Part 72 (1/2)
”Yes, miss.”
I regret to report the scene which followed. After trying hard to drown each other's voices, the two young maids of honour, who had sworn eternal friends.h.i.+p, commenced pus.h.i.+ng, then spitting, then slapping, then beating. Then they pulled each other's hair--then--yes, then Araminta perceived the wand lying on the terrace, and she seized it with the intention of chastising Euthanasia; and Euthanasia perceiving her intention, seized hold of the other end of the wand. A struggle took place, which ended in the wand breaking in half. Then they separated, Araminta throwing her half at her dearest friend, her dearest friend returning the compliment; after which, they both ran home to the castle, vowing that nothing should ever induce them even to speak one single word to each other as long as they lived. We must leave them to go to their rooms, wash their pretty faces, and repair the damage done to their dresses, while we inform the reader of what is going on in the reception-room of the castle.
The mayor and corporation had duly arrived, and had been ushered into a private room until his Majesty should be ready to receive them. The Earl of Rochester had detained them there purposely to give time for the arrival of the ladies of the corporation, who were by his directions received at a private door. The king, amused with the scheme, allowed Rochester to make his arrangements. When all was ready, the mayor and aldermen, who had been very comfortably regaled with sherry and biscuits, so that the time did not appear too tedious, were requested to enter the presence-chamber, where the king received them in due form.
The mayor, approaching the throne, knelt down and laid at his Majesty's feet the pet.i.tion, which he was requested by the king to read.
The preamble set forth that the young n.o.bility of the day were not content with the pleasures of the court, but were in the custom of entering the city on the other side of Temple-bar, creating disturbances, and visiting the wives of his Majesty's dutiful citizens, giving much cause for scandal, ”and requesting that in future his Majesty would be pleased to give directions that the n.o.bility should not enter the city without the permission of the corporation, as such would prove most advantageous to the morals of the community.”
”Hah!” observed his Majesty, ”how is this, my Lord of Rochester? Do our young gallants create disturbances with our good citizens? This must be looked to.”
”May it please your Majesty,” replied the Earl of Rochester, ”a.s.sertion is not proof. Here are now twenty-five of the wealthiest citizens of London present, and on their knees before you--they have twenty-five wives--is there any one who will accuse his wife, or his neighbour's wife, of listening to the nonsense of these young n.o.bles? Either they must listen to them, or, if they do not listen to them, there is no harm done.”
”Very true,” replied the king. ”Say, Mr Mayor, where are your proofs of what you have now a.s.serted?”
”May it please your Majesty, women are women,” replied the mayor.
”I believe we may admit that, your Majesty,” rejoined Rochester, with a smile.
”Yes. In that point I agree with Mr Mayor--go on. What further does this pet.i.tion contain?”
”A request that your Majesty will pa.s.s some law by which our city dames may be prevented from vying in expense with those of the court--to forbid stuffs of gold, or Genoa velvet, to be worn by them--and all ornaments of too high price--which are not suitable to our condition as simple artisans, and very ruinous to our pockets.”
”May it please your Majesty, as any man can legislate for his own household, I think this last clause quite unnecessary. If the good citizens of London cannot afford to pay for such finery they must prevent their wives from purchasing it.”
”That is very true,” observed his Majesty; ”you must prevent it yourselves.”
”May it please your Majesty, we cannot,” exclaimed the whole deputation, with one voice.
”Well, this is a very serious affair,” replied the king, ”and it must be laid before a special privy-council. Are you prepared to prove before the council, when you are called on, that your wives have been guilty of listening to these young gallants--have received them, and admitted their familiarities--say, Mr Mayor, and gentlemen, are you prepared to prove this?”
”All are prepared and ready to swear to it,” replied the deputation.
”Well then, Mr Mayor, you will have the goodness to retire for a short time while I consult with my council, which I shall immediately summon; and if the facts are as you say, and you prove them, your pet.i.tion shall be attended to.”
The mayor and aldermen, delighted at this gracious reply, rose and humbly backed out of the presence-chamber. As soon as they had retired, the lady mayoress and all the aldermen's wives were ushered in, requested by his Majesty to be seated on chairs ranged round the throne, and thus was formed King Charles' special council. Rochester read the pet.i.tion in a merry way, and then his Majesty requested the lady mayoress, as first in rank, to give her opinion.
”May it please your Majesty,” said the mayoress, ”it is very true that many of the young n.o.bility do come within the city walls and prove good customers to our husbands. As for disturbances, I never heard of any, for our husbands are peaceable men; and as for their paying attention to the ladies, it is in my opinion only paying a compliment to our husbands, as well as to ourselves.”
”Very well argued,” replied the king.--”Your opinion, madam, on this first point,” continued the king, addressing himself to one of the aldermen's ladies.
”Pray, does your Majesty think it fair,” replied the lady, who was very pretty, ”that our husbands are to leave us all day long, to add to their heaps of money, which they care for more than they do for us, and that we are not to amuse ourselves in some way? Besides, it can't be wrong, for the king sets the example, and the king can do no wrong.”
”May it please your Majesty, that last argument settles the point,”
observed Rochester; ”and I believe I may say, that the whole council are of the same opinion.”
The ladies bowed their heads in acquiescence.
”And now as to the other request contained in this pet.i.tion, that the ladies shall not in future dress in gold stuff, Genoa velvet, and rich ornaments. What say you, ladies?”
”May it please your Majesty,” observed an alderman's wife, who had been married a week, ”aware of what was to come, we have already discussed the point between ourselves. It is admitted that our husbands leave us alone, and that we are justified in receiving the attentions of the young n.o.bles who so honour us. Now if our husbands stayed with us, and kept us company, we would dress to please them; but as they do not, and we are indebted to others for society, why we must dress accordingly.