Part 48 (1/2)
”But... but you showed me!” Niall demanded. ”I went with you and I saw with my own eyes-”
”Yes, annoying detour. But there is nothing like proof to nudge the undecided.
Now move, unless you want her dragged from her bed.”
The bed, Niall, and Catriona all slid toward the triangle, which had opened to
its full size. Archer shouted to Marietta who was still wrestling with the s.h.i.+eld device even as he tried to see beyond them, into the triangle, for any clue to where they were heading.
”Guards, fire at the walls to the side of the s.h.i.+eld.” Archer knew better than to aim anything directly at the s.h.i.+eld. It would boomerang off, putting everyone on this side at risk and doing nothing to penetrate. He dove for the floor and slid toward the nearest wall the s.h.i.+eld reached to. ”Now, now!”
The guards' collective force blasted the wall. Archer covered his head as bits of stone flew everywhere. ”Everyone, again! This wall.” Again they a.s.saulted it and this time the fringe of the s.h.i.+eld wavered. Yes! He wedged himself through the narrow gap.
Catriona was in Niall's arms now as the bed they were on was sucked into the triangle behind the Dark One. The triangle began to shrink, the queen and Niall on the other side. Along with a laughing Emrys.
”Good-bye, Archer. Tell the Old One nice try.”
Archer squeezed harder, forcing his upper body through. All he needed was to free his legs.
The triangle continued to shrink.
And then his legs were through. ”Ha!” He rolled to a crouch, aimed, and dove
again. ”Look out, a.s.shole. Here I come.” His body arrowed right into the heart of the small triangle... and made it to the other side.
Chapter 24.
”It's happened.”Talia looked up from the flowers she'd been admiring in Baleweg's garden.
She didn't have to ask what he meant. Her heart slammed in her chest. ”Do we go back?”
Baleweg shook his head. ”They aren't there.” ”What?” Then she remembered
what he'd said. He won't kill her in her own bed. She gasped. ”You mean Emrys has somehow kidnapped Catriona? She'll never survive that. What about her guards? Marietta?” She covered her mouth. ”Archer!”
Baleweg placed his hand on her shoulder. ”I don't know what ruse he used to get to her. The energy flash from Archer was a brief one, ending almost as soon as it began.”
”No!” Her heart shuddered. ”You don't mean-” His hold on her tightened. ”I mean they're all gone. With Emrys. Somewhere. There is no energy source there at all.” He withdrew another blue stone from the depths of his robe. ”I felt a ripple in the time continuum.” He looked to her. ”I think he's taken them through time.”
”But how did he get to them?” Baleweg shook his head. ”I couldn't know.”
”You think he took both Catriona and Archer?” Baleweg nodded. ”It would explain the way the energy ceased so quickly. I would sense Archer if he were still there.”
”What about the orb? Can't you connect with him through that?”
”It was such a short flash that I don't believe he could have held it for long. It
matters not, as the link would not hold up once the time continuum was crossed.”
”But how can we be sure?” Talia had horrible images of Archer lying in the
castle somewhere, in a pool of his own blood. Even at such a distance, surely she would have felt something if he was hurt. She knew he would fight to the death for Catriona, against anyone being wronged. She felt a rush of pride even as terror consumed her.
Only Baleweg's touch slowed her headlong flight into total panic. ”You must
calm yourself. They need you right now. Your skills may be our only hope.”
She whipped her head around. ”How can I possibly help? And how is that supposed to calm me down?”
Baleweg allowed a brief smile to crease the corners of his eyes. He framed her face with his hands and she stilled. ”It is within you to reach out and touch them, connect with them.” He looked at her steadily. ”With their fear, and their pain. It is the only way, Talia. It is why I kept you apart.”
”But if we'd been there-”
'You would be at Emrys's mercy right now, as I predicted. And I would be left with no way to locate any of you.””Surely you could have found a way-”Baleweg merely shook his head. ”My vulnerability would have been too high.