Chapter 27 - Entering The City (1/2)

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After asking a few more questions that lifted up the hazy fog he felt he was in, he left Lin Feilin and returned back to his original group. They awaited his return very diligently. When they saw him stride back over, they each revealed their own unique expressions. The Bai Brother's had smiles on their faces, filled with gratefulness and relief. It seemed they assumed that Yan Zaizen may leave and join the group comprised of Vanishing Fiend Disciples. Ying Sumian had a calm expression, but her eyes contained an unusual glint that was very hard to read. While Xing Xuehan had a wide-smile and took the initiative to walk over and greeted him on his return.

”Shall we enter the city?” He asked, looking at the giant gate comprised of black steel. He couldn't help but notice the walls once more and marvel its craftsmanship. They even had etchings of a turtle with a serpent for a tail with a ferocious expression that seemed remarkably lifelike. From his knowledge, this was the depiction of a legendary Xuanwu. However, from his understanding, the Xuanwu was a divine beast, not a disaster beast.

Divine Beasts all had the strength that was at the minimum at the True Cloud Realm, a realm beyond the Origin Core. This level of strength could be considered the very peak for a country such as Presba, but to divine beasts, they were all born at this level. He wished that one day he could see a real Xuanwu beast in the flesh.

They approached the gates and paid the fee for entry. Regardless of what faction you belonged to, you had to pay a monthly membership at the least to gain entrance to the city. Luckily, it wasn't too expensive. This would have to constantly be renewed if you wished to stay within the city, and even if you decide to reside in the city for just a day, you still had to pay for the full month. Thus, many hunters would exploit full advantage of their month-long membership.

With the wealth he obtained from those hunters, he paid his way rather easily. The others were already prepared and experienced and thus had yearly memberships paid already. They just showed their badge and entered.

The inside of the city was magnificent. The streets were wide, the crowd varied from the weak to strong, and there were so many colorful venues out there. He learned that the city actually had their own natives, and the natives would earn money by acting as guides amongst hunting parties. He also learned that Su Fengyan was one of the natives who joined their party under the guise of traveling. They met misfortune after misfortune, which was actually normal for hunting parties, but in hindsight, it may have been Su Fengyan's way of whittling down their group - which she accomplished.

”Where do we sell our harvest?” Yan Zaizen asked no one in particular, looking about like a tourist. Ever so often, his eyes would shine with a light of fascination.

”If you want the best and fairest of prices, you can go to Great Serpentine Emporium.” Ying Sumian answered promptly. Explaining further, ”The Great Serpentine Emporium is owned and run by the Earthly Titan Sect. They are the largest and most profitable exchange within the entire Xuanxu City. However, to enter, you must either have a high enough cultivation or proof of wealth.”

”Proof of wealth?” Yan Zaizen questioned curiously.

”Yes. You must be able to produce a rank three beast core, display a certain amount of liquid essence or have a reputation. As for cultivation, you need to have at least the initial-Essence Formation cultivation base.” Ying Sumian's knowledge was broad, especially pertaining to requirements. Yan Zaizen couldn't help but take a look at this bespectacled woman. Many of his questions from the past few weeks have been answered by her in a perfect manner each and every time.

Seeing him look her way, Ying Sumian just slightly smiled in response. Yan Zaizen kept feeling this girl wasn't simple, at least her intelligence wasn't low. ”So let's go there.” He suggested. The rest nodded. It seemed like they were his entourage, going where he goes, waiting where he waits and doing what he does. He was never this popular before but he could get used to this feeling.

As they proceeded on the way, Yan Zaizen realized that the number of factions in the city was extraordinary. Many first-rate, second-rate, and third-rate sects had bases here, except the Water Veil Sect and Soaring Cloud Sect. However, that was only expected considering their standings with each other. Even the Solitary Sword Sect had members here. Each and every one of them had extraordinary auras and cultivation bases. They truly earned their right of being called the number one sect in the entire Presba, undisputed.

”The Solitary Sword Sect is located quite far from here, but they temper a few of their talents in the Basilisk Forest. Each disciple of the Solitary Sword Sect has extraordinary battle prowess and foundation. There's a saying in the Basilisk Forest: 'Never fight a Solitary Sword Cultivator with the same cultivation, regardless of the numerical advantage'.” Ying Sumian listed off some things she knew seeing Yan Zaizen curiosity.