Chapter 75 - Your Choice, Your Fate (1/2)

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The sound of a whip cracking in the air resounded as it snapped viciously onto flesh. The shearing of flesh and blood caused wisps of it to soar about.

”AHHHH!” Diyi shrieked in pain and horror. Her back had one long line of sheared flesh that went bone deep.

”When you sentenced me to 500 years in hell, did you hope I'd die?” Yan Zaizen's calm voice resounded in the surroundings.


Another whip was lashed viciously on Diyi's back. Her painful shriek echoed within the air once more, causing the myriad of lifeforms beneath the skyship as it passed by to shiver and feel uncomfortable. Many felt complex emotions, like pity, indifference, or fear.

Despite his question, Diyi refused to answer.



Another whip lashed out violently.

”Did you hope I would jump into that deep, dark hole in despair and regret? No matter. I did not, but your father is dead. Your family is dead.”



”It was because of your choice that day. Your indifference towards my life. Your indifference towards my innocence.”



Each whip was lashed out harder than the last, viciously removing flesh, blood and bone. All of Yan Zaizen's two years of grievance and anger empowered each and every swing. However, Yan Zaizen didn't have a smile or happiness on his face. Instead, his facial expression had a calm solemness to it.

”Did the me then deserve it? Do you even regret it?”



”If I was in your shoes, and I made your choice. I wouldn't. I would blame myself, sure. However, I would never regret a choice I made.”


This continued until 26 lashes resounded, one for each month of his life taken by the Deep Mines. Afterward, Diyi's back held very little flesh or bone, being drenched in blood and filled with sweat. Her breathing wasn't steady, and her lifeforce was at an all-time low.

He handed the whip drenched in her blood to Tao, and walked in front of her to see her dim eyes. When their eyes met, he could see those eyes filled with hatred and anger. Yan Zaizen shook his head and sighed softly. ”Choices are what we live by, and as long as we live, our choices determine our fate.”