Part 4 (1/2)

Dare To Love Carly Phillips 58610K 2022-07-22

She swallowed hard, her heavy-lidded gaze never leaving his. ”You do the same to me.”

Victory was sweet, but when he eased his mouth over hers, he remembered that she tasted even sweeter. He kissed one corner of her mouth then the other, enjoying the simple act of teasing her, her body's trembling reaction providing so much satisfaction.

He nipped her lower lip, and she curled her fingers tighter against his waist.

Her possessive grip only inflamed his desire. ”I want you, Riley. I want to feel myself hard and hot inside you,” he said, nipping her lower lip.

She moaned, swaying toward him. He caught her, wrapping an arm around her waist, turning the light kiss into a deeper one. Her tongue slid back and forth over his, her soft sighs rocking him to his core.

Somehow he maintained some sliver of rational thought, and with it came the knowledge that no matter how willing she seemed to be, any further and she'd convince herself to run. She'd withdraw before they tested just how good things between them could be.

So before he could act on impulse and take her against the wall, on her couch, or in her bed, he released her. Steadied her. Gave her a light kiss on the cheek, said good night, and walked out the door.

He'd convinced her to come to his turf. For now, that had to be enough.


Riley drove to the stadium, her stomach churning in trepidation. Her nerves had already prevented her from eating breakfast, and it wasn't only the new job that had her feeling off-kilter. Neither was it the kiss she replayed over and over in her mind.

It was Ian, the man. He was so sure of himself and what he wanted. Such a dominant personality usually turned her off and would have, at the very least, had her resisting. And if he'd bulldozed his way into her life, she would have pushed back, but he somehow turned his insistence on getting his own way into a rational argument that had had her agreeing to the job before she'd even thought through her objections.

Then he'd turned what should have been a simple kiss into an all-out a.s.sault on her senses. He'd taken his time, teasing her, tasting her, arousing her, and bringing her to the brink of insanity with how much she'd wanted him inside her, hard and hot, just as he'd said. She s.h.i.+vered at the very thought.

She had no doubt in her mind that if he'd stripped off her clothes and taken her then and there, she would have gone along for the glorious ride. Her s.e.x clenched with need, reminding her that instead of sleeping with her, he'd walked out, leaving her empty and aching. She squeezed her legs tighter, fighting against that rising need.

With a deep breath, she followed the directions to the stadium and pulled up to the guardhouse. She handed a uniformed man her license. He checked his list then printed and handed her a parking pa.s.s and directions before opening the gate with a welcoming smile. A few minutes later, she strode through the large parking lot, the May heat already coming up through the pavement.

By the time she reached the door, she was a sweaty mess, reminding her of the biggest drawback to living down south. She pa.s.sed a bathroom and stopped into the ladies' room to pull herself together, blot her face and neck, and touch up her makeup. She a.s.sured herself the fact that she might see Ian had nothing to do with the extra prep.

A little while later, feeling better, she stepped out the door and ran directly into a hard body. She recognized the potent scent that lingered in her apartment and had kept her tossing and turning most of last night.

”Ian,” she said, sounding too breathless for her liking.

He grasped her waist, steadying her. ”You seem to be making this a habit,” he said in an amused tone.

”Sorry.” She bit down on her lip.

His heavy gaze followed her inadvertent reflex. ”I'm not.”

Neither was she, not that she'd be willing to admit it.

”I didn't know if I'd run into you or if I'd have to come seeking you out. Apparently luck is smiling on me this morning.”

She smiled, relaxing. ”Well, it's good to see a familiar face.”

”Looking forward to your first day at work?”

”I'm nervous,” she admitted.

He laughed. ”Normal, but my sister's only an occasional slave driver. You'll be fine. Come. I'll show you where to find Olivia.”

”Thank you. Better than me wandering around clueless.”

He placed a hand on the small of her back as they walked down the hall. His touch radiated heat throughout her body, the neediness she'd fought to tamp down returning full force, as if her body recognized his, priming itself without her permission.

In the elevator, he stood across from her, watching her with pure l.u.s.t in his smoky eyes. She attempted to distract herself by studying him here in his element. His dress s.h.i.+rt, a small navy check with white collar, and a complementing sky-colored tie brought out the blue in his eyes. The perfect cut of his suit accentuated his broad shoulders, making her wonder what his bare chest looked like, how much of a six pack he had, and whether he'd taste good when she ran her tongue down his chest, abdomen and lower, to the- The elevator announced they'd reached their floor.

”After you,” he said, gesturing for her to precede him with a gentlemanly wave and a knowing grin on his handsome face.

She stepped out onto the corporate level, certain the flush of arousal she'd experienced was obvious for all to see.

”Did you tell Alex about your new job opportunity?” he asked.

Oblivious to her thoughts, he led her down a long hall lined with oversized photographs of the team's best players decked out in full uniform.

”Not yet.” She'd thought about it and decided to hold off. ”I thought I'd wait until I had a specific position.”

”You don't think he'll be upset you're working for the opposition, do you?”

”Don't you mean working for you?”

Ian shrugged. ”That too.”

All of the above had crossed her mind, had her wondering whether she shouldn't show up this morning as promised.

In the end, she'd been unable to resist the lure of opportunity any more than she'd been able to resist Ian so far. ”Alex wants what's best for me. No matter what form that takes.” But it didn't mean he'd be happy.

And if her best friend knew she'd kissed Ian again or that he clearly intended for them to end up in bed, their long-standing relations.h.i.+p would be in jeopardy. So she'd put off telling him. At least for now.

”We're here.” Ian stopped at a closed wooden door with Olivia Dare's name on the bra.s.s plate beside it.

He knocked once and pushed open the door.

”Come on in,” a female voice called.

”We already are,” Ian said, his hand settling on Riley's lower back again as he escorted her into the room.

His touch was warm, hot, and felt too good. Because his sister was watching, she eased away from him.

”Olivia, this is Riley Taylor. I told you about her this morning.”

The other woman rose from her desk. Tall like her brother and model thin, she was the opposite of Riley and her more pet.i.te body and full curves. If she hadn't come to peace with herself long ago, she'd be envious of Ian's sister.

”I'm so glad you're here,” Olivia said, extending her hand, which Riley gratefully shook.

”I'm happy to be here myself.”