Part 2 (1/2)
”Nothing now, of course; but I didn't know----”
He did not see the gleam in Asbury's half shut eyes. He only marked his humility, and he went back swelling with the news.
”Completely crushed--all the run taken out of him,” was his report.
The black district believed this, too, and a sullen, smouldering anger took possession of them. Here was a good man ruined. Some of the people whom he had helped in his former days--some of the rude, coa.r.s.e people of the low quarter who were still sufficiently unenlightened to be grateful--talked among themselves and offered to get up a demonstration for him. But he denied them. No, he wanted nothing of the kind. It would only bring him into unfavourable notice. All he wanted was that they would always be his friends and would stick by him.
They would to the death.
There were again two factions in Cadgers. The school-master could not forget how once on a time he had been made a tool of by Mr. Bingo. So he revolted against his rule and set himself up as the leader of an opposing clique. The fight had been long and strong, but had ended with odds slightly in Bingo's favour.
But Mr. Morton did not despair. As the first of January and Emanc.i.p.ation Day approached, he arrayed his hosts, and the fight for supremacy became fiercer than ever. The school-teacher is giving you a pretty hard brought the school-children in for chorus singing, secured an able orator, and the best essayist in town. With all this, he was formidable.
Mr. Bingo knew that he had the fight of his life on his hands, and he entered with fear as well as zest. He, too, found an orator, but he was not sure that he was as good as Morton's. There was no doubt but that his essayist was not. He secured a band, but still he felt unsatisfied.
He had hardly done enough, and for the school-master to beat him now meant his political destruction.
It was in this state of mind that he was surprised to receive a visit from Mr. Asbury.
”I reckon you're surprised to see me here,” said Asbury, smiling.
”I am pleased, I know.” Bingo was astute.
”Well, I just dropped in on business.”
”To be sure, to be sure, Asbury. What can I do for you?”
”It's more what I can do for you that I came to talk about,” was the reply.
”I don't believe I understand you.”
”Well, it's plain enough. They say that the school-teacher is giving you a pretty hard fight.”
”Oh, not so hard.”
”No man can be too sure of winning, though. Mr. Morton once did me a mean turn when he started the faction against me.”
Bingo's heart gave a great leap, and then stopped for the fraction of a second.
”You were in it, of course,” pursued Asbury, ”but I can look over your part in it in order to get even with the man who started it.”
It was true, then, thought Bingo gladly. He did not know. He wanted revenge for his wrongs and upon the wrong man. How well the schemer had covered his tracks! Asbury should have his revenge and Morton would be the sufferer.
”Of course, Asbury, you know what I did I did innocently.”
”Oh, yes, in politics we are all lambs and the wolves are only to be found in the other party. We'll pa.s.s that, though. What I want to say is that I can help you to make your celebration an overwhelming success. I still have some influence down in my district.”
”Certainly, and very justly, too. Why, I should be delighted with your aid. I could give you a prominent place in the procession.”
”I don't want it; I don't want to appear in this at all. All I want is revenge. You can have all the credit, but let me down my enemy.”