Vol Chapter 47 (2/2)
Just now she has done such shameful things, how could she look at Yu Ao Tian? That time she was pretending as his little sister and now she pretending as his girl friend, really shame to death. “You let me go. Long Qi.”
When she is nagging, suddenly Yu Ao Tian’s car has stopped beside them: “Get into car!”
Han Shang Li who sits at the pa.s.senger seat get out from the car. But Yao Yao still stands there not moving.
“Long Qi! Force her to get into car.”
“Wait! I get to car by myself!” after she said, Yao Yao expressionless sitting at the pa.s.senger seat. The sport car “vromm” one time suddenly disappeared from the silent night.
Does not know how time pa.s.s, finally Yao Yao who kept silent for this time spoke: “You, why are you lying to me?”
“I lied to you? Hah, Bao Bei, you say, which part I lied to you?”
Still pretending! “Why you never told me if you are the CEO of Berson Group? You even pretending as PR department staff who is being pet?”
“Have you ever asked me? The most important point, you are the person who thought that I am working as PR staff?”
Seeing Yu Ao Tian lift up his lips with his devious smile, Yao Yao understood, she would never won over him because he never told her that he works as PR staff, all was her guessing!
“Fine, whatever, I don’t care.”
“You don’t care? But… I care!” Zi, the sound, the car stopped at one side of street, Yu Ao Tian grabbed her neck fiercely.
Without any preparation, she faces to face with Yu Ao Tian, sitting in his lap: “You, what do you want to do?”
“Two years ago you took me as Host, two years later you take me as PR staff that pet by wealthy woman, You guess, how I punish you?” his slender fingers slowly moves and touch her skin.
An intolerable ticklish feeling, suddenly she moves her waist: “Sorry, I am sorry, Yu Lao Da, but really you have that looking as someone….eat…”
Looking at pair of Yu Ao Tian eyes, she really wants to give herself two slaps to her face, she really bad in saying thing. “I am sorry.”
“Little Thing, you really become brazen each day.”
So again, Yao Yao gets her punishment from Yu Ao Tian. It isn’t the first time Yao Yao molested, hara.s.s or even being violated by Yu Ao Tian. So this time, again she got that kind of punishment.
Yu Ao Tian simply to say is beast, the King of beast. He even dared to violate Yao Yao inside the car in the crowded street where people pa.s.sing by.
Yao Yao begging him to stop just as usually she does, begging with moisten puppy eyes, begging for his mercy but he is Yu Ao Tian, person who infamous with his rudeness and who can stop him when he has decided to start.
After crying and begging for while (and of course after being XX by Yu Ao Tian), she backs to usual self, be strong, she wiped dry her tears and stop to “resist”. Just in this time, Yu Ao Tian stopped to tease her, he sees the cross st.i.tch: “Hm, this cross st.i.tch is really beautiful, your mom made it?”
Yao Yao who has almost stopped crying suddenly cried louder which confused expression Yu Ao Tian who thought after he praising her mom, she might feel little bit comfort with his words but who knows Yao Yao even sadden than before.
“You don’t know anything! Give it back to me!” She said while crying.
“Why are you crying again?” Yu Ao Tian asked, he furrowed his brow, just cannot understand the way of this little girl thoughts.
“What do you know?” she angrily s.n.a.t.c.hed back the cross st.i.tch from him, continued: “This is made by my mom which spent much time to make it but people like Xia Ru treated this like trash, but again when you said that you like it, suddenly people like her changed. I just not understand, what kind of people they are?”
When she said this to Yu Ao Tian she recalled her old memory about Feng Chen Yi.
“Feng Chen Yi, they said you are rich. Is it true?”
“You see, am I really looked alike they said? They just talked nonsense.”
Again when finally she knew the truth she ever asked Feng Chen Yi why he lied to her. He gave her very simple answered that was, “I just want to get closer to you.”
Actually she never thought that status and money would make distance for people, but after she knew Feng Chen Yi later, she learnt that others than expensive things, world stance (status), the system of value, all are trash. It was not money or wealth that separated her and Feng Chen Yi just after she broke with him everyone turned their back…
Perhaps after she experienced this, hearing how Yu Ao Tian talked with those people, she felt so disgusting with them. Suddenly she feels everything just joke for her.