Chapter 28 - Volume 3 (1/2)

Chapter 8 : Shia Haulia’s Circumstances

Even though it’s sudden, but the plot is in progress

For absolutely different development that noticed… can’t be helped.

* * *

“Please help my tribe!”

Rabbit-eared girl Shia Haulia’s voice echoes in the canyon. Apparently this rabbit wasn’t alone   and her comrades were also in a similar predicament. She is very desperate, and though Yue kept increasing the strength of her kicks, there is no sign of letting go despite the shoe marks on her cheek.

Because she was so desperate, Hajime couldn’t help… … using his Lightning-clad.


After adjusting the voltage and current to non-lethal, she probably won’t be able to move for a while. Shia’s rabbit ears straightened out and her hair produced smoke. When Lightning-clad stopped, she fell down in convulsions.

“Geez, what a shameless rabbit. Shall we go, Yue.”


Because there was nothing else to do, Hajime started pouring magic into the bike.


“I, I won’t let go~”

Shia got up like a zombie and clung onto Hajime leg. Surprised, Hajime immediately stopped injecting magic into the bike.

“Y,you are just like a zombie. Although it’s non-lethal… how did you get up? It scared me for a moment…”

“… Creepy.”

“Uu~ What did you say! I also have something to say! Kicking and electrocuting me, that was so cruel! I’ll sue you, you know! As apology, please help my clan!”

In her anger, Shia issued her demand with unexpected composure. Though Hajime thought about dragging her as she is, when he thinks she won’t let go anytime soon and imagines a blood-stained rabbit-eared girl who keep clinging to him… It gave him chills.

“Geez, what is it? For now I’ll hear it so let go. Eh, don’t casually wipe your face with my coat!”

When he said he’ll hear her out, Shia’s face start to brigthen with a smile and she casually wipes her dirty face with Hajime’s coat. What good ettiquete. Irritated, Hajime hit her and she let out a scream “Hagyun!” while crouching.

“I-I was hit again! Even father never hit me before! Look well at my beauty, and this proportion… can’t be that you like male… so that’s why you refuse my seduction back there! Al,afunn!?”

Because he heard some improper remark, with Shia in crouching position, Hajime give her a heel-drop at her head. Some vein can be seen in his forehead.

“Who’s homo, annoying rabbit. now that you mention it how did you know that reference. Yue and you, where the heck did you learn that…? Well, let put that aside for now. Though I don’t know where is that seduction gag come from, the reason I refuse your invitation because there is higher level bishoujo beside me. Try to look at Yue’s dignified form and I can’t understand where you get the nerve to seduce”

While saying that Hajime steal a glance at Yue. Hearing his word, Yue was covering her blushing cheek with her hand while shaking her body. Her hair reflecting the sunlight shine with star-like light. Her bisque doll-like skin now dyed in faint red, capable to charm anyone without exception.

Appearance different from the first time they met. Wearing pure white dress and black mini-skirt decorated with frill, a long coat with blue line spread from the top. Also, short boots and kneesocks. All of it are made from Oscar’s clothes and demonic beast materials by Yue herself. It also have high durability to protect the user.

Meanwhile, Hajime wear similar clothing composed of black and red with black and red line coat. This is also made by Yue. At first Yue made him white clothes to give pair-look feeling, of course it was quite embarassing because of his white hair make him all-white, Hajime feel unpleasant about it then settled with current style.

Shia can only flinch with “Uu” when she see Yue’s beauty. But there is one thing that need to be corrected by Hajime, because it was his subjective view without including proportion as well. In a word, when seen objectively Shia won’t lose in term of a bishoujo.

A long and straight gray hair tinted with blue hue and clear-blue eyes. White eyebrows and eyelashes also her white skin made her figure feel mysterious. Her hand and feet also slender and long, rabbit ear and tail that move added to her loveliness. When seen, furry-lovers (kemona) surely will unconciously shed tear in gratitude.

Above all… there is one thing that Yue lack. That is to say Shia have big boobs and it also emphatized by her ragtag clothes, truly a weapon that can’t keep silent. It shake violently everytime she move. Violently not just bounce, for confirmation.

In short, her confidence in her figure and style is not a strange thing. It can be said Hajime is the strange one, before he surely will “Rabbit ear!!” and Ru*ndaibu…

Even so, for Shia whose pride was damaged. The forbidden word was said…

“Bu-but! In case of chest it’s my win! Didn’t you see that girl is flat-chested!”




Her shout echoes in the valley. Yue who tremble in embarrassment suddenly get of from the bike with her expression hidden behind her bangs.

Hajime can only mutter “A~a” while looking at the sky and silently gesture to pray. Rabbit-ear, rest in peace…

In that time, It can be seen from Yue. A cliff deeper than Raisen Grand Canyon.

Yue whisper-like voice can be hear by the trembling Shia’ rabbit ear.