Chapter 377 - Accepted (1/2)
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Indeed, why would he help? He was by no means a saint willing to give up a portion of his soul, be afflicted with whatever consequences that may be, and come out with it with no gains. In fact, this could sabotage his chances going to Hell. Even if he gained a daughter, he already had too many complicated relationships and things on his plate to worry over.
Yan Linzen was created by using his DNA and more, pretty much making her a part-clone, part-daughter, and part-sister of himself. Pinaka was a spirit body, an artificial lifeform gained sentience that lacked fundamental traits of a real woman, and he owed Yri…
Saphira calmly looked into his eyes, her gaze revealed a certainty to it, as if knowing that Yan Zaizen will agree no matter what. ”You will experience many trials and tribulations in your life, but the most important, most defining will all occur in a short span from each other. I would say more if I could, but your fate will definitely shift, and I'll be breaking my oath. Therefore, I'll simply tell you this: You will fail in the end.”
Yan Zaizen paused. He would fail? What did that mean? Was it destiny, fate, or whatever? However, while he thought this, his eyes flickered with radiant traces of amber-gold light. An unyielding light surged within, unwilling to relent to any form of destiny or fate, and the desire to control his own choices.
Saphira shook her head, ”It's not that you will fail because of fate, but because you lack the appropriate tools to succeed from the beginning. I will say this, a path of choice, blood, and promise awaits you. I can not guarantee whether you will succeed in either one of these, but I can give you an item to ensure your success in the third and final path.”
Yan Zaizen deeply frowned. A path of choice, a path of blood, and a path of promise? He recalled her previous words...three trials. Did she mean he'll have a trial of choice, blood, and promise? What did it mean to fail those trials, and why did he have to go through them?
”Of course, you can decline. I will not stop you, I will not force you. As an All-Immortal Dragon, I disdain to do such things. The choice is yours and only yours.” Saphira's voice echoed in his ears, and he felt somewhat lightheaded.
In his life, he had always placed emphasis on choices and how they defined destiny and fate. It was these free will-induced choices that allowed all living existences to control the direction they traveled or the end of their path. He has met many enemies and acquaintances in his life and given them choices. To think that one day, he would be faced with something similar.
Two choices: To Accept or To Decline.
He closed his eyes. A throbbing in the depths of his heart echoed endlessly, and his mind attempted to connect to the Non-Verse's prophetic instinct. This was the first time he was actively trying to seek out the help of a universe. However, he received no response. The universe was as silent as it was when he cultivated the heavens.
It seemed he was truly alone in this.
He wished Pinaka was here, directly beside him to offer him some words. The consequences of taking this were harsh, and the responsibility will definitely be substantially heavy, but if something could help him survive in the future, would she say yes? Or, would she say no? Could he trust this All-Immortal Dragon? There was a lot she knew about him, and very little he knew about her.
There was no instinctual feeling determining whether he should trust this person or not. He calmed down, focused his thoughts, and tried to figure out what was important to him. While the consequences of losing a portion of his soul, forging the life of a Dragon Race, and accepting was unknown, it would definitely not be small.
But what if he refused? What if he can't handle what comes next? What if...if it...what if he...
Suddenly, a figure emerged in his mind. It was a man in a white, simple robe, with clean white hair and a white beard. His aura was common but ethereal like the ever-present wind. He stood there like a gentle senior, guiding all those who meet him on their paths but never forcefully. He would give them a choice, this way or that way. Whatever they chose, he would wish them the greatest of fortune.
”I'll explain this, but after... be sure to remember that having faith is not a flaw of the mind, but the strength of the heart.” - Words of Eloah(Chapter 267, Earth - 2).