Part 18 (1/2)
stuck awkwardly near his face. Talia immediately spotted the problem. Light- headed with relief, she reached in and picked him up. Maybe her abilities hadn't spun that far out of control, after all. She laughed almost giddily. She hadn't felt the dog's pain because he hadn't been in any.
”He's okay?” Stella asked anxiously, leaning over her shoulder.
”He got his nail caught in his fur,” she said, her voice still trembling. The dog squirmed and squeaked, covering the clumsiness of her wobbly fingers as she unwound the knotted fur from the tiny claw. ”He has a little sliver peeling
back here,” she said to Stella, pointing to the claw. ”Get me the trimmers.”
Stella was back in a flash. ”Thank G.o.d. I thought-” She shook her head, then blew out a large sigh of relief. ”I'm just glad he's okay.” ”I guess he kept digging, trying to get it free, making it worse.” Talia checked his paws for other problems, then held the round ball of fluff up to her face. ”Wore yourself out and fell asleep, did you?” The little dog shook his whole body, reaching out his tiny tongue to lick her face.
Stella laughed and reached out to stroke him. ”You scared me, little guy.” Grinning, she let the dog lick her cheek and chin. ”Do I have time to hold him?”
Still weak with relief, Talia gladly agreed. She could use a few minutes to gather her wits. She'd come too close to losing it and that scared her. She was going to have to find a way to deal with all this, but right now she just wanted to regain her focus on the job at hand. ”Be careful with that spot he dug at trying to get free. It might be a little tender. Five minutes, okay? Then we really have to get moving.”
Stella nodded, all her attention on the dog. Talia did find a smile then. She'd been hoping to let the tiny mixed breed gain a bit more weight before placing him with an older person, someone without kids since the little one would likely not stand up to such rough play. But she recognized Stella's expression. Her heart was gone. Talia suspected it wouldn't be too much longer before her employee worked up the nerve to ask to adopt him.
She'd have to give that some thought. Stella was certainly mature enough for her age to handle the responsibility, but she would also likely settle down and marry during the dog's lifetime, with babies and all in her future. Talia was very specific about how she placed her animals and tried hard not to let wide eyes and overly soft hearts affect her judgment. But she had a feeling Stella
would win this one.She was still smiling when she stepped outside. The instant she saw Archer standing by her truck, her stomach knotted again. Dammit, she should have gone to her office, but it was too late to backtrack now. One look at him and everything she'd felt standing in front of that run came rus.h.i.+ng back at her. The pom mix's predicament was explained... but she still couldn't explain her overreaction to Ringer. I've been around Baleweg too long, she thought. I just need to step back and get myself back under control. lean be on top of this.
She quickly moved to her side of the truck, hoping Archer would stay on the other side and let her regain her composure. Of course, he didn't. He rounded the truck before she could even take a steadying breath
”Everything okay?”
”Fine, fine.” Not so sharply, she schooled herself.
”For someone who claims everything is 'fine, fine,' you sure don't look it.
Your face is white as a sheet.” He looked closer. ”And your pupils are like little pinp.r.i.c.ks.” He trapped her between the rearview mirror and the door.
”What happened in there?”
”Nothing.” Everything. I feel as though I'm losing my mind. ”The little pom mix we just got in from the pound managed to get his nail stuck in a mat of hair. He's fine. Problem solved. Stella is with him.” She was babbling. ”I have things to do. Move.” She looked up at him. ”Please.”
She knew she was lost the moment she looked at him. Archer's brow was furrowed in real concern. ”You're trembling.” He looked at the kennel, then back at her. Now he looked fierce. ”Was anyone else in there besides Stella?”
He shook her lightly. ”Tell me what's wrong.”
Oddly, it was the ferocity of his reaction that enabled her to find her own level of composure. ”Nothing, Archer. I already told you. The dog is fine.”
”No one was in there but you and Stella?”
”Just the dog.”
He seemed to relax. Fractionally. ”So what sent you running out here looking as if you'd seen a ghost?” Then his expression softened. Well, not softened exactly, but the hard line of his jaw wasn't quite as hard. ”The little bloke's pain bothered you.”
She'd just found a tiny bit of balance and he had to go and knock her off it.
”Don't get all understanding on me, okay?”
Rather than look affronted, he looked amused. ”Hey, I'm a sensitive guy.”She snorted. But she also took the out he was offering. Until she'd had time to think all this over, find her balance, she didn't want to talk about it. She wasn't certain she'd ever want to talk about it. Yet-and this made zero sense-she had an undeniable urge to just lean into him and tell him everything, to trust him. As if he really were an understanding and trustworthy guy. Yeah, right.Still, she ducked under his arm and moved away before she could do it anyway. ”I've got to finish loading the truck.”
He tugged her back and turned her face to his. Then he leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. Her eyes widened. He let her go and stepped back.
”What was that for?” she asked warily.
He grinned. ”Just wanted to put some color back in your cheeks.”
”Well.” When she realized that was the best she could come up with, she gave
up and turned tail for the kennel.
Archer watched Talia run away, and grinned despite himself. Christ but he was getting soft. And he thought he'd only been joking about being sensitive. She hadn't gotten to him, he told himself. Not really. It was just a momentary lapse. He was merely antsy about getting done with this thing.
And if that wasn't a crock of s.h.i.+t, he didn't know what was. He thought about her all the time, and, truth be told, many a time it had nothing to do with the mission and everything to do with his growing... what? Respect was the word that had come to mind. Admiration was close behind it. And a b.a.l.l.s-aching amount of plain healthy l.u.s.t all the d.a.m.n time. His fingers all but itched to touch her. How he'd kept from pulling her into his arms when she'd first come out of the kennel he had no idea. But Talia Trahaern was a strong one. She wasn't one to go bawling to a man with her troubles. Which just made him want her all the more. Ringer chose that moment to show up. What was one more headache to deal with? He looked down at the mutt. ”Best you stay that way today, mate.” Ringer merely plopped down beside him, obviously without a care in the world. He should be so carefree. The sooner this day was over, the better, he thought. ”And the sooner you get your head back on lookout, the better, too,” he muttered.
The hairs on his neck had been at full alert all morning. Talia had a.s.sured him it was a simple trip to a local park area and she'd be in one spot the entire time with flocks of people about. What could possibly go wrong in the middle of a crowd like that? she'd asked him more than once. Archer grimaced at her naivete. It might be a simple few hours and they'd return here where he could keep a closer watch. But he didn't think so. He rubbed a hand over his neck. He had a bad feeling about this.
Baleweg materialized beside him. ”Under way, are we?” he asked calmly, reaching down to scratch Ringer between the ears.