Part 8 (1/2)

O G.o.dlike chief, G.o.d grant my prayer: Fair blessings on thy proffers fair, Lord of Pelasgia's race!

Yet, of thy grace, unto our side Send thou the man of courage tried, Of counsel deep and prudent thought,- Be Danaus to his children brought; For his it is to guide us well And warn where it behoves to dwell- What place shall guard and shelter us From malice and tongues slanderous: Swift always are the lips of blame A stranger-maiden to defame- But Fortune give us grace!


A stainless fame, a welcome kind From all this people shall ye find: Dwell therefore, damsels, loved of us, Within our walls, as Danaus Allots to each, in order due, Her dower of attendants true.

[Re-enter DANAUS. DANAUS High thanks, my children, unto Argos con, And to this folk, as to Olympian G.o.ds, Give offerings meet of sacrifice and wine; For saviours are they in good sooth to you.

From me they heard, and bitter was their wrath, How those your kinsmen strove to work you wrong, And how of us were thwarted: then to me This company of spearmen did they grant, That honoured I might walk, nor unaware Die by some secret thrust and on this land Bring down the curse of death, that dieth not.

Such boons they gave me: it behoves me pay A deeper reverence from a soul sincere.

Ye, to the many words of wariness Spoken by me your father, add this word, That, tried by time, our unknown company Be held for honest: over-swift are tongues To slander strangers, over-light is speech To bring pollution on a stranger's name.

Therefore I rede you, bring no shame on me Now when man's eye beholds your maiden prime.

Lovely is beauty's ripening harvest-field, But ill to guard; and men and beasts, I wot, And birds and creeping things make prey of it.

And when the fruit is ripe for love, the voice Of Aphrodite bruiteth it abroad, The while she guards the yet unripened growth.

On the fair richness of a maiden's bloom Each pa.s.ser looks, o'ercome with strong desire, With eyes that waft the wistful dart of love.

Then be not such our hap, whose livelong toil Did make our pinnace plough the mighty main: Nor bring we shame upon ourselves, and joy Unto my foes. Behold, a twofold home- One of the king's and one the people's gift- Unbought, 'tis yours to hold,-a gracious boon.

Go-but remember ye your sire's behest, And hold your life less dear than chast.i.ty.


The G.o.ds above grant that all else be well.

But fear not thou, O sire, lest aught befall Of ill unto our ripened maidenhood.

So long as Heaven have no new ill devised, From its chaste path my spirit shall not swerve.


Pa.s.s and adore ye the Blessed, the G.o.ds of the city who dwell Around Erasinus, the gush of the swift immemorial tide.


Chant ye, O maidens; aloud let the praise of Pelasgia swell; Hymn we no longer the where Nilus to ocean doth glide.


Sing we the bounteous streams that ripple and gush through the city; Quickening flow they and fertile, the soft new life of the plain.


Artemis, maiden most pure, look on us with grace and with pity- Save us from forced embraces: such love hath no crown but a pain.


Yet not in scorn we chant, but in honour of Aphrodite; She truly and Hera alone have power with Zeus and control.

Holy the deeds of her rite, her craft is secret and mighty, And high is her honour on earth, and subtle her sway of the soul.


Yea, and her child is Desire: in the train of his mother he goeth- Yea and Persuasion soft-lipped, whom none can deny or repel: Cometh Harmonia too, on whom Aphrodite bestoweth The whispering parley, the paths of the rapture that lovers love well.


Ah, but I tremble and quake lest again they should sail to reclaim!

Alas for the sorrow to come, the blood and the carnage of war.

Ah, by whose will was it done that o'er the wide ocean they came, Guided by favouring winds, and wafted by sail and by oar?