Part 17 (1/2)
'Can't we carry it?' I ask desperately.
'It's five tiers and it weighs a ton. Just hold onto the box. It'll be fine.'
I exhale, unclipping my seatbelt. 'I can't believe you've got me doing this,' I grumble, climbing into the back of the van and wrapping my arms around the tall cake box. 'Couldn't you a.s.semble it on site?'
'I just couldn't. Hold the f.u.c.king cake!' she yells impatiently.
I tighten my grip, spreading my legs to keep my balance, and lay my cheek against the box. We're positioned at the mouth of the road, engine revving and looking like something out of a comedy sketch.
'Ready?' she calls back.
I hear Margo crunch into gear. 'Just b.l.o.o.d.y get on with it, will you?' I snap. She's giggling as she slowly starts creeping forward. A car horn starts honking impatiently from behind.
'f.u.c.k off, you t.o.s.s.e.r!' Kate yells as we hit our first speed hump.
I'm propelled into the air, my face squis.h.i.+ng against the box, my heels sliding from under me. 'Kate!' I screech, landing on my a.r.s.e.
'Don't let go of that box!'
I scramble back to my feet, grabbing the box, just as the back wheels jolt down the other side of the hump. 'Will you take it easy?'
'I need a run up, else she won't make it over!' she exclaims, hitting another hump.
'b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l!' I'm catapulted into the air, landing with an almighty thud. 'Kate!'
She's laughing hard now, only serving to p.i.s.s me off more. 'Sorry!' she gasps.
'No, you're not.' I grate, pulling myself up again. I kick my heels off to try and get a better balance.
'Oh, no,'
I blow my hair out of my face. 'What?'
'I'm not reversing mister!' she hisses.
I spot a Jaguar driving at us and with only enough width for one vehicle and no s.p.a.ce to pull in, it's a standoff. A string of loud car horns start singing out around us as Kate proceeds forward, knocking me all over the place in the back of Margo.
'I'll ram you,' she warns Mr Jaguar, smacking her horn repeatedly. 'Is the cake okay?'
'Yes! Don't you dare let him win,' I yell, landing on my backside again. 's.h.i.+t!'
'Hang on, only two more to go.'
'Oh G.o.d!'
Two jolts later and probably another two more bruises on my behind, we're double parked and unloading the stupid five tier cake. Mr Jaguar is honking, cursing and throwing hand gestures all over the place, but we ignore him. My feet are still bare as I help Kate out with the cake, delivering it into the ma.s.sive kitchen of Mrs Link, who's throwing a sweet sixteen for her daughter. I leave Kate to sort the rest and go back to Margo to wait for her, ignoring the car horns as I look for my shoes in the back. They could be anywhere.
Noel Gallagher invades my eardrums, singing Sunday Morning Call from the front seat and my heart a which is currently hammering through exhaustion a starts hammering an excited drum in my chest. I abandon shoe searching to scramble to the front and answer, ignoring the reasons for my keenness to speak to him.
'Hey,' I puff down the phone, jumping out and slumping against the side of Margo. I'm f.u.c.king knackered!
'Okay. Now, I know it's not me that's worn you out, so do you mind telling me who has you puffing and panting like you've been f.u.c.ked into next week?'
I smile. Oh, his voice is a welcome distraction from the fiasco of the last twenty minutes.
'What's with all the car horns?' he asks.
'I'm delivering a cake with Kate, we're blocking the road.' I explain, but I'm distracted by an overweight, balding, middle aged businessman approaching with a face like thunder.
'Move the van, you stupid f.u.c.king cow!' he bellows at me, waving his arms about.
Oh s.h.i.+t. Kate, hurry up!
'Who the f.u.c.k is that?' Jesse yells down the phone.
'No one,' I blurt.
Big baldy kicks Margo's tyre. 'Move it, b.i.t.c.h!' Oh h.e.l.l, he's a mad middle aged, balding man.
I hear Jesse growl. 'Tell me he didn't just say that.' His voice is s.a.d.i.s.tic.
'It's fine. Kate's coming now.' I lie on a squeak.
'Where are you?'
'I don't know, somewhere in Belgravia.' I didn't really take much notice. I was too busy being flung around in the back of Margo to take notes of street names.
Big baldy shoves me. 'Are you f.u.c.king deaf, you stupid b.i.t.c.h?'
Oh s.h.i.+t, he's going to crack me one. I can hear Jesse hyperventilating down the phone, but then he's gone. I glance at my screen and see the call has ended. Snapping my head up, I look towards the steps that lead to Mrs Link's house, but the front door is still firmly closed. I'm shoved in the back again by Baldy.
'Please, give me five minutes.' I plead with the irate t.w.a.t. If Kate was here, he would be on his a.r.s.e by now.
'Just move the f.u.c.king shed, you dopey cow!' he roars in my face, making me recoil.
I run onto the pavement, stepping on every stray stone on my way, and up the steps to Mrs Link's front door.
'Kate!' I knock frantically, turning and smiling sweetly at Mr Baldy Jag, earning myself another torrent of abuse. This guy needs anger management. 'Kate!' I shout, banging again. Car horns are blaring all around, I've got the angriest man I've ever encountered hurling abuse at me, my a.r.s.e is sore and my feet are being stabbed by f.u.c.king stones! 'KATE!!!' My throat is b.l.o.o.d.y sore now too. But then I have a thought. Has she left the keys in Margo? I gingerly run down the steps, back onto the street to check Margo's ignition, going around the back to avoid baldy.
It would seem that he's not so willing to let me evade him, though, and I collide with his fat, sweaty body as I reach the driver's door. 'Oh!' I cry, getting a waft of stale body odour.
He grabs the top of my arm, squeezing hard. 'If you don't move that f.u.c.king thing now, I'll slap your skinny a.r.s.e all over this street.'
I lean back against the van as he tightens his hold on my arm to a point, so painful, I want to cry out. He's a f.u.c.king psycho! I'm going to be bludgeoned on a posh, leafy residential street in posh Belgravia and be plastered all over tomorrow morning's news. I'm never going to talk to Kate again. I feel my eyes welling up with panicky tears as I'm pinned to the side of Margo with not a clue what to do. This is an aggressive type a a wife beater, for sure.
'Get your f.u.c.king hands off her!'