Chapter 114 (1/2)

Imperial Capital of the Hoelscher Empire. In the corner of the restaurant on the first floor of the Inn, cold air flowed slightly.

Sitting down at the table where the cold air was being generated, was of course Hajime’s group. After Hajime and Yue returned from gathering information, the females glared cold gazes at Hajime.

Especially, Shia and Kaori’s eyes which were lacking all light, honestly, it was enough to make Hajime feel terror. Just behind Kaori, a Hannya*you know, that demon with the mask and long hair* started becoming visible.

[You seem to have had a great time?]

[Yue, is very glossy? What were you doing? Nee? What did you do? Nee, Nee]

There were no intonations in the voices from the two, the people from the next table couldn’t endure any longer and also quickly left. Judging from the appearance of the two people, It wasn’t possible to intervene at all, the waitress could only give Hajime a troubled look from afar.

The reason why this happened, was naturally, due to Yue being strangely glossy after returning, also because Hajime looked slightly haggard as well.

In other words, although they went out to gather information, what else could the 2 have done other than that! Their anger was building up

[……You’ve misunderstood. Yue is glossy because she sucked my blood?]

[ [ N? ] ]

both of them were misunderstanding Hajime’s situation and were shocked when the truth was told. Due to unexpected answer, both of their faces became identically goofy looking.

[Did you guys really think I’d place my hands on Yue? Am I a dog in heat. Is that what you guys think? Eh?]

[Ah, ahahahahaha, of course not~, I knew it right away. I thought that would be the case. Ne, Nee, Kaori-san]

[Ye, yes! Of course, Shia. The amount of mana consumption from using Reproduction magic is harsh. I thought it was that from the beginning]

Hajime only had a sarcastic look in his eyes, Shia and Kaori’s eyes swam around all over the place while trying to defend themselves.

Hajime, suddenly turns his sights to Shizuku’s group. They immediately looked the other way while beginning to blush. It appears that they also misunderstood completely.

[Ha~a, oh well. Anyways, we got the information that we needed. Tonight, we’ll sneak into the palace where Cam and the others are most likely being held. Though security seems to be quite severe, as long as Cam’s group is found, we can quickly escape using space magic, so it shouldn’t be that difficult. Only Yue, Shia, and I will be infiltrating. Just in case, since you guys can’t use sign perception and teleport. You guys should meet up with Pal’s group outside of the capital. Because we’ll transfer directly there]

[…….We understand……in the first place, is the information is correct? Isn’t it possible that this Nedeiru guy lied……]

[Thats probably not possible. After having his crotch flattened, then regenerating it before he loses consciousness, moreover it was actually crushed….a mans treasure, many times, repeatedly. Its just not possible for a man to endure it…..after we got him to spill out the information, Nedeiru was already shedding tears of relief while holding his hands over his crotch, even I could feel his pain]

Your the one that did it! is what Kouki and them really wanted to Tsukkomi, though they stopped and sighed instead because Hajime was unnaturally showing a sad expression. Shizuku’s thoughts, after having felt chills, it’s a relief that Kaori didn’t go.

At the same time, Yue who grounded up and crushed the man’s crotch many times, thought nothing of it at all, it wouldn’t be odd for them to both be referred to as the “ball smashers” throughout the Empire, Kouki and Ryutaro while shivering, swore to never defy Yue. Their inner thighs became somewhat uncomfortable under the table.

[Na~a, Nagumo……right now, if Shia’s family is in the Imperial castle, shouldn’t you just ask for them back? Riri should be there too, I’m a hero as well…..I think we should manage if we just talk it out…..]

Kouki said, completely late with all the efforts that have already been put in.

Certainly, its as Kouki said, with Kouki’s words as a hero, an appointment for Riria-na could be set up in order to ask for help. Rather than relying just on Hajime’s raw power, negotiations was also a choice.


[And what do they get out of it?]


[Cam’s group are invaders, what if they’ve already killed Empire soldiers? Moreover, although they completely surrounded the Usagininzoku, Cam’s group became a completely different existence to them because they dealt damage to the Empire. Do you really think that they’d just hand them over for free?]


[They’ll definitely want some sort of compensation. They’ll definitely take complete advantage over it, there’s too much risks. Also consider how they intend to save face as well. Even if they get freed it won’t be over for them. Or, it will likely affect the princess who has to deal with the negotiations. Are you still fine with that?]

The possibility certainly exists, Kouki just kept quiet. Perhaps, he also wanted somehow help with the situation. There was that thing with the Demi-human slave a while back too, he couldn’t ignore it and now continued to think about something.

~Hijiyo~ Hajime started to feel a bad premonition, he looked at Shizuku for an instant. And Shizuku said [Ah, this, this is bad] she noticed Kouki’s expression. Apparently there are signs are recklessness appearing from Kouki.

Hajime’s thoughts, though i never thought it would happen, when we invaded the Imperial capital, Kouki suddenly required “Huge Care” for his actions, I need to take the first move.

[Naa, Amanogawa. I have a request for you…..]

[Tsu!!!? wh….what? a request from Nagumo? …..Impossible…..]

Kouki stiffens up and becomes flabbergasted from the word, request, that Hajime suddenly said. Ryutaro and Suzu also did the same thing. Its as if they had discovered a UMA*Alien* in town by chance. A “request” from Hajime, judging from how he usually is, that word should have been impossible.

However, Hajime had expected that kind of reaction, though he was a little irritated, he didn’t voice it out.

[Ah~, never mind, it’s fine after all. I can’t ask you to do such a dangerous thing. Sorry, forget about it]

[wa, wait, wait a second! First tell me what you want me to do…..]

He started to feel bad due to the atmosphere when Hajime was so quick to give up, Kouki easily took the bait.

[Nothing much, although i’ll be invading the Imperial castle, security is too tight. That’s why I want you to be a decoy to raise the success rate even by a little bit. ….For example, a person that is willing to rage and attract the Empire soldiers for the sake of helping the Demi-humans, like the inumimi boy from a while ago…. something along those lines. Ah, however, its too dangerous. Please forget about it]

Of course, there’s no reason why Hajime wouldn’t be able to invade the castle even if security was strict. Although, a decoy would be helpful, its not particularly necessary. simply, there was no other way but this. It would be bad if he went and did something reckless by himself, so i decided to give him a task to do. At the very least, it’ll actually help! So that he doesn’t try to say that he’s coming along to the Imperial castle…..

[Decoy….those children… it. I’ll do it! Nagumo! Please let me be the decoy!]

[O, oh, really, I understand, indeed, you are a hero…..alright. To such a wonderful hero, I’ll give you this]

After saying so, Hajime pulls out some ores from his “Treasure Warehouse” and transmuted them into four masks.

The masks are divided by color, red, blue, yellow, and pink, its a full-faced helmet which makes you think about the heros of a certain crew. It was an ingenious design that didn’t obstruct breathing or sight. An average Synergist wouldn’t be able to create it at all. It was a useless skill that had been refined in vain without waste.


[As you can see, a mask]


[Why you say, is it alright to have a hero raging around in the Imperial capital? Your identity would be known. Therefore, the mask’s purpose is to hide your identity. In every country, the hero’s identity must never be known. It begins with a masked hero, and it ends with a masked hero. I even color coated it so that you guys could tell each other apart]

[Eh? No, suddenly, with that kind of reasoning…..well, As for our true identities, we should definitely conceal it. We’ll probably trouble Riri if found out….but, this……]

Kouki looks at the masks with a cramped cheek.

[……..Don’t worry about it hero(laughs). To you, the tidy leader, I’ll give you “Red”]

[……Naa, just now, did you attach something at the end of hero?]

[Sakagami*Ryutaro*, you’re blue. Blue shows a calm disposition. Though I hesitated to create a black and make you it instead, my judgement for you(Muscle for Brains) was that blue would be best. I think it was a good decision if I do say so myself]

[O, oh? Though I don’t really understand, you’re giving it to me]

[And Taniguchi*Suzu*, you…..]

[P, pink right? right? I’m a little embarrassed……]

[You’re yellow. Eh? did you hear? You’re yellow. You’re easily happy, so your Yellow. In various meanings, you’re Yellow]

[…..Nee, Nagumo-kun, by any chance do you hate Suzu*she refers to herself this way if you guys haven’t caught on yet*? That kind of thing?]

[And the last one is…..Yaegashi*Shizuku*……]

[Please wait, Nagumo-kun. Though there’s only one remaining….but it can’t be right?]

[Yaegashi, of course, the remaining pink, it’s yours]

[I don’t want it! In the first place, Isn’t there other ways to hide a person’s identity rather than wearing masks? It should be fine if I just cover up myself with a cloth! Nagumo-kun, you, truthfully you’re only doing it for fun right!]

To Shizuku’s protest, Hajime feeling relieved, shrugs his shoulders. Shizuku’s cheeks have cramped up and are twitching because his attitude was unreasonable like a childs.

[Alright? Surely you can hide your identity! But. The mask fits on comfortably, it won’t fall off easily, and it’s shock absorbent. In addition, it’s so light you won’t even notice its on, and its endurance is so high that average attacks wouldn’t even scratch it]

[All, all those things in a single moment……what uselessly high skills……]

[And Yaegashi, you’re the cool beauty type and usually well defined, but in truth, you actually like cute things, its a classic. Therefore, I purposely and thoughtfully made you pink even if you said no. Show some gratitude]

[J, Just what are you assuming….wa, cute things, I, I don’t particularly…..]

[Ah, you’re right, Hajime-kun! Shizuku’s room is filled with stuffed animals]

While Shizuku was desperately trying to deny Hajime’s assumption, a betrayal emerged. Kaori exposed Shizuku’s hobbies. On Shizuku’s head, “!?”, mark appeared.

[……..Thinking about it, she always loved animals back in the days. Especially, rabbits and cats.]

[ ! ]

[Ah, the standby photo on Shizuku’s phone was also a bunny rabbit ne~]

[ ! ]

[Whenever we pass by the arcade, she always makes sure to play the UFO catcher game. Moreover, it’s usually delicious*is this line supposed to be about her face while playing the game or something?*.]

[ ! ]

[I see, and Shizuku-san would always stare and look at my Usamimi*Rabbit ears*.]

[ ! ! ! ]

[…..Yaegashi. Sa~a, take it. Pink….is yours]

Hajime was quietly holding out the pink mask with gentle eyes. For some reason, all other members also, watched her with a gentle expression. Before anyone was aware, the choice to not wear a mask, disappeared.

[…..What’s up with this, this air……though you guys say that, I, though I don’t really like pink, but? I’ll reluctantly take it, but don’t misunderstand about this alright? Also, is there any person out there that doesn’t like small animals? That’s why, this time only, there’s no other reason….so, stop looking at me with those gentle looking eyes!]

Even as her ears were reddening, Shizuku honestly received the mask.

While trying to deny it desperately and embarrassingly, Shia quietly said, [If it’s Shizuku-san, do you want to touch my Usamimi a little?] an empty effort that destroyed the dere aspect of friendship.

By the way, After Hajime finished pushing the 4 to their positions, he was snarling.

The plan was, if 4 people wearing masks suddenly appear and make a huge commotion in town, their names would exceed the 2 names that the Hauria game to him.

In reality, during the time where he was talking with Pal’s group, it seems that he held a grudge against them for laughing at the names he was called by. Moreover, because their color coated, they won’t be called by their names directly, it’ll be enough agony to make them want to conceal themselves up in a mountain…..

While thinking about how to stop Kouki’s recklessness, the intentions to scheme his revenge also appeared, Yue had a look that was slightly amazed.



There were innumerable rooms fitted with grates and not one light in the darkness existed. The grates were made from special metals, it formed a solid barrier and there were carved magic formations on the ground, as if declaring in silence that they’ll never let the people in the small rooms escape.

There was a nasty smell generated from the filth and blood, it was extremely dirty, even if they couldn’t see properly they could tell.

What is this terrible place, Of course, it was the prison which was purposed to restraining prisoners, it was also considered as the dungeon in the castle of the Hoelscher Empire.

As expected, a jail worthy of the Imperial castle, the quality of the metal ore that was used to create the dungeon was certainly excellent, the magic formations carved on the ground in order to not let any prisoners escape was also excellent.

Any person that attempts to break out, or anyone sneaking in will definitely die, there were also traps engraved onto the walls that seemed to be extremely painful when tripped, but, as long as the aria that releases the trap is not recited properly it’ll be fine, though in the first place, arbitrary actions might have been predicted and sealed off already.

With that, there is no possibility of being able to break into the prison, while being tormented by the putrid smell without even one light, if someone is placed in a cell, an ordinary man would go insane in just a day. Guards are situated in front of the only door leading down from the outside, their replacement schedules are much longer during the night time.

However, despite being one of the worst places, now, for some reason there were many voices heard.

[Oi, how many did you break today?]

[All his fingers, and 2 ribs….You?]

[Hehe, it’s my win. All his fingers and 3 ribs I believe?]

[Ha, only to that extent? I broke 7 ribs and his cheekbones…..and also one of his Usamimi’s]

[Are you serious? Just what did you do? Though they don’t really care how we beat them, they specifically said not to put our hands on their Usamimi’s….]

[Na~Ni*What*, it’s just the usual, who’s the person that you’re working for? because, he never answered my question properly. …..Then he said. “It’s your mother. I’m your new father, so I came to check up on my son.”]

[Uwaa~, I guess, anyone would lose their temper over that….]

[But, those fellows, their Usamimi’s aren’t dropping down at all, maybe they’ve received orders? it might be something like disobeying us**Improvised this line, couldn’t get its true meaning*…..]

[Ah~, they’ll definitely be disposed of. Kekeke, I can’t get enough of this stuff~!]

When I heard them, they were boasting of who inflicted the most damage. Though they didn’t die because the minimum amount of recovery magic was used, to have the courage to talk about it in the middle of the room, the owners of the voices state that their prisoners are all covered in wounds.

Still holding it in and enduring it, the identities of those being joked about was, the Hauria that were caught by the Empire.

They, competing who dealt the most injuries, weren’t particularly out of order. As they’ve already prepared themselves for it.

Since being placed into the dungeon in the castle, they already expect not to live anymore. Were they to be executed, or turned into slaves…..It seems to have been the latter case, because they’ll likely try to commit suicide when an opening shows, as expected, they have no will to live. As they would only be forced to fight against their own family, it would only be a nightmare, so they’ve resolved themselves beforehand.

And, they don’t have any power because, they intend to go out with a bang.

The Empire, because the Hauria’s abilities are too far apart from common sense, they’re suspecting that someone is plotting something behind them.

Moreover, even if that wasn’t true, his Majesty the Emperor likes the Hauria tribe, he seems to want to use them as pawns for his empire army. Battle operations, able to use weapons, and fighting spirit, a method of changing the gentle Hauria, the Hauria tribe was like a treasure box for his Majesty which liked strong people.

The Hauria who suspects as much, until their lives were finally extinguished, will continue to defy the empire. Because their resolutions were already made, it was foolish to waste time torturing them.

By the way, being put in this dungeon covered with wounds, they’re still tortured in the name of questioning in their cells, The hauria tribe still showed a confident smile, most of the empire soldiers that saw their confidence showed fear in their eyes.

[This time, the chief was quite grand as well…..]

[Thats right. ……Naa, while we have the chance, want to have a competition with the chief to see who can handle the most injuries?]

[Oh? Sounds good. Then, my Usamimi’s would be complete]

[No, you, it’ll be a great loss right?]

[No, the chief is starting to sound more and more like boss. ……especially when training recruits…..]

[Ah, just as if the boss was possessed huh. When being verbally abused like that…..its impossible…..]

[Ma~a, if the boss was caught in the first place, normally he’ll try to destroy everything from the inside even when caught!]

[Rather, don’t you get the feeling that the Imperial capital is crying? surely, disappearing from the map.]

[Boss is relentless afterall!]

[Because he’s an ogre!]

[No, he’s the Devil!]

[Then, looks like he’s the Demon Lord]

[Oi, oi, doesn’t that make him sound like the lord of Majinzoku’s. Compared with the boss, the Demon Lord is an insect that can’t even compare. An insect]

[Then……the most devilish inspired malevolent god?]

[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Thats it! ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

[……You guys are fairly energetic? This “Beep” guy……It’s been a long time but it seems you guys have gotten much more talkative? Eh~?]

[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ …..…… ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

The voice that was filled with anger that affected the Hauria sounded out from the dark.

It was a very familiar voice, the Hauria fell silent and froze. Inside the darkness, their breaths became shallow as if they were small animals waiting for a carnivore to pass by.

[Oi, Kora. Why are you guys falling silent for. I’m the Ogre, demon, Satan, malevolent god? right?]

[Hahaha, hey, guys. I, it seems like I’ve finally made it to that point. ……I’ve begun hearing hallucinations at last……]

[Feel relieved, you’re not the only one. …..I’m the same]

[Is that so……you guys too……but that last voice sounded like bosses angry voice……]

[At least allow us to hear the voice of a cute woman before our end]

The voice from the other party that wasn’t there should have been properly heard, but the Hauria treats it as a hallucination in order to escape reality.

To such people, Hajime the owner of the voice, pointed out the reality. Yue that was nearby pulls out a sphere of light, the darkness in the dungeon was completely wiped out. And, the appearance of Hajime was clearly seen inside the Imperial castle.

[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [Gee, boss——!!?] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

[Quiet down you idiots]

[……You look energetic?]

[Looks and feels like it, though we’re in pretty bad shape……our worries have faded away though.]

Everyone of the Hauria tribe, while suffering from a extremely cruel injuries, being kept in a dirty prison, though they’re not in the state to stand up, their wild voices raised as if meeting their own clones.

Hajime, Yue, and Shia, the Hauria were amazed.

[Wh, why, is the boss at such a place…..]