Chapter 349 - Reveal (1/2)

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Yan Zaizen's near-death experience left him seething with fury. His sole focus at this moment was to eliminate this threat regardless of the cost.

However, the situation seemed to have been flipped on its head. While Yan Zaizen fumed with thick murderous intent dead-set on causing his opponent's demise, the grey-robed woman held none of that. Her previous icy-cold aura melted and instantly replaced with relief, happiness, and no battle intent.

Instead, it was as if her previous strike with her very essence and domain never happened.

Yan Zaizen, shrouded in an aura of death, clenched his fist tightly. The sounds of his knuckles cracking resounded. From the palm of this, an inky, black radiance erupted like an entrapped sun.

The grey-robed woman saw Yan Zaizen's ferocious expression, and her mood seemed to be changed. She held her hands out protectively, waving them slightly as if detailing her unwillingness to engage. However, faint grey light flowed between her fingers as she shook them back and forth in a weird rhythm.

Yan Zaizen's amber-gold eyes started to spew out grey light. Immediately, his body felt strange and the flow of time in his body seemed to have been somewhat shifted. On guard, he internalized a flow of temporal energy from his heavenly might to regulate his time flow. However, the feeling remained.

As he approached, he realized that his state of time remained consistent, but the surrounding area seemed to have changed. It was different than the domain produced earlier, inducing a state of pause.

”…?” With each inch closer, it was as if he was wading through an omnidirectionally flowing river.

The grey-robed woman kept waving her hands about. Her index, middle, and ring finger remained unmoving, but her thumb and little finger moved in a pendulum manner. This occurred for both hands, grey light flowing between them like majestic dragons soaring through mountains with the utmost freedom.

Yan Zaizen felt the deathly aura's consciousness roar wildly as if desiring to escape, but Yan Zaizen wasn't entrapped. His time-flow was consistent, his body continued to approach, closing the distance with each passing second. Then, a sudden urge overcame him, and he couldn't help but speak once more after he reached a certain point.

”” Yan Zaizen's eyes widened disbelievingly. He stopped, his eyes cold, calm, and sharper than the blades of gods. With rapt attention, he looked at his surroundings. After a short while, he took in a deep breath, the deathly shroud started to retreat into his body. The deathly energy within started to burn. A white flame danced about fiercely.

The death energy started to deplete with a vibrant life energy replaced it. It started to help heal any remnant damage left behind by the previous attack.

The grey-robed woman stopped her hands. Despite not being able to see her eyes, Yan Zaizen knew she was looking at him with an intent-filled gaze. It was oddly uncomfortable.

”How did you manipulate time to such a degree?” Yan Zaizen asked, but before the woman could speak, he continued, ”To change my flow of time is one thing, but the flow of time in the entire area to influence me is another. Not to mention this altered timeline anomaly you produced. To create a starting point, an endpoint, and then cycle through them without alerting your target is…”

”How long have I been in that timeline before you ended it?”

Yan Zaizen couldn't appropriately explained what happened in just words. He had been trapped in a separate timeline that had a set starting point and an endpoint. Likely, from the moment he saw her hands to some other point, this event had reoccurred without him knowing in a seamless manner. He felt himself traveling a certain distance because he did, but he would restart to the beginning unknowingly, but the surroundings were very odd and deceptive.

To try to explain this, it was like a puppet show with a moving background. Yan Zaizen was a flying puppet, and the background repeated endlessly from point A to point B. He traveled, moved, felt the progression of time, but the background simply repeats, perhaps it changes, but the puppet never really moves. Regardless of what he would do, he could never 'exit' the background.

As for how she was capable of overwriting his flow of time, the simple reason: she didn't. Instead, she manipulated the things around him, then this time flow naturally interacted with his own. His time flow became its time flow, naturally progressing along this new timeline.

When she froze time, this was what she originally did. However, this time, it was different. If earlier could be considered a 'hard pause,' then this was a 'soft repeat.'

When he tried to speak earlier, he was at the point of 'rewind,' and it came out in reverse unnaturally - its only flaw.

This was an advanced application of time laws, time essence, and temporal interactions. Yan Zaizen had only gained the most basic understanding of time at its core, but when it came to application, how could he match a full-blown expert?

If he held some arts related to time, perhaps he could prevent this naturally interacting timeline from affecting his personal time flow.

Yan Zaizen had to give her an applause. Her skilled usage bewildered him for a short period. However, that's about it. Yan Zaizen's application in his laws were all mostly brute force and slowly discovering the upper limits of their abilities. Time was not his most skilled law, nor did he have any arts trail blazed by experts for millions of years, all the secrets and intricacies unraveled, so he didn't let it get him down.

Not only that, he was currently deducing how to do this very thing.

The grey-robed woman didn't reply quickly, only after a while did she answer his question, ”You went through the cycle seventy-three times.”

Nodding in acceptance, Yan Zaizen looked at her, his murderous intent held deep within his eyes didn't dissipate. Instead, it became far, far stronger.

The battle intent especially became like a blazing star in the sky, unable to be hidden.