Part 23 (1/2)

Dare To Love Carly Phillips 51680K 2022-07-22

Riley worked late, not minding since she didn't have anything to rush home for. She typed up the last report of the day and organized her desk for the morning. But now she was ready to shut her computer and head back to her lonely, empty apartment, when her instant message chime went off.

She glanced at the monitor, hoping Dylan hadn't found a reason for them to stay even later. She was exhausted. She hadn't been getting much sleep since the incident with her father. Since she'd left Ian's and had gone back to sleeping alone in her own bed.

She looked at the screen, and her heart nearly stopped beating in her chest.

Ian: I need to speak to you.

She blinked, certain she was misreading. He'd avoided her since her return to work. She hadn't b.u.mped into him in the hall nor had he sought her out. He hadn't called to check on her either. He'd just cut ties, and d.a.m.ned if that didn't hurt. After the longest month of her life, he was asking for her now?

She knew he couldn't want anything job related. She didn't work under him.

Her pulse began to race as she typed back.

Riley: Just leaving for the day. Will stop by on my way out.

Ian: I'll be waiting.

Her nerves kicked in as she powered down her computer and grabbed her purse, shutting the light off as she walked out of her office.

After five, support staff was gone for the day, and she knocked on his door, letting herself in.

He rose as soon as she stepped inside. ”Lock the door,” he said by way of greeting.

She automatically did as he asked, closing them in his office. Alone. Beneath her collar, she began to perspire from sheer nerves because she knew, no matter why he'd called her in here, they'd be having it out.

Possibly for good.

As usual for this time of day, his jacket was off, hung on a hook on his door, his tie was undone, and the top b.u.t.tons on his dress s.h.i.+rt open. He looked scruffy and hot, but as s.e.xy as he appeared, he also looked tired, dark circles shadowing his eyes, and she wondered if he'd lost as much sleep as she had since they'd been apart.

”How are you?” he asked, his searing gaze raking her over.

”Fine. Apparently I have a hard head.” She knocked on her skull with her knuckles.

He didn't laugh. ”Don't joke about what that b.a.s.t.a.r.d did to you.”

”Well, I'm not going to cry about it.” She'd done enough of that over Ian and her father both. After a lifetime of abuse, she still shed a tear over the kind of parent she had and the way he treated her.

”You look good,” Ian said, sounding relieved. ”I was worried.”

”Bulls.h.i.+t.” The words were out before she could think, taking her by surprise.

He reared back, staring at her.

”What? You want me to think you actually care? Is that why you walked out on me at the hospital and I haven't heard from you since?”

From the minute she'd entered this office, she'd felt her emotions brewing below the surface. She wasn't surprised they were coming out now. She'd spent so much time first berating herself for violating Ian's trust and then missing the good times they'd shared, she hadn't allowed her anger at him to truly surface. But as she stood here now, it was alive and vibrating within her.

”Go on,” he said in a deceptively calm voice.

She flexed her fingers and decided to take her therapist's advice. Of course, she'd only had two sessions, but they'd been plenty productive. The first lesson? Let yourself feel. The second? Express those feelings before they eat you alive.

What was the worst thing that could happen? Ian had already abandoned her. She strode up to his desk, bracing her arms on the wooden top.

”My father slapped me. My head slammed against a brick wall. And you didn't come in to see if I was okay.”

His eyes darkened, and his cheeks burned with what she'd like to think was embarra.s.sment.

”The doctor came out with an update on your condition,” he said.

”Oh. That makes it all better,” she said, her temper rising.

”I never said it did.”

His placid demeanor drove her insane. ”I know I screwed up by not coming to you about my father's threats, but I had my reasons. I wanted the chance to explain them to you, but you wouldn't give me the chance.”

She straightened and walked to his side of the desk, stepping into his personal s.p.a.ce. ”You dumped me on Alex and took off, never to be heard from again. Did you feel better after?” She shoved at his chest, hurt and so very betrayed. ”Hmm? Did punis.h.i.+ng me for defying you make you happy, Ian?” She shoved at him again.

He grabbed her wrist. ”Nothing about how I handled this makes me happy. I was an arrogant a.s.s. Is that what you want to hear? I thought if I laid down the law that you'd have to come to me first. Always. Then I'd have-”

”Control,” she said at the same time as him.

”Exactly,” he muttered.

”Well, I hope your precious control keeps you warm at night,” she snapped at him.

”It doesn't.”

”Good.” Because she was lonely too.

He lifted a strand of her hair and twisted it between his fingers. She felt the pull straight through to her skin. It was the start of him getting to her-if she allowed him to.

She hadn't decided yet. ”I'm human, which means I'm going to make my own decisions. And I'm going make mistakes,” she told him.

A smirk edged the corners of his mouth.

”Unbelievable. You're laughing?”

He shook his head. ”No, I'm just realizing you're smarter than I've ever been.”

She tipped her head to one side. ”Say that again?”

”h.e.l.l no. It's taken me too long to catch up,” he muttered, more to himself than to her.

”Meaning?” she asked, her tone weary even to her.

He cupped her chin in his hand, just begging her to turn into him and find comfort. And she was tired. So tired of riddles and talking in circles. Tired of being alone.

His thumb caressed her jaw, and she couldn't help but stare into his eyes.

”Meaning, I love you,” he said in a strong voice.