Part 3 (1/2)

This Man Jodi Ellen Malpas 68280K 2022-07-22

'Patrick has been in contact,' he replies. I sag in relief but then frown. Why is he calling me then? 'I'm sure he will be happy to help, but I'm less than happy to accept it.'

My mouth gapes. Who does he think he is? He's called to tell me he's not happy? Oh, this man is way past arrogant. I close my gaping mouth.

'I'm sorry to hear that.' I sound less than sorry; I sound irritated.

'Are you?'

And I'm thrown again. No, I'm not sorry. But I'm not about to tell him that. 'Yes, I am.' I lie. I want to add that I could never work with an arrogant, good looking swine like him, but I refrain. That wouldn't be very professional.

I hear him sigh. 'I don't think you are, Ava.' My name sounds like velvet rolling from his lips, causing a familiar shudder to course through me. How does he know I'm not sorry? 'I think you're avoiding me.' he adds.

I'm going to dislocate my jaw at this rate. He's right. He sparks some very unwelcome feelings in me, and the fact I know he's involved with someone else has not helped one iota.

'Why would I do that?' I ask c.o.c.kily. That should shut him up.

'Well, because you're attracted to me.'

'Excuse me?' I splutter. His self-a.s.suredness knows no bounds. Has he no shame? The fact that he's bang on the money is way beside the point. You would have to be blind, deaf and numb not to be attracted to this man. He's the epitome of male perfection and, quite clearly, he knows it.

He sighs. 'I said...'

'Yes, I heard you,' I interrupt him. 'I just can't believe you said it.' I slump in my chair.

I've never known anything quite like it. I'm completely stunned. The man has a significant other, and he's flirting on the end of the phone with me? What a player! I need to turn this conversation back around to business and get off of the phone quickly.

'I apologise for not being available to a.s.sist with your work.' I blurt and hang up, staring down at my phone.

That was really quite rude and extremely unprofessional, but I'm completely staggered by his forwardness. Pa.s.sing the contract over to Patrick is looking more and more sensible by the minute. A text arrives.

I notice you didn't deny it. You should know the feeling's mutual. Jx s.h.i.+tting f.u.c.king h.e.l.l! I slap my hand over my lips to stop my mental explicit language from falling out of my mouth. No, I didn't deny it. And he's attracted to me? I'm a bit young for him, or is he too old for me? A kiss? What a a.r.s.e! I don't reply a I have no idea what to say to that.

Instead, I throw my phone in my bag and go to meet Kate for lunch.

'Holy Moses!' Kate exclaims, staring down at my phone. Her red hair is swinging from side to side in its ponytail as she shakes her head. 'Did you reply?' She looks up at me expectantly.

'Christ, no.' I laugh. What would she recommend I say to that? It's got me completely stumped.

'And he's got a girlfriend?'

'Yes.' I nod, raising my eyebrows.

She places my phone back on the table. 'That's a shame.'

Is it? It actually makes things a lot easier. It totally trumps the looks and reactions he spikes in me. Kate's far more daring than me. She would have replied with something shocking and suggestive, and probably made his jaw drop. That girl would give any bona-fide man-eater a run for their money. Not slow in coming forward, she mostly scared men off on the first date a only the strongest survive. Kate's long, red hair is as vibrant as her personality. She's confident, strong minded and determined.

'Not really,' I muse, picking up my cheeky lunchtime wine and taking a sip. 'Anyway, it's only been four weeks since Matt and I split up. I don't want any men in my life, not in any capacity.' I like the fact that I sound resolute. 'I'm enjoying being single and carefree for the first time ever.' I add. And it really does feel like the first time ever. I was with Matt for four years and previous to that, I was in a three year relations.h.i.+p with Adam.

'Have you seen the p.r.i.c.k?' Kate face distorts into one of disgust at the mention of my ex's name.

She can't stand Matt and was delighted when I split up with him. Kate catching him at it with a work colleague in a taxi only confirmed what I already knew. I don't know why I ignored it for so long. When I confronted him calmly, he fell apart with apologies and nearly fell over when I told him I wasn't bothered. I really wasn't, much to my own surprise. The relations.h.i.+p had run its course, and Matt was of the same opinion. It's all been very amicable, much to Kate's disgust. She wants flying plates and police intervention.

'No.' I confirm.

'We are having fun, aren't we?' She grins as the waitress approaches with our lunch.

'I'm just going to the loo.' I get up, leaving Kate dowsing her chips in mayonnaise.

After using the toilet, I stand in the mirror re-applying my lip gloss and fluffing my hair. It's behaving today, so it's down and tumbling all over my shoulders. I brush down my black capri pants and pick a few hairs off my cream blouse. My phone rings as I make my way back to the bar. I drag it from my bag, rolling my eyes when I see it's him again. He's probably wondering where my reply to his inappropriate text message is. I'm not playing games with him.

'Reject.' I huff at my phone, stabbing at the red b.u.t.ton and stuffing it in my bag as I continue down the corridor. 'Oh G.o.d, I'm Sorry!' I splutter, slamming straight into a chest.

This chest is a very firm chest, and the intoxicating fresh water scent that's was.h.i.+ng over me is way too familiar. My legs refuse to move, and I know what I'm going to see if I look up. His arm is already wrapped around my waist to steady me, my eyes level with the top of his chest. I can see his heart beating through his s.h.i.+rt.

'Reject?' he says softly. 'I'm wounded.'

I push myself away from his grasp, attempting to regain my composure. He looks stunning, wearing a charcoal suit and crisp white s.h.i.+rt. I laugh at myself and my inability to get my eyes past his upper body for fear of being hypnotised by the potency of this man's sludgy gaze.

'Is something funny?' he asks. I suspect he's frowning at my random outburst, but because I refuse to look at him, I can't confirm that.

'I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going.' I side step him, but he grabs my elbow, halting my escape.

'Just tell me one thing before you leave, Ava.' His voice p.r.i.c.kles at my senses, and I find my eyes travelling up the leanness of his body until our stares meet. His face is serious, but still stunning. 'How loud do you think you'll scream when I f.u.c.k you?'

WHAT? 'Excuse me?' I manage to splutter around the lead that is my tongue.

He half smiles at my shock, placing his index finger under my chin and pus.h.i.+ng my gaping mouth shut. 'I'll leave that one with you.' He releases my elbow.

I flash him a displeased scowl before I walk back to the table as steadily as my boneless legs will allow. Did I really just hear him right? I slide myself onto the chair, immediately glugging down my wine to try and moisten my parched mouth.

When I look up at Kate, she's openmouthed, exposing half chewed chips and bread. It's not attractive. 'Who the f.u.c.k is that?' she mumbles around her food.

'Who?' I look around, simulating unawareness.

'Him,' Kate points with her fork. 'Look!'

'I saw, and I don't know.' I grate. Drop it!

'He's coming over. You sure you don't know him? f.u.c.k, he's hot!' She looks at me. I shrug.

Please, go away. Go away, go away! I pick up a stray piece of lettuce from my BLT and start nibbling at the edges. I'm tense all over, and I know he's getting closer because Kate's gaze is lifting upwards to accommodate his height. I wish she would shut her b.l.o.o.d.y gaping mouth!

'Ladies,' His low, throaty voice p.r.i.c.kles at my skin, doing nothing to relax me.

'Hi,' Kate spits, chewing rapidly to rid her mouth of the obstruction to speech.

'Ava?' he prompts. I wave my piece of lettuce at him to acknowledge his presence but without having to look at him. He laughs lightly.

Out the corner of my eye, I see his body slowly lowering until he's squatting at the table next to me, but I still refuse to look at him. He rests one arm on the table, and I hear Kate cough and splutter on the remnants of her food.