Part 29 (1/2)

”Then I believe ye. No one could take that affidavit and lie!” says Lot, devoutly.

A second after, he goes on suddenly and suspiciously: ”But it is reported, among the Saints in the city, you're getting lukewarm in the faith, R. H.”

”And you, Lot--what did you say?” asks Travenion anxiously.

”I said it was a confounded lie! That there wa'n't a truer Mormon than R. H. Tranyon on the 'arth! Tell me so yerself;” and the voice of the man becomes pleading as he continues: ”We have been pards so long I wouldn't like to cut ye off.”

”I swear it!” gasps Ralph. ”I'm a true Mormon!” For now he is sure that the man appointed to be his destroying angel stands before him.

”You can prove it!”


”You've a little lamb down here----”

”My G.o.d!”

”Make a sacrifice of her to the Lord! Let Ermie take her endowments, and the Church and I will believe ye're true to the faith of Joseph Smith, the prophet, and Hyrum, his brother.”

To this Tranyon makes no reply for one second. Then he mutters suddenly and brokenly: ”Tell them I'll pay my t.i.thing with the Utah Central stock.”

”At fifty?”

”Yes, at any figure they like; only, for G.o.d's sake, leave my daughter out of this business. I'll bring it with me!”

”Ah, that 'ere stock's down here!” says Kruger suddenly. ”Now you're coming round, bishop, to the demands of the Church, I'll tell you some good news I have for you. They're goin' to make you a missionary to England!”

”Aha! before the election in the Utah Central?”

”Yes; the Church will vote the rest of yer stock for ye.”

”But my daughter!” falters Travenion. ”I can't leave her!”

”Don't have no fear for her, bishop! I'll look after her as if she was my own.” And Kruger's...o...b.. light with sudden pa.s.sion. ”I've been keepin'

my eyes on her. She's a----”

But he says no more, for Erma Travenion sweeps in between the men, with such a look in her blazing eyes that they both fall back from her.

She cries, ”Father, you pay _no_ t.i.thing to the Mormon Church. Your daughter takes _none_ of its vile mysteries of endowment!”

”Quit yer blasphemy of the Church of Zion!” yells Kruger to the girl.

Then he turns on Travenion and rebukes him sternly, ”Bishop, your darter's been brought up wrong! She's too high-spir'ted and wayward! I never 'low no woman in my household--wife or darter--to lift up her voice ag'in me and my doin's. If Miss Upity were my gal I'd take the blaspheming out of her with a heavy hand.”

But here astonishment comes on Erma. Her father says: ”Kruger, you're right! My daughter has been brought up wrong! I now see my error in not bringing her into the true faith. She shall take her endowments!”

”First kill me!” cries the girl, who cannot believe what she hears.

”Kill ye!” answers Lot. ”Why, it will be the making of ye. Saving yer soul from perdition, is yer daddy's duty, my child.”

”Saving my soul?” screams Erma. ”Saving my soul?--by making me one of your horrible sect that degrades both women and men also by its b.e.s.t.i.a.l creed!” And indignation makes her beauty greater than it was before--so great that fanatic Lot's eyes grow as bright as hers, though with a different gleam.

But her father stops more, by saying hastily: ”Kruger, go up to Salt Lake. Tell them I'll pay my t.i.thing in the Central stock at their figure. Tell them I'll vote the balance as they please, and my daughter _shall_ take her endowments!”