Part 12 (1/2)
”Done, Master Mardell,” was the teacher's answer. ”To yonder rock and return.” And in a moment more the pair were off.
”Hurrah! A race between Mr. Strong and Tom Mardell!” came in a shout from a number of the students, and soon there was a general ”lining up”
to see how it would terminate.
”Go in, Tom!” shouted Tom Rover. ”Don't let him beat you!”
”Mr. Strong is behind!” came presently. ”Tom is going to win out, sure!”
On and on went the skaters, until the rock was gained. Then Tom Mardell turned so suddenly that he ran full tilt into the teacher with whom he was racing. Both spun around and came down on the ice with a crash.
”Oh!” gasped Mardell. ”I didn't mean to do that!”
”I--I know you didn't!” panted Mr. Strong. ”You have finished the race in fine shape, I must declare!” And then he arose slowly to his feet and Mardell followed. But n.o.body was seriously hurt, and in a moment more both skated off hand in hand.
d.i.c.k was looking for Dora Stanhope, and presently she appeared, in a pretty fur coat and a jaunty fur cap. He put on her skates for her, and they skated off, with many a side wink from some of the boys.
”d.i.c.k's head over heels,” said one lad, to Tom.
”Well, I guess you'd be, too, Urner, if you could get such a nice girl to notice you,” returned Tom dryly. And then he added: ”You must remember we are all old friends.”
”Oh, I know that; and I was only joking.”
A grand race, open to all comers, had been arranged by the students of the Hall and of p.o.r.nell Academy, a rival inst.i.tute of learning, which has already figured in other volumes of this series. The p.o.r.nell boys were out in force, and they were sure that one of their number would win the silver napkin ring, which was the first prize, and another the story book, which const.i.tuted the second prize.
Of this race a gentleman from Cedarville, named Mr. Richards, was to be the starter and judge. The course was a short mile, down the lake and back again. The p.o.r.nell boys to enter were named Gray, Wardham, Gussy, and De Long. The contestants from Putnam Hall were Tom Rover, Fred Garrison, Tubbs, and a lad named Hollbrook.
”Are you ready?” asked Mr. Richards, after lining the boys up and telling them of the conditions of the race.
There was a dead silence.
”Go!” shouted the starter.
Away went the eight skaters, side by side each striking out bravely.
Fred was in the lead, with two p.o.r.nell boys a close second, while Tom Rover was fourth.
”Go in, Tom, you must win!” sang out d.i.c.k excitedly.
”Hurrah for Tubby!” came from several others. ”He's crawling up!”
”Go in, Gray!” came in a shout from some p.o.r.nell sympathizers. Gray was one of the pair striving for second place. Now he shot ahead, and in a second more was close upon Fred Garrison's heels.
The pace was truly terrific from the very start, and long before the turn was gained De Long and Hollbrook dropped out, satisfied that they could not win.
Gray, the leader of the p.o.r.nell contingent, was a tall, lanky, and powerful fellow, and every stroke he took told well in his favor. The turning point was hardly rounded when he began to crawl up to Fred, and then he gradually pa.s.sed him.
”Hurrah! Gray is ahead!” shouted his friends.
”Here is where p.o.r.nell wins the race!” added one enthusiastic sympathizer.