Part 43 (2/2)

This Man Jodi Ellen Malpas 61290K 2022-07-22

'I love having a bath.'

'Me too, but only if you're in it with me,' He squeezes me. 'It's a good job the designer of this place antic.i.p.ated the need for a big one.'

I laugh. 'I think she did well.' Never in a million years did I antic.i.p.ate enjoying a soak in it when I helped coordinate the crane lift of the d.a.m.n thing. At the time, I was regretting being so extravagant, but now I'm reaping the benefits of the giant, bespoke tub, it was definitely a ball ache worth enduring.

'I wonder if she ever considered being in it?' he muses.

'No, she didn't.'

'Well, I'm glad she is.' He tugs at my ear lobe with his teeth as I feel his feet slide down my s.h.i.+ns, rubbing across the tops of my feet above the bubbly water.

I close my eyes and rest my head against his chest. Perhaps I should ditch work and stay with him all day after all. In my sleepy bath time slumber, I decide that tub talk with Jesse is one of my new favourite pastimes. And I might even start running in the morning. Not crazy distances, but around the Royal Parks once or twice every other morning. I must remember to stretch.

'You're going to be late for work.' he says softly in my ear. I pout to myself. I'm way too comfortable. 'Just think...if you didn't go to the office, we could stay longer.' He kisses my temple and rises to get out, leaving me silently wis.h.i.+ng I had of relented to his insistence on staying with him all day.

I give my own little private huff of disgust and grab the men's shampoo. It looks like it's going to be another bad hair day.

Chapter 31.

I pad into the bedroom and find my cream, fitted dress spread out on the bed, with my nude heels and some fancy lace underwear that I don't recognise. I frown to myself, picking up the unfamiliar bra and knickers set. He's brought me underwear, and he's brought me underwear in the right size? He really does think he can dictate my wardrobe.

I thread my fingers over the pretty, delicate lace in a soft cream colour. It's beautiful, but a bit over the top for work. I start going through my gym bag to find an alternative, but there's no underwear to be found and no other option in the clothes department either. In fact, there are no other clothes at all, the sly sod.

I resign myself to accepting my fate, getting myself ready and slipping into the underwear and dress that Jesse has decided I'm wearing today. I suppose I should be grateful that he's not laid out my oversized, chunky knit jumper. I'm super relieved that he's had the initiative to leave me a hairdryer, though. I apply my make-up, blow-dry my hair into a tousled, slightly messy ma.s.s, pile it up and make my way downstairs.

I find Jesse at the kitchen island on his mobile, dunking his finger into a jar of peanut b.u.t.ter. He glances up at me, nearly knocking me off of my heels with his roguish smile. Oh yes, he's super satisfied with himself.

I run my eyes over his grey suited, black s.h.i.+rted physic and sigh in admiration. His dirty blonde hair has been ruffled with wax and set in a messy array to one side, and I'm super appreciative that he's not shaved. He looks rugged and mind-bogglingly handsome. Why did I insist on going to work?

'I'll be there when I've dropped Ava at work.' He turns himself on the stool, c.o.c.king his head to the side. 'Yes, tell Sarah I want it on my desk when I get there.' He pats his lap, and I make my way over, fighting the scowl from my face at the mention of her name. 'We revoke his members.h.i.+p, simple.' I lower myself onto his knee, smiling when he buries himself in my neck and inhales deeply. 'He can kick off all he likes, he's gone, end of.' he spits harshly. What's he on about? 'Get Sarah to cancel it...yes...okay...see you in a bit.'

He hangs up, tosses his phone on the worktop and snakes his arms under my knees to pull me up from floor and onto his lap, greeting me with a greedy, full on kiss. He moans into my mouth in pure satisfaction.

'I like your dress.' he mumbles around my lips. He's extra minty, mixed with a little peanut b.u.t.ter. I can't stand peanut b.u.t.ter, but I love him and all this attentiveness, so I'll ignore it.

'You picked it. Of course you like it. What's with the underwear?'

He pecks my lips and puts me down. 'I told you, always in lace.' He runs his eyes down my body.

I don't argue a a pointless exercise if ever there was one, and I've got it on now.

'Breakfast?' he asks.

I glance at the clock on the cooker. 'I'll grab something at the office.' I can't be late. I grab my bag to get my pills. 'Can I have some water?'

'Knock yourself out, baby.' He returns to his jar of peanut b.u.t.ter.

I walk over to the huge fridge-freezer, delving into the deepest depths of my bag. Where are they? I slap my bag onto the worktop next to the fridge, removing everything, but I find no pills. Please, not again. I'm hopeless.

'What's up?' he asks.

'Nothing,' I mutter, dumping everything back into my bag. 'f.u.c.k.' I curse under my breath, but then mentally applaud myself for separating the packets and putting some in my underwear drawer.

'Watch your mouth, Ava.' he rebukes me. 'Come on, you'll be late.'

'Sorry,' I mutter. 'This is your fault, Ward.' I swing my bag onto my shoulder.

'Mine?' he blurts, all wide eyed. 'What's my fault and how?'

'Nothing, but it's your fault because you're distracting me.' I accuse.

He looks down at me, his lips twitching. 'You love me distracting you.'

I do as well. I can't deny it.

I'm delivered to Berkeley Square in record time. He really is a menace on the roads, in his stupidly expensive car. He parks illegally on the corner and turns himself to face me. He's chewing his bottom lip and he has been for most of the journey. What's he thinking about?

'I love waking up with you.' he says gently, reaching over and running his thumb across my bottom lip.

I turn in my seat so I'm facing him. 'I love waking up with you too. But I don't like being run ragged at five in the morning.' My legs are really feeling it, and it's only going to get worse. I didn't stretch after the run because I was sidetracked by Mr Challenging and his challenging ways. My day is looking to be really uncomfortable with my nude heels to boot.

'You would prefer to be f.u.c.ked ragged?' He grins that roguish grin, running his palm down the front on my dress.

Oh, no you don't! 'No, I prefer sleepy s.e.x.' I correct him. I lean over, plant a chaste kiss on his mouth and get out of the car, leaving him and his frown line alone. I lean back in. 'I'll be seeing you tomorrow. Thank you for exhausting me before work.' I shut the door and start walking off on my abused legs in the most uncomfortable shoes I own. Thank G.o.d I've got a day in the office because I couldn't be prancing around London in these beauties. My phone shouts at me from my bag. I pull it out.

You look incredible in that dress. Good choice. You're welcome. Jx Turning around, I see him watching me walk away. I perform a little rotation and catch his dazzling smile before I hear the guttural roar of his car go speeding off. I smile to myself. He's been really rather reasonable this morning.

I walk into the office and find Tom consoling Victoria at her desk. I roll my eyes to myself. What drama has occurred at eight thirty on a Friday morning?

'Just get it fixed.' Tom soothes, rubbing her back. I look down, finding Victoria inspecting her thumb nail. I roll my eyes again.

'I don't have time today,' she cries. 'This is a disaster!'

She broke a flipping nail? The girl should have sought a career in stage school. But then I remember...she has a date with Drew tonight. Oh, this really is a disaster for Victoria. I make my way to my desk as she files down her broken nail, Tom continuing to rub her back. He looks up at me, making an equally dramatic give-me-strength gesture before virtually sprinting over to my side of the office. I know what's coming.

He plants his palms on my desk, leaning forward. 'What was all that about?'

'Shhhhhhh!' I scowl at him, looking over my shoulder into Patrick's office. He's not there, but he could be in the kitchen or the conference room. I should have known my gay, inquisitive friend would be picking my brain on Jesse's shock visit to the office yesterday. In fact, I'm surprised he held out until this morning.

Tom waves a dismissive hand. 'He's not here. Tell me!'

I focus my attention on my computer, turning it on and faffing with the mouse. What do I tell him? I've fallen in love with a controlling, domineering, unreasonable, neurotic, trampling man, who happens to be a client and f.u.c.ks me senseless? Oh, who also gives me the countdown when I disobey him? Yes, that about covers it. I look up and find Victoria's joined the interrogation party.

'He's one hot s...o...b..' she sings.
