Part 42 (1/2)

This Man Jodi Ellen Malpas 69600K 2022-07-22

'You think I belong to you.' I start circling my finger again.

'No, I know you do.'

'When did you establish that?'

'When I spent four days trying to get you out of my head.' He still sounds irritated, while I'm delighted with this news.

'It didn't work?'

'Well, no, I was even crazier. Go to sleep.' he orders.

'What were you doing to try and get me out of your head?'

'It doesn't matter. It didn't work, end of. Go to sleep.'

I pout to myself. I think I've extracted as much information as I'm going to get. Crazier? I don't think I ever want to meet that man. All sorts of feeling? That, I think, I like the sound of.

I continue with my swirling patterns over his chest, while he strokes my hair and drops a kiss every now and then. The silence is comfortable and my eyes are getting heavy.

I pull myself further into him, resting my leg over his thigh. 'Tell me how old you are.' I garble into his chest.

'No.' he replies flatly. I screw my face up in sleepy disgust. I didn't even get a fake age. I doze off into a peaceful slumber, dreaming of all things crazy.

Chapter 30.

I wake up feeling exposed and cold, and I know immediately why. Where is he? I sit up, blowing the hair from my face, to find Jesse on the chaise lounge, bending down.

'What are you doing?' My throat is hoa.r.s.e, not yet broken in.

He looks up and dazzles me with his smile, reserved only for women. How come he's all bright eyed and bushy tailed? 'I'm going for a run.' He bends back down, and I notice he's tying his trainers.

When he's finished, he stands up, the full six foot three inches of lean loveliness, all the more lovely in loose, black running shorts and a marl grey vest. I lick my lips and smile admiringly. He has stubble. I could eat him.

'I'm quite enjoying the view too.' he says cheerfully. I snap my eyes to his, noting him staring at my chest with an arched brow and a half smile on his handsome face. I follow his gaze and find the cups of my bra are still sitting under my I leave them as they are, rolling my eyes.

'What time is it?' I suddenly have a stomach turning panic moment.


I gape at him, all wide eyed, before dramatically collapsing back onto the bed. Five? I have at least another hour of sleep. I pull the sheets over my head and close my eyes. But I only get, roughly, three seconds of shut eye, before the sheets are whipped off of me and Jesse is in my face, a wickedly mischievous grin plastered all over his face. I wrap my arms around his neck, trying to pull him down to me, but he pulls against me, and I end up in a standing position before I realise what's happened.

'You're coming,' he informs me, snapping the cups of my bra back over my 'Come on.' He turns, heading for the bathroom.

I scoff indignantly. 'No, I'm b.l.o.o.d.y not.' He must be mad. I don't mind a run, but not at five in the morning. 'I run in the evenings.' I advise his back, falling back to the bed. I crawl to the top and snuggle back down into the pillows, locating the one that smells the most of fresh water and mint. I'm rudely interrupted from my peace when he grabs my ankle and yanks me to the bottom of the bed. 'Hey!' I shout. I manage to take the pillow with me. 'I'm not coming.'

He leans over, whips the pillow away and narrows his eyes on me. 'Yes, you are. Mornings are better. Get ready.' He flips me over and smacks my backside.

'I don't have my running kit.' I say smugly, just as a sports bag lands on the bed next to me. He brought me running kit? 'You brought these for me?' I ask incredulously as I sit up. That's a bit presumptuous. Maybe I don't like running.

'I saw your trainers in your room. They're wrecked. You'll damage your knees if you keep running in them.' He stands with his arms folded, waiting for me to change.

It's the crack of dawn. I'm not even awake yet, and he wants me pounding the pavements and puffing myself out through the streets of London before I've even done a day's work?


He sighs, walking over to the sports bag and pulling out all sorts or running paraphernalia. He hands me a sports bra on a smirk. Oh, he really has thought of everything. I s.n.a.t.c.h it from his hands and remove my lace bra, replacing it with a reinforced shock absorber. My aren't so big that they need strapping down. Next, he me a pair of black running shorts a the same as his but the ladies version a and a fitted, pink running vest. I dress myself under his watchful eye. I can't believe he's dragging me out for a run at this time of day.

'Sit.' He points to the bed. I sigh dramatically, plonking myself on the end. 'I'm ignoring you.' he grumbles as he kneels in front of me, lifting one foot at a time to put breathable running socks on and a rather pair of black, Nike, running shoes. He can ignore me all he likes. I'm not happy, and I want him to know it.

When he's done, he pulls me up, stands back and runs his gaze up and down my sporty clad body. He nods his approval. Yes, I certainly look the part, but I've always just thrown on my baggy sweatpants and an oversized t-s.h.i.+rt. I don't want to look better than I actually am. I'm not bad, though.

'Can I use your toothbrush?' I ask, sidestepping him and heading for the bathroom.

'Knock yourself out.' I hear him call, but his toothbrush is already in my hand.

After brus.h.i.+ng my teeth, I feel instantly more alert and even more determined to wipe the smugness from his face. I'll run, I'll keep up and I might even finish with a few sit-ups. I've been meaning to get back into the habit and there's no time like the present. I walk back into the bedroom, back straight and raring to go.

'Come on then, lady. Let's start the day how we intend to finish it.' He takes my hand, leading the way downstairs.

'I'm not running again today!' I splutter. This man really is mad.

He laughs. 'That's not what I meant.'

'Oh, what did you mean?'

He flashes me a dark, dirty grin. 'I mean by being out of breath and sweaty.'

I gasp slightly and s.h.i.+ver. I know which way I would prefer to get out of breath and sweaty, morning, noon and night. And it doesn't involve this get up. 'You're not seeing me tonight.' I remind him. His hand tightens around mine and he grunts a few times. I spot my handbag by the door. 'I need a hair tie.'

He releases me and goes into the kitchen, leaving me to retrieve a hair tie from my bag. I scoop my hair up into a high ponytail and re-arrange my shorts. They're chaffing. I need some pants on. I delve through my bag and come across my Little Miss Stubborn knickers.

Oh, no! I flush, cringe and die a thousand deaths all at once. He must have had a real good rummage to find these beauties. I've never worn them. They were Mum and Dad's idea of a joke stocking filler and have been living at the back of my underwear drawer for many years.

Resigning myself to a fate full of continuous blus.h.i.+ng, for as long as Sam's in my life, I whip my shorts off to pull them on.

'Ha! Let me see those.' He grasps my hips, bending down to have a good inspection. 'Can you get these in Little Miss Drive Jesse Crazy?'

I roll my eyes. 'I don't know. Can you get Mr Unreasonable Control Freak?' He digs his thumbs into the hollow s.p.a.ce above my hip bones, prompting me to fold over in laughter. 'Stop!'

'Get your shorts back on, lady.' He smacks my b.u.m.

I pull my shorts back on with a big grin on my face. He's in a really good mood today. But, then again, I'm conforming.

We make our way down to the foyer, finding Clive with his head in his hands.

'Morning, Clive.' Jesse nods formally as we pa.s.s. He's far too alert for this time of day.