Part 24 (1/2)
The streets of London echoed with the voices of rioters demanding entry to the restricted area around the city towers. Bodies were strewn in the street near where military defense holed up, but people still struggled forward over the fallen. Segregation based on the cleanliness of a person's DNA had been the norm for centuries, rarely challenged, and always rigidly enforced. Now the government was applying segregation to an extent never before seen in society, and the people who had slipped through the cracks all their lives were refusing to be forgotten.
Unregistered humans weren't the only ones joining the growing worldwide fray. The military, with its scores of quads sent out to police what was left of the world, were made up of a mix of people. Some soldiers came from families that had barely made it into the Registry when the Fifth Generation Act was enacted. Other soldiers called the streets home. City towers refused to have unclean DNA in their midst, and the soldiers who patrolled those areas refused to work in the streets. The military had become as divided as the rest of society. It wasn't any great shock when it began to break apart and soldiers took opposite sides in the fight.
People held their ground in the streets of surviving cities, waves of protesters. .h.i.tting against the anchor foundations of sealed city towers. In London, it was no different, and in the early light of morning, its streets were crowded.
Lucas's group teleported out of Toronto when it was full dark, arriving in London when the sun was starting to rise over the distant horizon. The air had a faint bite of cold to it, an early warning of the oncoming change of seasons. Dawn filtered through an overcast sky filled with smoke and pollution as their feet hit the roof of a tenement with a hard smack. Lucas was executing this part of the plan through shortened teleports, needing to conserve his strength for the oncoming fights ahead. The brief rest everyone had managed before scattering across the world was only that-brief.
A scan of the tenement proved it was almost empty, the majority of its inhabitants drawn to the riots. Lucas looked out over the city as he sent his mind skimming through the mental grid, tagging the population. People on the streets of London were closer to the foundations of the city towers near the Thames than any other territory. He wondered how long the registered humans would last before security was overwhelmed.
”I really hope they don't burn the city to the ground,” Threnody said as she surveyed the area from behind her helmet. ”There's less toxicity around here and there's no room in any of the other cities for this population. The bunkers couldn't handle the overflow.”
”It will stand for now,” Lucas said as he squinted into the dawn. The city tower he once called home was backlit by the rising sun. ”Nathan still needs it as a launching point to Paris for his Warhounds. He's not going to risk losing them because of the riots.”
All of them wore specialized skinsuits capable of s.h.i.+elding against radiation, with hard helmets instead of skinmasks coverings their heads. The places they needed to go weren't kind to survivors. Samantha adjusted the strap on her shoulder, the metal carrying case also s.h.i.+elded against radiation. It held extra supplies they couldn't risk getting contaminated, items she would need when they got to Paris.
Kristen wandered to the edge of the roof, crouching down beside the crumbling safety wall. ”They're all so angry,” she said, smiling through the words. She turned her head to glance back at her siblings, the sunlight skating over her gleaming dark blue eyes, turning them silver for an instant. ”Are we going to keep it?”
”Don't concern yourself with London, Kris. It's not your problem.”
Lucas lifted a hand and gestured at Kristen, telekinetically pulling her back from the ledge. She was deposited back beside Samantha, the older girl looking disdainfully down at her sister.
”I wish you would take her with you,” Samantha said, pointing at Kristen. ”I can handle Paris on my own.”
”Perhaps, but Kris will keep you honest.”
Samantha's mouth curled up contemptuously. ”Don't trust me?”
They were all three of them Sercas, with complicated blood ties and psi links that bound them together to an impossible degree. Lucas was supposed to one day own their family's Syndicate, and the rest were simply supposed to fall in line and obey. He had learned-eventually-that blind obedience was never useful.
”I trust you more than you could possibly imagine,” Lucas said, surprising Samantha with that confession. Then he telekinetically yanked her to his side, Samantha's body cutting through the air until she was eye to eye with him, feet centimeters above the ground. ”But don't mistake your freedom for something it isn't.”
Samantha stabbed her telepathy into his mind, holding it against his s.h.i.+elds, knowing better than to attack any further. That Lucas let her get that far had more to do with his twisted sense of generosity than her skill. Something deep in his mind resonated in her own, and it sparked pain throughout her head.
She closed her eyes for a second or two. ”What did you do to me?”
”What had to be done.”
He shoved her away, retracting his telekinesis. Samantha couldn't keep her balance and fell, skidding against the grit and old debris on the rooftop. Her teeth bit through the inside of her cheek at the impact. Swearing, she got to her feet, swallowing blood and saliva.
”If this is what having siblings is like, I think I'm glad I never knew mine,” Kerr said.
Samantha shot him a dirty look. ”A field partner is nothing like a family.”
Kerr gave her a pitying look. ”Yeah, but I never have to watch my back around them.”
Kristen closed the distance between herself and Samantha, wrapping her arms around the other girl's waist and resting her head on Samantha's shoulder. Kristen only had eyes for Lucas. ”It hurts here. Can we stay?”
”No,” Lucas told her. ”We can't.”
Samantha extracted herself from Kristen's grip. ”She's unstable, Lucas. She's going to make this mission difficult. You really should have left her behind.”
”She'll be all right.” Lucas glanced in the direction of the city towers before saying, ”Hold on everyone.”
The next teleport was shorter than the last, taking them to Paris. They arrived on a dilapidated street braced by the gutted remains of buildings survived only by their foundations. Some streets were collapsed into the subways, quarries, and sewers that existed beneath the old city. They could make out a few scraggly trees and bushes nearby, none of which looked healthy.
What they could see of the city around them consisted of hard, discolored dirt in craters that broke up ancient asphalt, and stunted vegetation that crawled over the surrounding ruins. In the distance, a rusted and broken Eiffel Tower clawed for prominence in a sky that was eclipsed by launch platforms built over the dead city. Sunlight was a bit brighter here; they'd lost an hour in that split-second teleport.
Threnody walked a few meters away from the group, slowly turning to take in a rotting city that had been one of the greatest capitals on earth. ”Hard to believe millions once lived here. I wonder what it was like?”
”Loud, cramped, and noisy, I would guess,” Kerr said. ”Like a bunker city, but with sky over your head instead of a metal roof and dirt beyond it.”
Samantha looked across the distance that separated them from the launch platforms. Even as they watched, a s.p.a.ce shuttle was barreling down the long, curved launch ramp, hurtling itself into the sky. The smoke trails of previous launches left a haze in the air. The hard helmets they wore made it impossible for them to smell the exhaust and stagnant pollution.
Warhounds are scattered all over those platforms, Samantha said at the edge of Lucas's mind. She went to pull Kristen away from a crumbling set of ruins that had caught her attention.
Nathan might be holding them back, Lucas replied. Probably to coordinate the transfer of their people. I doubt they'll need to get rid of any extraneous registered humans anytime soon. There's plenty of seats right now for them to take over.
We need to get inside.
I know. I'm looking for the right pair of eyes. Lucas had his own closed in concentration.
Once we have what you need, what then?
I'll bring you back and we stand our ground, so to speak.
Samantha glanced over at him. You're serious about the Strykers, aren't you?
Yes. We need them just like we need the humans that are being left behind. More so, since they're going to be our source of power.
You really think they'll bow to you? After so many years dying for the humans, do you honestly think once they've tasted freedom, the Strykers will accept you holding them down again?
I'm the one who made their freedom possible. You'd be surprised what sort of loyalty that can buy.