Part 21 (1/2)

”Looks to me like snow, an plenty of it.”

”I hope it doesn't come until we reach Bear Pond,” said d.i.c.k, ”I don't want Dan Baxter and his crowd to get ahead of us.”

”They won't have no better time o' it than we'll have,” was the guide's grim comment. ”Aint no fun trampin' over the mountains with the snow comin' down heavily; I can tell you that.”

The wind continued to increase, and after the supper was cooked and brought into the shelter, the guide took it upon himself to bank the fire with great care, that it might not blow into the forest and start a big conflagration.

”We've had some terrible fires here,” he said. ”One threatened my barn two years ago, and we had to stay out two days an' a night a-fightin'

it. It would be a bad thing a night like this.”

To keep out the cold, d.i.c.k crawled to the top of the opening and bound in the cedar limbs closer than ever. He also got some brush-wood and some vines, and on these placed a thick layer of snow.

”That's fine!” cried Sam, from below. ”It's almost as tight as the roof of a cabin.”

Tightening the roof made a big difference inside, and when they had hung up a blanket behind the upright sleds, and placed some cedar brush on the floor, it was very cozy. They had brought along some candles, and one of these was lit and placed in a lantern which was in one of the packs. It was not a bright light, but it was better than sitting in the dark, and it seemed to make the shelter warmer than ever.



One of the turkeys was finished even to the neck piece, and then both Tom and Sam declared that they were so sleepy they could scarcely keep their eyes open.

”It must be the mountain air,” said d.i.c.k. ”I'm sleepy, too. Let us turn in.”

”Will anybody have to stand watch?” asked Sam.

At this John Barrow shook his head. ”Don't know as it's necessary,” he said. ”Reckon we're safe enough. I'll keep my gun handy, in case any animal prowls around.”

The boys laid down and were soon in the land of dreams. Tom and Sam slept near the back wall, with d.i.c.k next, and the guide near the opening, which, however, was now completely closed by the blanket. The fire was allowed to die down, for they did not dare to build it up, with such a wind blowing.

Nothing came to disturb them. Once during the night d.i.c.k roused up and heard the distant howling of a wolf. But the beast did not venture close to the shelter, and while waiting for its appearance the youth dropped asleep again.

By midnight the wind fell a little, and then it began to snow, and it was still snowing when John Barrow leaped up, pushed the blanket aside, and gazed out upon the river.

”Hullo, we're in for it now!” he cried, and as the boys sat up, he added: ”Snowin'--mighty hard, too.”

”I should say it was snowing hard!” cried Tom, as he, too, looked out.

”Why, you can't see the trees on the other side, and they aren't more than a hundred and fifty feet off.”

”This will make traveling bad,” said d.i.c.k soberly. ”It almost looks as if we were going to be snowed in.”

”Snowed in?” echoed Sam. ”Oh, don't say that!”

The boys were somewhat stiff after their long skate of the day before, and it took them some minutes to pull themselves together. Then the curtain was pushed aside, and the fire started up with some dry brushwood from the pile on which they had slept. Soon breakfast was ready, and this warmed them up and put new life in them.

”No use to linger here,” announced the guide. ”It won't git no better an' it may git a heap sight worse. I reckon the wind kept some o' the spots on the river clear. I know a good camping spot ten miles from here, and that will be just the place for us while you are huntin'

around fer that money.”