Part 3 (1/2)
”Right,” I said. ”It's meant to be a landholder in the county, but if there were someone the prince wanted for the job, it's easy enough to have it done. Rob got Th.o.r.esby to pet.i.tion the prince, but I don't know if he'll choose him.”
”At least Th.o.r.esby knows the people,” Tuck said. ”But I can't think he'd be so natural at being sheriff.”
”He'd be fair,” I said with a shrug.
”You mean he'd listen to Robin Hood,” Tuck said.
”Rob's fair.”
John's eyes went to my neck, and him looking made Tuck look. Tuck stood up, his body tight, making me remember how much of him were muscle. ”Rob didn't do that to you, did he, Scarlet? Figured you got into a, which ain't unusual for you.”
”It's not like that, Tuck,” I said, but I weren't much good at lying about it yet.
He looked to John. ”John, tell me the truth.”
”Rob's had some rough nights, Tuck. He didn't know what he was doing, but he did it,” John said, staring at the bar.
Tuck's eyes were hard on John, like somehow it were his fault, but Tuck nodded. ”Scar, you'll stay here till the morning. We've got extra beds.”
Beds that were warm and safe besides. I wanted toa”it would be so simple to just nod and go upstairs, but I shook my head. ”I'll go back, Tuck. It's not the way you think.”
His big paw fell on mine, and I looked up at him. ”Scarlet. I've known my fair share of rough men, and I know Rob ain't that. But you don't give him the chance to do it twice, you understand? You'll stay here.”
Being told what to do made me want to run out and do anything but. ”Tuck, stay out of it,” I told him sharp. ”You don't know what's going on. And I wouldn't never give up on Rob because he's had a bad time.”
Tuck shook his head. ”There's no two ways about bruises, Scar.”
I glared at him. ”There ain't no two ways about loyalty.” I sighed, shaking my head. ”It's a bad situation, Tuck. We all know that. But I believe in Robin almost as much as the Almighty. And I won't give up on him.”
Tuck turned to John. ”She goes, you go with her.”
John sighed and leaned back in his seat, but he nodded. Tuck tossed his towel down. ”Drop the bowl in the kitchen when you're done, Scar. I'm going to bed.”
”Can I make you stay here?” John asked.
”No. Can I make you tell me 'bout Bess?”
He chuckled. ”Not a chance.”
John walked me back to the monastery, quiet as we made slow work of the crunching, frozen ground. When we reached the grounds, he turned to the warming room and I just nodded toward the infirmary. He met my eyes, and they understood more than I liked. He nodded to me.
The infirmary were empty of needy souls, and so there weren't a fire in there. Still, there were blankets and cots and I took both, curling up in a corner and sleeping. It had been an awful long day, and I just wanted a few moments of true rest.
When I woke, the sun were up and I could hear the monks moving about outside and the bell ringing. I felt colder than when I went to sleep, and figured it might be worth the risk to go to the warming room now. Rob wouldn't be there still.
I went quiet from the infirmary, pus.h.i.+ng on the door to see a body blocking the other side of it.
”Rob,” I whispered. My heart started to pound, but it weren't like I were afraid of him. I only didn't want him knowing why I might choose to sleep in a cold empty room rather than with the band. Didn't want him even thinking on it.
”Morning, Scar,” he said.
Slipping out the door, I let it shut behind me and sat beside him slow. The sun were fair warm, and it weren't as cold as most days. He looked at me, his ocean eyes stormy and wide. His hands went slowly up and he looked at my neck, wincing like I hit him when he caught it full. It felt worse. ”Christ Almighty, Scar,” he said, letting his hands fall.
”What's happening to you, Rob?” I asked. My voice fell so soft I weren't sure he heard. ”I don't care about the bruises. I don't. I been bruised before. I'm just so frightened for you.”
”These nightmares, Scar. I don't know what to do.”
”Please, Rob, can't you tell me of them?”
He shook his head, slowly. ”I don't even know how, Scarlet. I would give you everything I am, but I can't say these things.”
I moved closer to him and curled against his body, and he rested his head on mine. ”I love you, Rob, don't you know that?” I whispered.
”I know. I love you too. I wouldn't wish that on a soul, but I love you more than anything, Scar. And I'd die if I a if I ever a,” he said.
”No dying,” I said. Truth was, I didn't want him to finish that bit. I didn't want to know what he thought he might be capable of doing to me. Not with Gisbourne back, not with the prince coming. I couldn't lose the safety of Robin's arms. ”We just need you to sleep. Maybe you should try Brother Ralf's tincture.”
His fingers ran along my arm, and even through so many clothes it burned and made me feel like I was some delicate, precious thing. ”I've seen men on such sleeping draughts,” he told me. ”It dulls everything. If the knights caused trouble, I'd be useless. I'd go sleeping right through.”
”Rob,” I whispered. ”It ain't the nighttime we need to worry after. We need you to rest so you can lead. Nothing would happen to you while you slept.” I turned a little and sniffed my nose against his cheek. ”And if it did, I would defend you with my life.”
Both his arms came around me, hauling me over him to sit a step lower than him, between his legs with his body tight around mine. He rested his head on my neck and I leaned back against him, resting my elbows on his knees. ”I'll do it for you, Scarlet. I'll talk to Ralf today.”
I trembled but I nodded my head, twisting my eyes shut tight. Please, I prayed. Let this work. Let him just need sleep. Let me defend him and his hero's heart.
”It's strange,” he said low in my ear. ”When night falls my chest is full of fear, but holding you like this, Scar, I can't help but feel grateful. Joyous. By the light of day, I still cannot fathom that I'm the one you love.”
I turned a little to look at him. ”I do love you. I always will.” I found myself staring at his mouth, my breath gone, desperate to kiss him and see what it felt like, to love a body so very much and have your lips touch, to taste him.
I ducked my head down, shutting my eyes tight and feeling a shudder like pain go through my bones. I weren't going to risk G.o.d's wrath more by having adultery added to my sins.
His arms squeezed tight around me, and I weren't sure if he knew my mind, but it felt like he understood.
I were on my way to Edwinstowe already when I saw a body darting through the woods. I hid and watched, but soon enough called out when I realized who it were. ”Will!” I yelled. ”Will Clarke!”
The fair-headed boy stopped.
”You running for me?” I asked, going over to him.
He nodded, red cheeked and huffing. ”I saw 'im,” he gasped. ”I saw him!”
My breath flew. ”Where?”
”On the road. To. To Notting. Ham,” he huffed.
”How long?”
He put his fists on his hips, thinking. ”S'long as it took me to run,” he told me.
I nodded and set off running. He groaned and started running behind me. ”Go home, Will!” I yelled. He kept on running.