Part 10 (1/2)
I once served an apprenticeshi+p on a New York newspaper, and so Set
A reporter on an American newspaper is like a soldier--he is expected to obey orders implicitly, even at the risk of his life For this reason he is paid well, but a nervous reporter often goes out of the office with his heart in his n out another insurance policy on his life
One glooht o'clock as usual, and had hardly reached iving an to speak at once in a very nratefully
”I guess you carry a six-shooter, don't you?” he asked ”You asp
”A lion's escaped,” he went on, in the quick, nervous American way of an A as coht, the lion soht Got it cornered in a stable at last, somewhere in East 19th Street; but it attacked and mauled a valuable horse there, and I understand is still at bay That's all I know Get up there as quick as you like, and get us a regular blazing story of it
You can run to a column,” he added over his shoulder, as he returned to his desk to distribute the other ner in time for the first edition”
No one ever disputed with the news editor, or asked unnecessary questions, but ot outside the office and safely on to the doorstep
I cra heap at the ered out of the roo escaped lions was a little matter I attended to every day of my life, and that did not disturb me an atom
An overhead train soon rattled me up to East 19th Street, but it was some time before I found the stable where the lion awaited me, for 19th Street runs from Broadway down to the East River, and is a th, and full of stables Not far froot on to the scent of roup that had collected at the corner before a noise like distant thunder rose on the air, and every single person in the group turned tail and began to run for safety
”What's the trouble?” I asked of a man as he dashed pastto the big wooden doors across the road ”Escaped fro-horse in there, and no one can get near it They say it's a man-eater, too!”
Another roar burst out as he spoke, and the crowd that had begun to collect again scattered in an instant in all directions There was no doubt about that sound: it was a genuine lion's roar, and it sounded deeper, I thought, than any roar I had ever heard before
But neas news, and in this case neas bread-and-butter I et the facts, and be quick about it, too, for my copy had to be written out and in the office of the _Evening Smile_ in time for the first edition There was barely an hour in which to do the whole business
I forced ain on the corner, and roup ofnot far from the stable doors They moved about a bit when the roars came, but none of them ran, and I noticed some of them had pistols in their hands, and soed, they were roup and explained h,” said one of therand newspaper story this time Old Yellow Hair's in there, sure pop! And, what's ain”
”The horse must be stiff by now,” said another ”He was o”
”It'd be a sha the lion
”He's the best anie”