Part 14 (1/2)

A smile filled his face, and his eyes glowed with a warmth she'd never seen before. ”She's fine, sweetheart. She's down the hall in the nursery.”

Heidi's tears came harder now, and she clung to him, giving way to the sobs that had been building in her heart.” I thought I'd lost her...”

”No, honey, she's perfect. Wait'll you see her.” He nuzzled his face against hers and wove his fingers through her hair.

Odd images filtered through Heidi's mind. ”I had the strangest dream... just as the baby came, like I was watching the whole thing from above.”

Charles sat up straighter, his mouth open as he searched her face. ”You were bleeding, Heidi. They lost your pulse, your blood pressure, everything. Clinically, you were dead.” He searched for the right words. ”It was G.o.d, Heidi. He brought you back, sweet-heart. It was a miracle.”

Charles took her hands in his and bowed his head. ”Thank You, Lord. I will never forget this. Never.” He kissed her tenderly and pulled back, his eyes dancing even under the glare of hospi-tal lights. ”You see a lot of amazing things as a doctor, but I've never seen anything like this. It's a miracle that either of you lived.”

There was a sound at the door, and a nurse appeared pus.h.i.+ng a small clear ba.s.sinet. As she drew closer, Heidi searched for her daughter's face-and what she saw made her eyes fill with fresh tears. The baby was more beautiful than any she'd ever seen. Charles moved to the small bed and carefully lifted the infant, s.h.i.+fting her straight to Heidi's waiting arms. The nurse smiled and left them alone to share the moment.

”Oh, Charles, she's perfect.” A tear fell onto the baby's cheek, and Heidi laughed, wiping first her own face, then that of her tiny daughter. She took hold of Charles's hand with her free one and squeezed it. ”She is a miracle. G.o.d is so good.”

They admired the infant snuggled between them, trying not to imagine how different this day might have been if not for the grace of G.o.d and the second chance at life they'd been given. Charles broke the silence first. ”So did we decide on a name?”

”Remember that day? The name I had then?”

Charles nodded, his eyes twinkling. ”I wanted to make sure you hadn't changed your mind.”

Heidi stared at her daughter again and smiled. ”I haven't changed my mind. I've always known what I wanted to call her.” Her heart felt like it might burst from joy as her eyes stayed fixed on her little girl's delicate features.

”Well, that settles it then.” Charles tickled the baby's chin. ”Your name is Jordan Lee-after your uncle Jordan.”

Heidi smiled and ran a finger over the baby's eyebrows. ”Hi, little Jordan Lee.”

”Jordan Lee...” Charles's arm was around Heidi then, holding her close and whispering the baby's name over and over in a way that told Heidi he absolutely understood.

”It fits her, sweetheart.”

She swallowed back a wave of sobs as she nodded. The moment was perfect except for one thing.

Jordan Lee would never have the chance to know the one for whom she was named.

Another two days pa.s.sed and Jordan Lee was thriving beyond anyone's expectations. Heidi understood now what had hap-pened. A tear in her placenta had caused internal bleeding, which in turn nearly killed her and the baby. Throughout her hospital stay, doctors who'd had nothing to do with her delivery made their way in and introduced themselves, curious to see Dr. Benson's wife and baby a pair who'd literally come back from the dead. Heidi spent her time holding her daughter and reveling in the infant's sweetness and good health, and the intensity of her own feelings.

Charles had been right, their daughter's name fit her. She had Jordan's dark hair, his chiseled face. She was beautiful, and it grieved Heidi in a way she hadn't felt in years to know that this side of heaven Jordan would never see her.

It was after noon and the television played in the background as Heidi and Charles cooed and marveled over their little girl. There was a chance they could go home later that afternoon and they hoped the doctor might stop by any moment with Heidi's discharge papers.

She eased back onto a stack of pillows as her eyes fell on the TV screen. ”Nothing but news...”

A reporter's voice was saying, ”In other news a shocking development in the case of the Jesus--”

”I can't wait to get home.” Charles smiled at her. ”And know that both of you are right there with me where you belong.”

Heidi smiled at him. ”For a few days, anyway, until we pack up.”

In the silence between them the newscaster continued. ”...private citizen Faith Evans purchased the property from the city in what some people say is a conniving attempt at obstructing justice. The attorney for HOUR, Jor-”

”You mean the move?” Heidi groaned as a grin worked its way across Charles's face. ”Just think, three weeks from today we'll be moved in, unpacked, and ready to put down roots.”

She chuckled. ”That's my Charles. The eternal optimist.” She adjusted Jordan Lee so the tiny girl was nestled between the two of them. ”Right now I can barely put my feet on the floor, honey. Putting down roots might take more than three weeks.”

”True.” They both smiled and glanced back at the television.

”Another hearing in less than a month to determine what type of wall would make the best permanent barrier. And in other news, the president told the public this morning-”

”What wall?” Heidi lowered her eyebrows.

Charles smoothed her bangs off her forehead. ”I wasn't listening. It's a slow news day. Most of the stories are just filler.”

Heidi reached for the clicker dangling on the side of her hos-pital bed and turned off the television. ”I've got you and Jordan Lee and a new home waiting for me in Bethany, Pennsylvania...” She leaned up toward her husband's face and their lips met. The kiss lingered, and when he pulled away she knew she'd never been happier in all her life.” The last thing I need is filler.”


It was just after seven o'clock in the morning and a thin layer of fog hung over the town of Bethany as Faith arrived at Jericho Park. She positioned her car so she could see the Jesus statue. In a few hours, ten-foot-high plywood walls would surround it, and Faith wanted to be there early, wanted to mingle with the locals as they arrived by van and bus for the prayer rally. They'd decided to march around the park, singing hymns and stopping every ten minutes to pray This would go on throughout the construction of the wall, and Faith was certain their peaceful protest would make all the local news shows.

She leaned back against the headrest. How had things gotten so crazy? Her father's face came to mind, and she smiled even as she released a heavy sigh. ”Dad, you wouldn't recognize me...” She gave a short, soft laugh. ”Mom says I'm trying to take your place, but you know me, Dad.” Her smile faded and tears filled her eyes. ”I'm scared to death.”

Memories drifted in on the fog and filled her heart with images from days gone by. A sunny afternoon began to take shape, the year she and her sister, Sarah, were seven and thirteen years old, and had been ordered not to play catch in the house. Their mother was in the backyard working in the garden when Sarah found a Softball and grinned at Faith. Sarah was on a park-league softball team that year and was always looking for some-one to play catch with.

”Let's pretend we're trying out for the World Series.”

Faith could see her own little pixie face contorted in grave concern. ”Outside. Mom says we have to play outside.”

Sarah peered around the wall and gazed into the backyard. ”Mom won't know. Besides, it's too hot out there. Come on, don't be a baby.”

Faith remembered her stomach hurting from the conflict. Stay inside and risk getting in trouble, or refuse to play with her big sister and be labeled a baby. Finally Faith gulped back her fears and nodded. ”Okay but be careful.”

Sarah grinned and grabbed the ball, tossing it at Faith. Her heart beating wildly in her little girl chest, Faith snagged it from the air and smiled. ”Good throw.” She remembered feeling better about the game after that. It wasn't so bad, throwing the ball in the house. What was their mother worried about, anyway?

They played that way for five minutes, but then Sarah caught the ball and held it. ”Let's pretend I'm the pitcher and you're the catcher, okay?”

Faith shrugged. ”Okay. I'm the catcher.”

Sarah wound up like a mountain lion ready to spring and fired the ball straight at Faith's nose. In a split-second decision, Faith fell to the ground, missing the ball-and the spray of gla.s.s that exploded in her direction as the ball soared straight through the window.

The timing couldn't have been worse, for at that moment a key turned in the front door and their father walked in. At almost exactly the same time, their mother entered the house from the backyard and peeled off her work gloves. ”Hi, honey how was your day?” Her smile lasted only until she made her way into the front room and found the girls and their father staring at the pile of gla.s.s and a jagged, gaping hole in the window Their mother stepped around the broken pieces and stared outside. ”What happened?”

”I was just asking that question myself.” Their father set his things down, his face stricken with disappointment.

”Obviously they were playing ball in the house.” She looked from Faith-still cowering on the floor-to Sarah, huddled against the opposite wall. ”Whose idea was this?”

Faith looked at Sarah and waited, expecting her to come clean with the story Instead, her sister was staring at her shoes as though she had no intention of saying anything. Their father was not a man who raised his voice except with laughter when he was playing cowboy or horsie games with them. But that after-noon he came close. He ordered Sarah and Faith to the sofa and stared at them long and hard.