Part 3 (1/2)
4. The mean increase of the post-nati for the next thirty years will therefore be 450000/30, annually, or 15,000.
5. If one half of these be males, who are still to remain slaves, there will in the first sixteen years, be born 120,000.
6. After the first sixteen years, the post-nati females will begin to breed; the proportion of males born to slavery in the next twelve years may be estimated at one-fourth of the whole number born after the commencement of that period. Their number will be 52,000.
7. The number of _slaves_ living in Virginia at the end of _thirty_ years from the adoption of the plan, will be, ante-nati (prop. 3.) 150,000
Post-nati males born in the first 16 years, 120,000
Post-nati males born in the last 12 years, 52,500
---- 322,500.
8. The number of _negroes_ at the same time will stand thus:
Slaves, 322,500
Post-nati free born, 277,500
---- 600,000.
9. After twenty-eight years from the first adoption, this plan of gradual emanc.i.p.ation will first begin to manifest its effects, by the complete emanc.i.p.ation of one twenty-eighth part of the post-nati free born during that period each succeeding year, for twenty-eight years more; their numbers will be, 277500/28, or 9,910.
These will be all females.
10. It being admitted that the negroes double every thirty years, the supposition that in forty-five years, their numbers will be half as many more as in thirty, will not be very erroneous, if so, the whole race of them at that period will be 900,000.
11. Their numbers will stand thus:
Ante-nati, 60,000
Post-nati, 840,000
---- 900,000.
12. After twenty-eight years are past, the number of slaves born must continually diminish. Suppose their number born in the last 17 years, to be one-fourth as many as those born in the preceding twelve years, they will be 52500/4, or 13,125.
13. The slaves in Virginia in forty-five years will then be, ante-nati, 60,000
Post-nati males born in the first sixteen years, 120,000
Ditto, born in the next twelve years 52,500
Ditto, born in the last seventeen years, 13,125
---- 245,625.
At this period the emanc.i.p.ation of males will begin.
14. But after twenty eight years it has been shewn that 9,910 negroes will annually arrive at the age of emanc.i.p.ation, their whole number in forty-five years will be 168,470.