Part 9 (1/2)
Melissa shrugged. And waited.
”Ian's need for control scares me. I'm afraid I'm so taken with him that by the time I realize he's like my father, it will be too late. And yet I know that's so wrong. Ian would never-” Riley choked up and waved her hand, indicating she needed time.
She hated, hated that after all these years, the memories could still shake her to her core.
Melissa squeezed her hand tighter. ”Your instinct is everything. Honey, I knew. Deep down, when I look back at the days before we got together, I knew. He never made me feel safe and secure. Those are powerful words. So trust your instincts.”
Riley nodded. ”But there's still Alex's feelings to deal with, and he has every right to resent Ian. Not to trust him. And I trust Alex's instincts too.”
”He could be too emotionally invested to see his half brother for who he really is,” Melissa said rationally. ”He can't tell you who to date as a condition for loving you or being there for you. That's not fair either.”
Riley blinked at that. ”You always make sense.”
”School of hard knocks, honey. But remember there's always light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Life brought me David.” And Melissa beamed at the mention of her new husband.
Happy to have the topic of Alex and Ian behind her, she changed the subject to the other woman's honeymoon. This time, Melissa was only too happy to comply, and over the rest of their delicious dinner, she regaled Riley with stories of the Greek Islands, giving her a much-needed distraction.
Ian's siblings arrived at his apartment earlier than the others were due to show up. He appreciated their support. Without discussing it, they all knew how difficult today would be. Robert Dare's eight children had never been alone together in one room.
Yes, the girls had all gotten close but not the guys. Ian figured they all harbored their own resentments, but they'd agreed to come today.
”Hey, good call on the burgers,” Tyler said, walking into the kitchen. ”These are my favorite.” He eyed the Kobe beef burgers piled on a chafing dish, French fries in a second tray. He reached out one hand.
”Hey!” Olivia swatted Ty before he could lift one and snag it for himself. ”Wait for the company to arrive,” she said, sounding a lot like their mother.
”Spoilsport,” Ty grumbled. ”I'm going back to watch some baseball with Scott.”
”Grab a beer,” Ian called out as Ty left the room.
Olivia laughed. ”Men and their stomachs. You're so easily led around.”
”Meanwhile, Avery's in with them, and that's where the chips are,” Ian said.
”She always could keep up with the boys.”
”You're no slouch yourself,” he reminded her.
She grinned. ”I have to tell you, this is quite a spread you've got here.”
”I'm just doing my best to be a decent host.”
”Or trying to impress a certain woman?” Olivia glanced around and grabbed a burger for herself, taking a bite before Ian could stop her.
He rolled his eyes at her audacity, though he shouldn't be shocked. He also wasn't about to touch the comment about Riley.
He'd had her in his bed, he'd been inside her body, and he wanted to go there again. h.e.l.l yes, he wanted to impress her.
And to do that, he needed her here.
He glanced at his watch. Not only were his half siblings late, so was Riley. His stomach churned, and he didn't think it was hunger.
He joined his siblings in front of the television, but as the next half hour pa.s.sed with no company and no phone call or explanation, anger burned in his gut.
He walked into the living room and looked over the city, seeing the view of Miami that usually brought him peace. Not today.
He turned to see Avery coming up beside him. ”Hi,” she said, pulling him in for a hug.
”Hi, yourself.” He kissed her forehead.
”I'm sure they'll be here soon,” she said.
She'd always been the most nave of them all, and he loved her for her innate goodness.
”I don't know. Maybe they wanted to make a point, and they did. They want nothing to do with me.” How better to be obvious than to stand him up in front of his siblings?
She shook her head. ”It's not like Sienna to just not show.”
”Did you talk to her?” he asked.
She shook her head. ”I was so excited she'd said yes when Olivia invited her, I called to talk. But she didn't get back to me. Which isn't like her.”
”Alex,” he muttered.
”What about him?” Avery asked.
Ian let out a rough exhale, thinking about his half brother and his feelings about Ian being with Riley. ”He's not too happy with me right now. I wouldn't be surprised if he were behind everyone's no-show.”
”Give it time. Alex isn't a bad person, Ian. He just-”
”I don't want to hear it,” he bit out, cutting her off. Whatever justification she was going to make for how Alex hadn't had it easy either, Ian didn't want to know.
Avery nodded, looking up at him with sad eyes.
”I don't mean to take it out on you,” he said. ”Go hang with everyone. I'll be in soon.”
”Just remember, you always have us.” She hugged him again.
Because she was the youngest, he often forgot to take her seriously enough, but she was his sweet sister, and she had a big heart.
”Thanks.” He squeezed her hand, and as she headed back to the family room to join their sister and brothers, he turned to the windows once more.
As more time pa.s.sed, it became clear they weren't coming. The more Ian thought about it, the more he was sure Alex was responsible for his half siblings' rejections. The son of a b.i.t.c.h was p.i.s.sed about Ian's relations.h.i.+p with Riley, and he was making his feelings known in the most conspicuous way possible. Although what Alex had to resent Ian for was beyond him.
As clear as day, he remembered the days after he'd found out about his father's other family. Ian had taken a friend's car his father wouldn't recognize and driven the two hours out of his hometown, wanting to see for himself. And sure enough, there was the father who had no time for Ian and his siblings, playing football on the front lawn with his other son.