Vol Chapter 261 (1/2)
Chapter 261
“Because of what?”
“Anyway something exaggerating thing was happened, I told him, becomes his lover, I have such heavy burden, and then he torn the lover contract agreement.”
“Woah Kao! Yu Ao Tian is b.l.o.o.d.y cool man. That also mean, both of you are not having any relation anymore?”
“Ugh… It also cannot count as not having any relation.” talking about this point, Yao Yao really have something that needed Gong Xiao Man guidance to teach her.
“What do you mean by this?”
“Ckckck, how to say. Yu Ao Tian said that, I don’t need to be his lover, but within these three years I must not leave him. As you know, although there is no love contract anymore, he indeed had given me money.” The paper contract is tied Yao Yao’s hands and feet, although the contract agreement had gone, but she won’t be forgotten the fact that she had sold herself to Yu Ao Tian.
“Ugh…isn’t that… Also still called as Lover? It only changed from contract agreement to verbal agreement.”
That’s right, she also thought this way, but…. “But he also told me that, I am the only woman who beside him now, and then, I said, if he has another woman, both of us will terminate our relations.h.i.+p, and he said okay.”
“What wrong, Gong Xiao Man, why you are not saying anything?”
“Wait, wait, give me a time to tidy up your relations.h.i.+p diagram. Now Yu Ao Tian does not have any girl friend, you are not having any boyfriend too, both of you are together, once he has girlfriend, both of you terminated the relations.h.i.+p. So now both of you… Aren’t both of you boy and girl friend?”
“………….Yao Yao impossible you are not realized it? Normal boy and girlfriend, if one of the party has other person, both of you are break up, what is the different between your current relations.h.i.+p with it? This is no particular difference with normal lovers?”
“……………………..” this time Yao Yao dumbstruck, she really dumbfounded.
Perhaps, dealing with other people she can clearly feel this kind of vague relations.h.i.+p, but once she dealing with Yu Ao Tian, she really never thought she and Yu Ao Tian can be….
Ugh, once she thought about the words she feels it so exaggerating, think it carefully, both of them are not coming from same place, impossible they turned be?
Perhaps Gong Xiao Man has misunderstood on something.
The next day early in the morning, Yao Yao is going to company with extremely happy mood, she has sweet smiles in her face. Perhaps this day is one of the happiest day in her last two years!
‘Ding’ the elevator is stopped at the first floor, she is entering the elevator with other colleagues.
“It was her, it was her, yesterday who was being hit, it was her.”
“Ha? Oh my, it was such embarra.s.sing, after all she still daring to come to work? How can someone have this thick skin-face.”
From her back there are so many colleagues who whispering, if not because she does not want to make thing bigger, she really wanted to tell those two colleagues, can both of you speak lower when badmouthing other person?
“Geez, since have face to be someone’s lover, the face mustn’t normally thick.”
“Sst, speak lower little bit, although she is mistress, you must see whom mistress she is, if she really with General
Manager Long, all of us will be dead meat!
That two colleagues aren’t stop, they are continuing talking at Yao Yao’s back, even all the colleagues inside the elevator make a sound of ridicule.
Yao Yao bites hard her lips, she really cannot endure it anymore, suddenly she turned her head: “Colleagues, I advise all of you to be careful with yours words. First, I am not anyone mistress why must I not dare to come for working? Second, please all of you be careful with yours words, or else I will sue all of you defaming me!”