Part 32 (1/2)

The Pirate Walter Scott 5970K 2022-07-22

Deil, the devil.

Ding, to knock.

Dinna, do not.

Dirk, a dagger.

Doited, stupid.

Doun, down.

Dour, sullen, hard, stubborn.

Dowlas, a strong linen cloth.

Drammock, raw meal and water.

Drouth, thirst.

Duds, clothes.

Een, eyes.

Embaye, to enclose.

Equals-aquals, in the way of division strictly equal.

Fa', fall.

Factor, a land steward.

”Farcie on his face!” a malediction.

Fash, fashery, trouble.

Ferlies, unusual events or things.

”Ferlies make fools fain,” wonders make fools eager.

Fey, fated, or predestined to speedy death.

Fifish, crazy, eccentric.

Fir-clog, a small log of fir.

Flang, flung.

Flichter, to flutter or tremble.