Chapter 371-372 (1/2)

Chapter 371 – 372

They Have Known Each Other Before

She is trembling while grabbing the quilt, covered her own body, her twinkling eyes suffused with deep fear.

Yu Ao Tian expressionless raised.

“What do you want to do?” Yao Yao reacted such sensitive and wanted to grab anything and toss to his side, but nothing at her beside, she only could hide to the corner side of the edge of bed.

Foot step, suddenly stopped at her in front.

Staring at the man’s eyes which surging kind of cold gleam, she held her breath, her body constantly trembling.

Just right at this time….

It heard, ‘slap’ one slap sound, Yu Ao Tian raised his hand, giving her such heavy slap on her face.

Yao Yao is dumbstruck, her small hand slowly touching her cheek which being slapped, hah? Didn’t this too ridiculous, she hasn’t hit this beast yet, based on what this beast hit her?

Still without waiting Yao Yao to react, there is another heavy slap landed on her other side of face….

“Yu Ao Tian! You….”

“Didn’t you say before, death is the most coward att.i.tude! There is incomparable to have live happily while watching your enemy die!”

“Didn’t you ever say that, no matter what kind of action you going to take, as long as your enemy die, this is the true succeed!”

“Didn’t you ever say, only keeps striving by climbing to the top, all of people will look up to you, then your enemy will kneel on your knees, by that time it would be the most exciting moment! These things, have you forgotten all? Have you forgotten all these things?!!!!!!” Yu Ao Tian mood changed to be so emotionally by grabbing pair of her shoulder, by forced pressing down her in the bed.

Yao Yao is opened wide her eyes, absent-minded staring at the man in front of her eyes who moods such exploding. This still her first time to see this domineering man showed such mess emotion, far from composed as usual. But…. “Yu Ao Tian, simply to say you are crazy, these words when was I told you!!!!”

“When you were very young child you had said it!!!”

During…. very young child….

When was it? No, she never met Yu Ao Tian before, never! She dared to swear, when she was a little child she absolutely never met Yu Ao Tian. But….

Before the age of 6?

‘Yu Ao Tian.’

‘What’s matter.’

‘If we are earlier meeting, would you let me to be yours friend?’

‘Hah, don’t you think that we have met not enough earlier?’

“That’s right, Xiao Meng Li, didn’t you have meet Ao Tian two years ago? And you even…. thought him…. as Host.’

‘Cold sweat, I said not during that time, earlier, earlier.’

‘Hah, haven’t I said, don’t you think that our meeting not enough earlier?’

‘What I mean is, compare to two years earlier.’

‘Just compare to two years earlier….’

Remembered this at last time at the dinner table, she was kidding by said what if, asking him, if she and he encountered earlier, would he let her to follow them.

And then, during the time Yu Ao Tian answered such vague, and at the moment talked to the most critical point he stopped.

‘Just compare to two years earlier….’

Didn’t he want to say something during that time, the time they met was earlier than 2 years ago.

Could it be, when she was at six?

“Who am I?” at this moment, Yao Yao’s blood seems to be dripping, she seems to have premonition, in which she might have kind of deepest, deepest bond with him!

“How we met? Why I had said so? Give me an answer!!! answered me, Yu Ao Tian!!!”

Staring at pair of Yao Yao’s eyes which such unfamiliar, Yu Ao Tian slowly loosen up his big hand from her shoulders, and then that strong gleam eyesight gradually come to stable.

“Since you could not remember it, just forget it forever. Now, didn’t your purpose only to revenge?”

Since you could not remember it, just forget it forever…..

That’s right, at the time when her heart moved by Deng Hui Hong, she had sworn to herself that she would not try to search about herself anymore, but….

She really never expected that in her past there was Yu Ao Tian?

Is this really the true reason why he keeps on forcing her to stay beside him?

“Yu Ao Tian….” there’s doubted gleam that flashed on her pair of eyes, she faintly said: “In the past our relations.h.i.+p, was…. we enemies? Or we…. friends?”


Yu Ao Tian glanced, there’s faint wry smile hung on his face.

Really was impulsive, really too impulsive!

His first thought, if this little thing didn’t recall the memory by herself, this life time he would never tell her.

But when he got the news she trying to suicide, heaven know, how not composed, how messed he could be!!

“If I said, we were friend in the past, would you giving up not to revenge on behalf for mother?”

“Impossible!!” Yao Yao’s face turned to be gloom, she gave such affirmed answer.

“Well won’t you have the answer. You just need to remember, the things that you had spoken in the past, live well, in order to revenge, slowly waiting for the enemy to die on your hands, that’s…. more than…. enough….”

Huh…. Yao Yao does not understand, creasing her forehead: “You are my enemy!!” Yu Ao Tian really lunatic! After all he still able to say something like this? Encouraged her to revenge?

“I understood. So that….” Yu Ao Tian bend down his body, that good looking face is shown such strange expression and then slowly coming near to her, such charming smiling face, he gently said: “Just let me to die slowly at your hand, Yao…. Yao…”


Her chest, as if being stab by something, it is so painful.

Staring at that bottomless pair of eyes, just at this moment, she as if can see very sad eyesight.

This is not Yu Ao Tian, this not Yu Ao Tian, he is the man who would toy with his opponent to death, why this heartless and yet cold blood man could show such sad expression in his eyes?

Actually what’s matter? What’s going on?

Her head such in chaos!!!

“Yao Yao, before, I want to ask you an question.”

That gentle voice as if able to drunk oneself flown in her ears, facing with this man at this moment her fears oddly and gradually lessen. “What’s… question?”

“Can…. you wait after three years and then come to revenge. Or still want to do it now?”


This strong and powerful man after all using such begging tone to speak with her? Actually what’s going on with today’s Yu Ao Tian?

And actually what matter happened at their past!

Her head feels ached as if going to explode, but she really clear on one thing, that is…. “Must be…. now!!” three years, she can’t wait that long.

This man character is too unreadable, these three years, everything could be happened, if this man constantly tormenting her, and his wings getting stronger, when three years time arrived, perhaps even for revenge there’s won’t be any chance for her to do so.

“Alright.” Yu Ao Tian raised, gave faint smile, then turned and pointed at the bed head position: “There is food on the table, perhaps it little bit cold, you heat by yourself, I take my leave first.”

The man’s footsteps gradually getting far away.

Yao Yao tensed nerves just by this time gradually relax. ‘Huhh…’ a long sigh of relief, she is blinking her big eyes: “This must be….. a dream!”

Chapter 372