Chapter 119 - Events After Departure (2/2)
”Find him!”
They all disappeared with profound movement arts like silver shadows, despite their heavy armors, they were exceptionally agile. The young woman assented with a slight sound. Her body disappeared as a shadowy flash once more.
For the next few minutes, the entire Sky Night Royal City was turned upside down, no rock was left unturned, every bucket of water searched, and any individual that seemed remotely shady was interrogated without any scruple. Their tyrannical actions didn't elicit any display of discontent from anyone, simply fear that the one they were looking for was them, and then relief when they found out it wasn't.
Unfortunately for them, Yan Zaizen was in the spatial void tunneling towards the Xiantu Realm. How could they find him? However, also fortunate. If Yan Zaizen was here, the rage he'd feel from being searched for and pursued without proper explanation could've established the death date of the Imperial Clan. Just that may not have enraged him enough, but after being accused of a crime he didn't commit, one could imagine his reaction.
Several hours passed, but Yan Zaizen was nowhere in sight.
Ya Qinqan, Mei, Hei, Sun Huan, Li Qiyu, Li Ruogang, Ke Zedong, and Yao Wuhen were currently within an open field. This field was located within the Royal Wall, it was flat and obviously meant for cultivation practice, and had a very isolated feel to it.
Yao Wuhen's brow was furrowed in contemplation. Earlier, her disciple was summoned by the Imperial Clan to the Royal Wall for questioning. But how could she simply allow such a thing to occur? She tagged along, her eyes suffused with discontent, but she imagined it had to do with Yan Zaizen. Luckily, no one knew that Yan Zaizen was her backer...yet.
A kind-looking middle-aged man with greys at his temple, a dashingly handsome countenance, and addressed in light green robe slowly walked into the field. He had smiling eyes that gave one a strange and odd sensation as if a contradiction was currently taking place. He was Dong Sei, the Imperial Prosecutor, and a cultivator at the initial-True Essence Realm. Unlike Grux, whose Imperial Clan's surnames would be determined by the name of the country, all those in the imperial title was given the name 'Dong'.
Dong Wei - Imperial Protector, Dong Lin - Imperial Commander, or Dong Sei - Imperial Prosecutor. They weren't related by blood, but they were related by loyalties, a part of the Imperial Clan. Each one of them had an exceptional status within the entirety of the continent, and could even be considered heavyweights in their own right within the entire realm.
As Dong Sei approached, he took out a folding fan, and slowly unfolded it. Flapping it casually on himself, he smilingly said, ”Give me everything you know about this...Yan Zaizen.” His words didn't come as a request, but a demand. Yao Wuhen was calm on the outside, but her heart dropped several degrees.
Did Yan Zaizen offend the imperial clan somehow? If so, how?
”What did this Yan Zaizen do?” Yao Wuhen inquired. Her expression still the very picture of serene calm. Dong Sei stopped flapping his fan, his smiling eyes revealed a malicious light. This caused all those who saw, including Yao Wuhen, to feel an icy cold fear well up within their hearts.
”I'll be frank, as each one of you will swear a soul oath. His crime is: tainting Princess Qin! The daughter of the Ancient Emperor. His sentence: DEATH!”
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