Chapter 380 - Akane (3) (1/2)

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A little girl paced back and forth beside a door in the form of a giant lotus petal. Her pitter-patter of footsteps rang with impatience and anticipation. Even her dainty little fingers were cringing together tensely.

”Big Sis, you ready? We're going to miss the start of the festival!” The little girl was Tsumi, her odango-style hair were wrapped together with small, luminescence vines. She was dressed in an ocean blue kimono and filled with a sea of flowers. It was elegant and perfectly appropriate for her shape.

”Mhm, one second.” A gentle voice sounded behind the lotus door. It was truly one second as she walked out immediately after. A violet kimono perfectly matched her violet hair with an orange sash. Her hair was a little messy, but done purposefully as it seemed only to accentuate her beautiful face. A kanzashi in the shape of a white violet lotus was placed at the side of her hair, giving her a unique and natural aura.

When she appeared, Tsumi's little mouth was wide open in shock. ”Yo-you're beautiful, Big Sis!” Her words were from her heart as she spoke.

Akane smiled as she lightly blushed, ”thanks.” She wasn't one to take compliments too close to the heart, but this little girl truly caused her to feel a bit embarrassed. Her shy look and blushing face would drive any man wild with thoughts and burning desires.

”Let's go.” She grabbed the young girl's hand and walked out. A night sky greeted her lit up by lanterns that littered the village. It created a cascade of beauty as some of the flowers reflected that light and emitted their own.

She had a surge of happiness and pride within her heart. Her village truly was beautiful, even when sometimes it was bothersome.

As they walked down the streets, they were greeted by men wearing yutakas and women in their kimonos of various styles and colors. The canocophy of beautiful women and men made the sight look like a natural utopia of heaven and earth.

The laughter and smiles that went around were infectious. Tsumi was also laughing as she looked about, her eyes never seemed to settle on one thing for too long. They saw many booths filled with various games and foods that gave off a sweet and delicious scent.

”That smells so good! And that! And that! Oh look at that! Oooh...ouch. Rejected!” Tsumi was reacting endlessly to the surroundings, pointing here and there with such enthusiasm that it seemed her energy was unlimited.

Akane gently laughed. This little girl.

”Sis! Sis!” A young boy looking cute yet oddly handsome appeared with his little legs nearly skipping. It was Akio. He was joined by Elder Hiroji who seemed a little tired. He had a piece of cloth which only purpose was to soak up sweat, and it seemed that it was nearly drowning.

”Aiko! Why are you always running around like a little mouse! Can't you just not cause trouble for others?” Tsumi scolded with her immature voice. Her words caused those in the surrounding to want to fall down and spray blood.

Who ran around? Who caused trouble?

”Harrumph! Who's talking to you little dumpling head?” Akio bitingly said.


A few people in the distance actually fell and sprayed blood.

Are we going to witness a murder?! They seemed too accustomed to Tsumi's violence and mischievous nature. Even the Clan Leader had a headache over her, yet this little fellow was so fearless. Oh, how it feels to be young.

”Oh?!” Just as everyone thought she was going to explode, she actually blushed slightly and touched her hair. Shyly, she said, ”y-you noticed?”


Even Akane was taken aback, her expression a little absentminded.

”Of course I noticed? Who could miss those things!” Akio replied matter-of-factly causing Tsumi to blush further.

”Oh? Then, for saying that, you're going to take me to walk around!” She swiftly escaped Akane's hand and grabbed Akio's. He looked a little confused as she pulled him violently away, but a small satisfied gleam in his eyes couldn't be hidden away. In his heart, he felt relieved and thought, ”so she still chose me.”

Elder Hiroji warily smiled and deeply sighed, ”Kids…” He looked towards Akane and smiled, ”Don't forget to be at the main stage. We'll see you there.”

”En,” Akane nodded.

Hiroji hurriedly followed with his old body creaking slightly along the way. The two young couple was so swift that he had to skip awkwardly to catch up.

Akane took a deep breath, ”today's just a day. Let's do this.” She walked forward with calm and gentle steps. A glimmer of silver light flashed briefly in her sleeve.
