Part 28 (1/2)
At Angelo's prodding, Rap came forward to stand by the desk.
”Do you recognize anyone in this room, Rap?” Jeff asked.
The performer in Rap was clearly enjoying the spotlight. ”I recognize you, Mr. MacKingsley,”
he said, ”and I recognize Detective Ortiz. You were both at my house yesterday after I found poor old Zach in his car.”
”Do you recognize anyone else, Rap?”
”Yes, I do. This guy.” He pointed at Ted. ”Yesterday he came to our house dressed like a moving man. He had another guy with him. I gave him the key to Zach's apartment. Zach had told us he was moving over the weekend to some fancy town house in Madison.”
”Are you positive this is the man who came to your home yesterday and went up to Zach Willet's apartment?”
”I'm positive. He had a dopey blond wig on. Made him look like a real jerk. But I'd know that face anywhere, and if you find the other guy, I'd know him, too. I remember more about him now. He has a little strawberry birthmark near his forehead, and he's missing half his right index finger.”
”Thank you, Rap.”
Jeff waited to speak until Rap reluctantly left the room and Angelo had closed the door behind him. ”Robin Carpenter is your girlfriend,” he told Cartwright. ”You gave her the money to bribe her half brother Charley Hatch to vandalize the house known, thanks to you, as 'Little Lizzie's Place.' You shot Georgette Grove, and we will be able to prove it. Hatch became a threat and you, or Robin, took him out.”
”That's not true,” Cartwright shouted, jumping to his feet.
Louis Buch stood up, stunned and totally furious.
Jeff ignored the lawyer and glared at Cartwright. ”We know that you went to Audrey Barton's home to kill her that night. We know that you caused Will Barton's death. We know that you killed Zach Willet. And we know that you're not in the moving business.”
Jeff stood up. ”Mr. Cartwright, you are under arrest for the burglary of Zach Willet's apartment.
Mr. Buch, we are finis.h.i.+ng our investigation, and we antic.i.p.ate that Mr. Cartwright will be formally charged with these murders in the next several days. I am now instructing Detective Walsh to proceed to Mr. Cartwright's home and to secure that scene while we apply for a search warrant.”
Jeff paused, then added sarcastically, ”I antic.i.p.ate that we will find a dopey blond wig and a moving man's outfit.” He turned to Detective Ortiz and said, ”Please read Mr. Cartwright his rights.”
Twenty minutes after Ted Cartwright had been led out of Jeff MacKingsley's office, Jeff invited Dru Perry in to speak with him. ”I promised you that you would have a story,” he said, ”and this is only the beginning of it. We have just arrested Ted Cartwright for the burglary of Zach Willet's apartment.”
Experienced reporter though she was, Dru Perry felt her jaw drop.
”We antic.i.p.ate filing far more serious charges against him in the next several days,” Jeff continued. ”These charges will relate to the deaths of Will Barton and Zach Willet. There may be other charges, depending upon the outcome of our investigation.”
”Will Barton!” Dru exclaimed. ”Ted Cartwright killed Liza Barton's father?”
”We have proof that he did, and the reason that he went to that house on Old Mill Lane that night was to kill his estranged wife Audrey Barton. Liza, that poor little ten-year-old, was only trying to protect her mother from Ted. For twenty-four years, Liza Barton, who is now known as Celia Nolan, has been tortured, not only by the loss of her mother, but by the nearly universal belief that she deliberately shot her mother and Ted because she resented their relations.h.i.+p.”
Jeff wearily rubbed his eyes. ”There will be a lot more details coming in the next couple of days, Dru, but you can rely on what I've just told you.”
”I've been around for a long time, Jeff,” Dru said, ”but this is almost unimaginable. I'm so glad that that poor girl has a loving husband and a great kid. I guess that's what has helped her survive.”
”Yes,” Jeff replied carefully, ”she has a really terrific kid, and he'll help her get through all this.”
”You're telling me something,” Dru said. ”You didn't mention her devoted husband.”
”No, I didn't,” Jeff said quietly. ”I can't comment further right now, but that might change very soon.”
I am being carried downstairs. I can't open my eyes. ”Jack.” I try to call his name, but can only whisper it. My lips feel rubbery. I have to wake up. Jack needs me.
”It's all right, Liza. I'm taking you to Jack.”
Alex is talking to me. Alex, my husband. He is home, not in Chicago. I have to tell him tomorrow that I'm really Liza Barton. But he called me Liza.
There were sleeping pills in that gla.s.s. Maybe I'm dreaming.
Jack. He's crying. He's calling me. ”Mommy. Mommy. Mommy.”
”Jack. Jack.” I try to scream, but can only mouth his name.
There is cold air on my face. Alex is carrying me. Where is he taking me? Where is Jack?
My eyes won't open. I hear a door opening, the garage door. Alex is laying me down. I know where I am. My car, the backseat of my car.
”You want him? You can have him.” It's a woman's voice, harsh and grating.
Jack's arms are around my neck. His head is buried against my heart. ”Mommmmmmmmmy.”
”Get outside, Robin, I'm starting the engine.” Alex's voice.
I hear the garage door close. Jack and I are alone.
I'm so tired. I can't help it. I am falling asleep.
At 10:30 P.M., still in his office, Jeff waited for Detective Mort Sh.e.l.ley. He had already been notified that the search of Ted Cartwright's house had uncovered the blond wig, the movers'