Chapter 399.2 (1/1)

Chapter 399 Part 2 (Two)

Happy Thursday (*w*)”

This part is little ‘bit’ shorter but the funny things still go on LOLs. Don’t forget to shout in comment box ^_~

“Hahahaha&h.e.l.lip;.” Yao Yao coldly twitched her mouth, really wanted to tell him, how could that fat man able to compare with him, but he is the most villain among the villains.

After a moment effort, they have arrived at that villain’s house. The Mountain stronghold is located in hillside.

From outside it looked plain, the inside decoration also very simple, inside the Mountain stronghold it has about twenty something of minions.

The villain straightly brought them to the living room. “Youngster, I don’t have other intention by bringing father-daughter you guys, it’s only I want to have talked about marriage matter.”

Ugh&h.e.l.lip;. Marriage conversation! Yao Yao confusedly blinking her eyes to Yu Ao Tian.

“What marriage?” he smiled when asked.

“Haha, I, I have a daughter, this year she is 23, she ever married one time, but her husband died after three days they married. I see you are quite good looking, even though you have a daughter, I won’t dislike you. I think to marry my precious daughter to you, what do you think?”
