Part 56 (1/2)

35. What provision about bail? About fines and punishment?

Section 14.

36. What are ”general warrants”? Section 15.

37. Are they allowed? If not, why not? Section 15.

38. What provision about imprisonment for debt? Section 16.

39. Repeat the section guarding the life, liberty and property of citizens. Section 17.

40. From what great historical doc.u.ment is this section taken?

Answer--From Magna Charta--wrested from King John, A. D. 1215.

41. What rights has one restrained of his liberty? Section 18.

42. Should he have a speedy trial? Section 18.

43. In law suits about property, what kind of a trial is declared best? Section 19.

44. What is said about trial by jury in controversies about property? Section 19.

45. What is declared about freedom of the press? Section 20.

46. Can the press be lawfully used for libelous and immoral publications? Section 20.

47. What provision about the writ of Habeas Corpus? Section 21.

48. What do you mean by the ”privileges of the writ of Habeas Corpus”? Answer--The right of one restrained of his liberty to be brought before a Judge in order that the cause of imprisonment may be inquired into and be dealt with according to law.

49. Must a man own property in order to vote or hold office?

Section 22.

50. Why not? Section 22.

51. What safeguard against improper taxation? Section 23.

52. Did the people claim this when we achieved our independence of Great Britain? Answer--Yes; the denial of this right was one of the chief causes of the Revolutionary war.

53. Is the right to bear arms secured? Section 24.

54. What reason is given why the people should have this right?

Section 24.

55. Are standing armies allowed? Section 24.

56. Why should they not be allowed? Section 24.

57. Which should be superior, the civil or military power? Section 24.

58. Can the practice of carrying concealed weapons be prohibited, and how? Section 24.