Part 13 (1/2)
”No, it was too dark, and the whole affair too sudden for me to see anything of the features. He was in a blouse with the low cap workmen generally wear. I should say he stood four or five inches shorter than we do--about five feet eight or so. He was a square-built fellow. If you happen to come across him I fancy you may recognize him, not from my description but from my handiwork. You see,” and he pointed to his right hand, which was wrapped up in an handkerchief, ”I hit him hard and have cut two of my knuckles pretty badly--I fancy against his teeth. If so, I think it likely that two or three of them will be missing, and as a man of that sort is hardly likely to go at once to a dentist to have the gap filled up, it may prove a guide to you.
”For the next day or two his lips are sure to be swollen pretty badly.
Of course if you have no one in your mind's eye as being specially likely to make an attempt upon your life these little things will afford you no clue whatever, but if you have any sort of suspicion that one of three or four men might be likely to have a grudge against you, they may enable you to pick out the fellow who attempted my life. Of course I may be mistaken altogether and the fellow may have been only an ordinary street ruffian. Personally it won't make much difference to me, for I am pretty handy with my fists, but as I know you have had no practice that way, I recommend you always to carry a pistol when you go out at night.”
”I always do, Hartington; I always have one in each pocket of my coat.”
”Well, they may be useful, but I should recommend you to be careful, and to walk in the middle of the street when you are in doubtful neighborhoods. A pistol is very good in its way, but it takes time to get it out, and c.o.c.k it, while one's fist is always ready for service at an instant's notice.”
By this time they had arrived at the door of the studio. Arnold made no allusion to the subject for some days, and then meeting Cuthbert at the door of his house, said--
”By the way, Hartington, I have reason to believe that you were right that that blow you luckily escaped was meant for me. However, I don't think there will be any recurrence of the matter; in fact, I may say that I am sure there won't.”
”That is all right then, Dampierre. Of course I don't want the matter followed up in any way, and should not have spoken about it had I not thought that I ought to give you warning.”
”I feel very much indebted to you anyhow, Hartington. Probably had I been in your place the matter would have gone altogether differently.”
Arnold had in fact learnt with absolute certainty who had been Cuthbert's a.s.sailant. When he went up to Montmartre he told Minette what had happened, and added: ”He suspects that the scoundrel took him in the dark for me.”
”Why should any one bear ill-will to you?” Minette asked.
”That I can't say, but I do think that very likely he is right. He keeps himself to himself, never attends meetings of any kind, and can hardly have made an enemy, while it is possible that I may have done so.”
Minette was thoughtful for some time, and when her father joined them and said that it was time to be off to a meeting, she asked him abruptly--
”Have you seen Jean Diantre to-day?”
”Ay, I have seen him, and a pretty sight he is.”
”How is that, father?”
”He took more liquor than was good for him and got a bad fall as he was going upstairs to his room, and as luck would have it, his mouth caught the edge of the stone step. His lips were all cut and swollen to four times their usual size and three of his teeth are out. Mon Dieu, what a crash he must have got! He has been drinking a great deal lately, and I have warned him over and over again that he would get himself into trouble; but as a rule liquor does not affect him that way, he gets sulky and bad-tempered, but he can generally walk steadily enough.”
”Father, you must come with us to his lodgings,” Minette exclaimed. ”I have something to say to him. I suppose he is up?”
”But it is time to be at the meeting Minette. What do you want to see him for?”
”Never mind the meeting,” she said, impatiently. ”We shall be there before it is done. It is more important that I should see Jean.”
”Well, if it must be, it must,” Dufaure grumbled, shrugging his shoulders. ”When you take a thing into your head I know it is of no use talking.”
Jean Diantre was sitting with two or three of his mates in his attic over a small brazier of charcoal. They rose in surprise at the entrance of Minette and her father, followed by the American. The girl, without speaking, walked straight up to Jean.
”I knew you were a miserable,” she said, bitterly, ”a drunken, worthless scamp, but until now I did not know you were a murderer. Yes, comrades, this man with whom you sit and smoke is a miserable Yesterday evening he tried to take the life of Arnold Dampierre here, whom you all know as a friend of freedom and a hater of tyranny. This brave companion of yours had not the courage to meet him face to face, but stole up behind him in the dark, and in another moment would have slain the man he was following, when the tables were turned. The man he had followed was not Arnold Dampierre but another; and before this wretch could strike with his knife, he knocked him down, stunned him, and left him like a dog that he is on the pavement. No doubt he has told you the lie that he told my father, that he fell while going upstairs drunk. It was a blow of the fist that has marked him as you see. The man he had tried to murder did not even care to give him in charge. He despised this cur too much, and yet the fellow may think himself fortunate. Had it been Monsieur Dampierre it would not have been a fist but a bullet through his head that would have punished him. Now mark me, Jean Diantre,” and she moved a pace forward, so suddenly that the man started back, ”you are a known and poltroon. If at any time harm befalls Monsieur Dampierre I will stab you with my own hand. If you ever dare to speak to me again I will hold you up to the scorn of the women of the quarter. As it is, your comrades have heard how mean and cowardly a scoundrel you are. You had best move from Montmartre at once, for when this is known no honest man will give you his hand, no man who respects himself will work beside you. Hide yourself elsewhere, for if you stay here I will hound you down, I will see that you have not an hour's peace of your life. We reds have our ideas, but we are not We do not sneak after a man to stab him in the dark, and when we have arms in our hands we are not to be beaten like curs by an unarmed man.”
The other men had shrunk back from him as she spoke. Jean quailed beneath her torrent of contemptuous words and from the fury in her eyes.
There was no doubting the fact that her charges were true.
”Who drove me to it?” he said sullenly through his swollen lips.