick is as old as war flying. Any machine trying to land in such a trap is bound to trip up and somersault.'

'Then that settles it,' said Ginger emphatically. 'We can't let Algy land.'

'Don't be in a hurry.' Biggles looked at his watch. 'We've still a quarter of an hour to go. I have a file up my sleeve, don't forget. It was intended for iron bars, so it should have no difficulty in cutting through soft wire.'

'If we try walking across the field we shall be spotted instantly.'

'Certainly we would, if we walked out from here. We'll work from the other side. But before we move we'll wait and see how these smart-alicks finally dispose themselves.'

The operation of trapping a landing-ground, which consists merely of stretching a taut wire across it, does not take long; and presently, after driving in a stake somewhere out of sight, the two men who had gone out into the field were observed returning. The lights of the car were dowsed.

'They're all going to wait together by the gate,' said Biggles. 'That's what I thought they'd do. They suppose they will see everything from there. Come on.' He got up and began walking briskly along the hedge away from the gate. Against the dark background there was no risk of being seen.

At a distance of perhaps a hundred yards the hedge ran into another, running at right-angles to it. Biggles turned to the left and continued on until the original hedge a” the one which held the gate opening into the road a” merged into the gloom. Then he struck off across the field.

'If we can find the wire and cut it I shall bring Algy down,' he told Ginger in a whisper. '

If we fail we shall have to send the danger signal. If he does come down things are likely to be a bit brisk until we get on board. The blokes at the gate won't move at once. They'll wait for the crash. When there's no crash they'll come out to see why.'

'They'll see your torch signalling to Algy.'

'Of course they will. That can't be avoided. It will probably make them smile, knowing that the field has been wired. Watch out, we're likely to walk into it at any moment now.'

A minute later Ginger felt the wire against his legs. 'Here it is,' he whispered. At the same moment, from somewhere afar off, came the drone of an aero engine.

'Help me to hold this wire steady,' ordered Biggles.
