Part 56 (1/2)
Previous Top He truly is a miracle.” Talia looked down, mesmerized by the perfect little hand clinging to her finger.
”We think so.”
Talia sent a quick smile toward Catriona, who was herself smiling up at her husband, Niall.
Archer propped his chin on her shoulder and toyed with Trevor's other hand.
”Not a bad-looking sort.”
”He's the finest-looking young man in the land.”
Talia swallowed a laugh. Baleweg had become a man transformed since the rescue. ”Well, you're a bit biased, being his G.o.dfather and all.”
Baleweg sniffed, but his eyes glowed as he turned his attentions to his G.o.dson.
He'd been coming to terms with the life he'd spent distancing himself from everyone. He and Emrys were working on it, but it wasn't easy. Still, he was sticking it out. And the little future king was doing a great deal in teaching the Old One how to reach out with his heart.
Talia slid her finger from her nephew's fierce grip and moved back next to
Archer. ”They're all so happy.”
Catriona, who was still recovering, but already remarkably healthy-looking, sat ensconced in a plush lounge with Trevor in her lap, her husband perched
next to her. ”Yes, we are.” She leaned over to kiss Niall.
Talia thought again about the amazing, tumultuous adventure that had brought them to this moment. Emrys was basically behaving himself, Chamberlain was in exile, and the queen had regained a firm hold on the monarchy.
Baleweg worried anyway, but when he looked into his G.o.dson's eyes, one would never have known.
”I'm glad he's here,” Talia whispered to Archer. ”It's good for all of them.” She
looked to Archer and squeezed his hand. ”I meant what I said. If you want-.
”My life is with you. At our home. In Connecticut. Occasional holidays to
court to see our favorite nephew will be more than enough.” He turned her face to his. ”I love you. And I have never been more content.”
Talia settled back against him. Archer had embraced his move back in time
with all the gusto he embraced everything else in life. He seemed quite happy
and settled out in the country.
He had surprised her by taking on the task of winning over the Lodge residents with equal fort.i.tude. She grinned. Not an easy task, despite the fact that he was now her fiance. In two short months, he'd already taken on the job of adding another Furry Friends Day, which he ran himself. He'd told her just last week that the Colonel had begun sharing war stories with him. And Miss Helen had been caught staring at his backside with more than a little admiration.
And then there was his recent discovery of the stock market, which no longer existed in his time. She'd already driven him into New York City to walk Wall Street and watch the frenzied trading firsthand at the Stock Exchange. He'd
already made some investments and, not surprisingly she supposed, they were thriving. The whole enterprise captivated his business mind. And she was perfectly happy with it, as it allowed him to be home with her more often than not and got them both into the city on occasion, too.
He wanted driving lessons next. She didn't even want to think about that. She
still had a wedding to plan.
Catriona and Niall had tried to convince them to have their wedding here at the castle, but they'd wanted to begin their life together where they intended to share it. She wished her sister and brother-in-law could attend, but understood they couldn't leave. They were hoping, however, to convince Baleweg to come. If he could take a break from playing doting G.o.dfather, that is.
”Have you asked him yet?” she whispered to Archer.
He shook his head. ”Don't want him getting too swelled a head just yet. He's
already been in a royal wedding. Now he's a royal G.o.dfather. Being my best man... well, there'll be no living with him after that.”She swatted him on the arm, then slid her hand around his waist, leaning on his shoulder as they watched Niall and Catriona nuzzle and coo at their son.