Chapter 117 (1/2)
When we entered into the room, it was a fairly plain room with little decoration and there was a table large enough to hold about 30 people. On the upper seat of the table sat a man, the Emperor of the Hoelscher Empire, Gaharudo D. Hoelscher, who had a fearless smile while resting his chin on his hand. There are 2 people behind him, they had a keen air about them in the sense of “We’re capable” as they stood waiting.
And, although we couldn’t see their figures in the room, there was also 2 more people on the other side of the wall, 4 people in the ceiling, and Hajime also felt 2 people soundlessly outside the closed door they came though. It wasn’t only the 2 behind Gaharudo, the other hidden men seemed to have been considerably skilled as well.
[So, are you Hajime Nagumo?]
When Hajime’s group entered, Ririana also introduced them, while completely skipping the greetings to Kouki who was the hero, Gaharudo released pressure while looking at Hajime with a piercing gaze.
It was pressure from the overpowering man who ruled over several hundred thousands of people who were wild and strong and believed in the nature of power. It was no joke. Ririana who was also in a royal family voiced a small groan from the stifling pressure, Kouki’s group backed away instinctively.
However, from such overpowering pressure, these 5 people, Hajime, Yue, Shia, Teio, and Kaori, were calm. In the first place, even Kaori who had little experience survived from the attack of an immortal monster thats been alive since the ancient times at the [Merujine Undersea Ruins].
So although the Emperor had an overpowering pressure, when compared to the monsters in the great labyrinths, it was nothing more than a soft breeze.
Gaharudo’s mouth lifts up more and more in interest when he sees that Hajime’s group is unphased, then Hajime answered.
[Yes, I’m Hajime Nagumo. Its an honor to have been known by you, your Majesty the Emperor]
[ [ [ [ [!?] ] ] ] ]
While placing his hand on his chest and lightly bowing, Kouki’s group looked at Hajime with astonishment at his words.
Their eyes opened wide and clearly conveyed, [Who are you!]. Especially Ririana who was shaking in unease. While receiving Gaharudo’s overpowering pressure and raising a small groan, though her expression hardly changed, it wasn’t able to conceal that she was staring at Hajime with an aghast expression.
Hajime also knows of the TPO*Time, Place, Occasion*. However, he was always just ignoring it.
But, because he had business in the Imperial castle this time, he didn’t want to be thrown out because he disrespected the Emperor. Since he shouldn’t believe in God anymore, the title of “God’s Apostle” is probably not effective anymore. The only way to pass is with the title of Hero. Thats why, he judged that he needed to at least use the bare minimum amount of etiquette. Although the changed person was definitely still Hajime.
[Kukuku…..I never even considered this. What happened to your usual arrogant attitude? N? It’s quite different from the cries of a certain princess somewhere?]
However, Gaharudo only makes fun of him while laughing.
Hajime glanced over at Ririana. [Princess~, You, just how much did you unnecessarily talk about, A~a?] Ririana who was receiving Hajime’s glance, ~Pui~! looked in another direction. When Gaharudo asked what kind of person Hajime was, she unintentionally yelled and complained a great deal about her treatment.
[…….Ha~a, that’s right. hm then, as usual]
[Kuku, then it’s fine]
Though they were surprised of Hajime’s sudden change, they sat down in order.
Finally after Gaharudo removed his gaze off Hajime, he noticed Yue and them who took up their positions by Hajime and observed them interestingly, his eyes seemed to significantly glance at Shia in particular. Following that, he turned his gaze towards Kouki’s group…..he looked at Shizuku who was next to Kouki and a grin appeared on both his lips and eyes.
[Shizuku, it’s been a while. Have you finally decided to become my wife?]
[O, oi! Shizuku already declined before!]
Kouki reacted to Gaharudo before Shizuku did. Gaharudo’s glances over at Kouki for an instant, then back at Shizuku and started laughing hysterically. Kouki had the “I don’t care” attitude but veins were appearing on his forehead.
While sighing at the 2 people, Shizuku had a clarified face and answered.
[I have no intentions to take back my previous words. I’ll have to decline your Majesties offer]
[Quite heartless. But, it wouldn’t be interesting otherwise. More than the world, allow me to tell you it’s good. I await the day when that clarified face is dyed in red from longing for me]
[That day will never come throughout all of eternity. …..Or rather, don’t you already have an Empress?]
[What about it? Are you dissatisfied as a concubine? Fumu, there are a variety of problems when you become the legal wife……]
[I didn’t mean it that way! You’d place your hands on other woman other than the Empress…..]
[What are you saying? I’m the Emperor? 10 or 20 concubines are normal]
[Gu~……that’s right. A, anyways, I will not become his Majesties. Please give up]
[Ma~a, since you won’t be returned by God anymore, you’ll probably be stuck in this world for a while, I suppose I should take my time to convince you. Kuku, prepare yourself, Shizuku]
It appears that Gaharudo really likes Shizuku. As expected of a greedy Emperor, he won’t give up even when he’s been refused. His sharp eyes were completely locked onto Shizuku. Though Shizuku looks away with an expression that seemed to hate him from the bottom of her heart, she also seemed to not care at all.
Then, at that time, the direction that Shizuku looked in, by chance, aligned with Hajime’s sight. From Hajime’s glance at that time, [As expected of the worldly-wise man (laughs)] a color of amusement and interest was clearly included.
The angered Shizuku just used her finger to play with the sugar cubes that were prepared for her tea. Although it wasn’t as strong as Hajime’s, the sugar cube flew with excellent power, it’s aim was accurately flying towards Hajime’s hateful face……
However, it wasn’t a direct hit, it flew into Hajime’s mouth and was caught. ~Mogo Mogo~ Hajime’s mouth moved around with an air of flamboyant pride, after the sweetness of the sugar cube was firmly satisfied, he swallowed it. Shizuku’s face was mortifying, however Hajime’s was clarified.
When Gaharudo saw her in such a state, he turned his sharp glance back at Hajime. It seemed to convey a variety of things.
[Fu~n, this is quite the interesting situation. ……Hajime Nagumo. Though I have a mountain of questions that I want to ask you, first of all, answer this]
[Ah? what is it…….]
[You, have you already embraced*sex being implied* my Shizuku?]
[ [ [ [Bufu~u–!?] ] ] ]
To Gaharudo who abruptly asked such an unexpected question with an eager expression, several people including Shizuku blew out air.
Even the guards that were waiting behind Gaharudo, [Your Majesty……the first thing you wanted to ask, was that……] with a pained expression. They also seemed to be worldly-wise men.
[Wai-, your Majesty! Just what are you suddenly saying….]
[Shizuku, you remain silent for now. I’ll hear it from Hajime Nagumo right now]
Naturally, although Shizuku tried to burst Gaharudo’s bubble with a tsukkomi, Gaharudo turned his eyes to Hajime, ignoring it. On the other hand, Hajime had an amazed expression.
[What did you think about to reach that conclusion]
[It appears that Shizuku has the heart to forgive you……Judging from that manner, it’s not impossible, so just in case]
[Ha~a, there’s no way that would happen]
[……Fumu, that’s not a lie right. Then, what do you think of Shizuku?]
To that question, all the glances in the room turned to Hajime. Eyes conveying various meanings from Yue’s group and Kouki’s group pierced him.
Hajime let out a sigh about why the first question asked by the Emperor after meeting him was about his relationship with Shizuku, anyways he turned his gaze over to Shizuku. Shizuku’s expression was supposed to be extremely amusing. Hajime looked at Shizuku who was inclining her neck.
It appears that Shizuku’s ears began to slightly redden…..
For the time being, the answer (real intentions) was given.
[……She’s like a mother]
[OK, that fight you’re looking for, you’ve won it. Get off the table, Nagumo-kun]
a young 17-year old girl was being held down, of all the things to say, why was it “She’s like a mother”, is what Shizuku who was still sitting on her seat and was getting up was conveying with hatred in her glare at Hajime. The delicate atmosphere from a while ago had already disappeared. Suzu and Kouki who were next to Shizuku were panicking and desperately tried to hold her down.
[……I didn’t think it would be such a boring answer……ma~a, fine. Shizuku, don’t go accidently falling in love now? Because you’re mine]
[I’ve already said this but, I have no intentions of being his Majesties and I’ve also not fallen for Nagumo-kun! Just stop with the nonsense and get back to the main subject]
[I get it, I get it. Don’t get so angry. An excessive denial will only be taken as a positive one?]
Shizuku instinctively tried to raise a groan in objection to Gaharudo but decided to sit down loudly. Suzu calmed her with a wry smile, however for some reason Kouki was glaring at Hajime.
[Hajime Nagumo. You as well, don’t go placing your hands on Shizuku?]
[Be relieved, I don’t have the faintest interest in doing that. Rather, if you’re only going to idly chat, I’d like to leave now?]
[Our chit chat was unneeded huh. It’s a talk about a new concubine……or Empress that may appear you know? It even involves the Empire’s future…, what I wanted to talk about certainly wasn’t about Shizuku. You should already know right? It’s about your abnormality]
Gaharudo bought time by starting with Shizuku to observe Hajime, he judged it was the proper time and slowly the entire atmosphere changed. It was different from the playful atmosphere, it was now one filled with ambition, it gave off a radiance of a sharp blade.
Gaharudo cut to the chase and asked the biggest reason for meeting with Hajime’s group.
[I’ve heard about it to some degree from princess Ririana. You’re someone who’s made it to the end of the great labyrinths and obtained the ability to create artifacts……completely repelled the Majinzoku’s army, and was able to travel the distance which would normally take 2 months in less than 2 days, such an artifact. Is it true?]
[And you have no intentions of sharing those artifacts with neither the Kingdom nor Empire?]
[Fu~n, one person monopolizing that power…….do you think we’d allow such a thing?]
[Whose permission is required? If I’m not allowed, what exactly are you going to do about it?]
Gaharudo steeled his eyes to Hajime’s response.
The Emperor’s ambitions increased even more, Ririana began gritting her teeth and was worrying nonstop. The bodyguards behind Gaharudo began to release bloodlust before Gaharudo did. In contrast, the presence of the people who were hiding in the room began to diminish even further. It was exactly like a touch-and-go state.
Towards the tensed air Kouki’s group had stiff faces and steeled themselves for battle.
However, Hajime’s group completely warded off the breeze-like bloodlust with their own heavy bloodlust which could be felt sticking onto their skins, then calmly reached out for the tea cups. At that instant, he glanced at the locations of where the hiding people’s hidden presences were. [Have we been noticed?] they said.
did they notice properly, their presence that could be felt shook slightly.
[Hahaha, stop, stop it. We were completely seen though. This guys a genuine flesh and blood monster. If we fought now, we’d be completely annihilated!]
Gaharudo was laughing hysterically and hid his ambitions. The surrounding people who had dangerous airs also matched it accordingly.
[Why do you look like you’re enjoying this so much?]
[Oi, oi, I’m the head of the “Empire” you know? When you meet a strong guy, it’ll be a lie to say that your heart doesn’t dance around right?]
Kouki’s group, although they couldn’t understand what was going on, they let out relieved breaths because the atmosphere was less tense, Hajime also tsukkomied the unusually happy Gaharudo. Gaharudo’s answer was definitely one of those who believe in the abilities reign supreme policy.
[Even so, those women you’ve got there are quite outrageous. Oi, where did you find them? For there to be women of this caliber, I want to ask you a request directly…..allow me to have one of them, Hajime Nagumo]
[Don’t say such foolish things. You’re in over your head…, it might be fine if it’s Teio]
[~!? Wh, what did you……say, master casually wants to sell mistress to another man! Haa~ Haa~, being treated so…..I can’t get enough of it. Haa~ Haa~]
[There’s a slight problem, though she’s a great woman appearance-wise]
[Sorry, even the Emperor has his limits. As expected, a girl dripping with pervertedness is too much]
[Th, this guy, to say it right in front of the person being talked about! Kuu~uu, N~, N~, surely, after this I’ll be forcefully taken by his Majesty, messing up mistress right before master’s eyes….Haa~ Haa~…..N~~……..I need to change my underwear]
Even Gaharudo and them could only stare dumbfounded at Teio’s strangely refreshing expression. Then they turned their gaze to Hajime who traveled with such a perverted woman. Gaharudo changed the mood by clearing his throat.
[As for me, I’m quite more interested in that Usagininzoku there? I’ve never seen an Usagininzoku with that kind of hair before and she completely disregarded my bloodlust as well. That mental attitude reminds me of the toy’s that I caught a while ago, how about that one?]
Towards Gaharudo’s word “Toy’s”, Shia’s eye twitched for an instant in reaction. Yue who was next to her, clasped her hand quietly underneath the table.
[Even if you tell me about your toys…..]
[You can’t think of anything, you mean? Do you want to go check them out later? Actually, I still have more(. .)animals, although they’re a woman and a child, they’re quite——]
[I’m not interested]
Gaharudo’s words were a bluff. Through Cam, it’s been confirmed that all the people caught were already rescued. He’s probably trying to ask baiting questions. Compared to that, Hajime’s answer was only a line.
However, Gaharudo’s attack wasn’t over yet.
[Ho~o, those fellows had special short swords and equipment on the 5-star level, even then you’re not interested, Synergist(. . .)?]
[…..I see. By the way, yesterday, there were some people who managed to break out of the prison in the dungeon, the Imperial castle was easily invaded and they escaped, that kind of thing could only be done with a special artifact’s(. .)magic, do you know anything about it?]
[I don’t know]
[……Ha~a……then it’s fine. This is the last question I want to know of…….what do you think of God?]