Volume XII Part 2 (1/2)
That your Lords.h.i.+ps may learn something of one of these ladies, called the Munny Begum, I will refer you to Major Browne's evidence,--a man who was at Delhi, the fountain-head of all the n.o.bility of India, and must have known who this lady was that has been treated with such indignity by the prisoner at your bar. Major Browne was asked, ”What was the opinion at Delhi respecting the rank, quality, and character of the Princesses of Oude, or of either of them?”--”The elder, or Munny Begum, was,” says he, ”a woman of high rank: she was, I believe, the daughter of Saadut Ali Khan, a person of high rank in the time of Mahommed Shah.”--”Do you know whether any woman in all Hindostan was considered of superior rank or birth?”--He answers, ”I believe not, except those of the royal family. She was a near relation to Mirza Shaffee Khan, who was a n.o.ble of n.o.bles, the first person at that day in the empire.” In answer to another question put by a n.o.ble Lord, in the same examination, respecting the conversation which he had with Mirza Shaffee Khan, and of which he had given an account, he says, ”He [Mirza Shaffee Khan] spoke of the attempt to seize the treasures of the Begums, which was then suspected, in terms of resentment, and as a disgrace in which he partic.i.p.ated, as being related by blood to the house of Sufdar Jung, who was the husband of the old Begum.” He says afterwards, in the same examination, that he, the Begum's husband, was the second man, and that her father was the first man, in the Mogul empire. Now the Mogul empire, when this woman came into the world, was an empire of that dignity that kings were its subjects; and this very Mirza Shaffee Khan, that we speak of, her near relation, was then a prince with a million a year revenue, and a man of the first rank, after the Great Mogul, in the whole empire.
My Lords, these were people that ought to have been treated with a little decorum. When we consider the high rank of their husbands, their fathers, and their children, a rank so high that we have nothing in Great Britain to compare with theirs, we cannot be surprised that they were left in possession of great revenues, great landed estates, and great moneyed property. All the female parts of these families, whose alliance was, doubtless, much courted, could not be proffered in marriage, and endowed in a manner agreeably to the dignity of such persons, but with great sums of money; and your Lords.h.i.+ps must also consider the mult.i.tude of children of which these families frequently consisted. The consequences of this robbery were such as might naturally be expected. It is said that not one of the females of this family has since been given in marriage.
But all this has nothing to do with the rebellion. If they had, indeed, rebelled to cut their own son's throat, there is an end of the business.
But what evidence have you of this fact? and if none can be produced, does not the prisoner's defence aggravate infinitely his crime and that of his agents? Did they ever once state to these unfortunate women that any such rebellion existed? Did they ever charge them with it? Did they ever set the charge down in writing, or make it verbally, that they had conspired to destroy their son, a son whom Mr. Hastings had brought there to rob them? No, this was what neither Mr. Hastings nor his agent ever did: for as they never made a civil demand upon them, so they never made a criminal charge against them, or against any person belonging to them.
I save your Lords.h.i.+ps the trouble of listening to the manner in which they seized upon these people, and dispersed their guard. Mr. Middleton states, that they found great difficulties in getting at their treasures,--that they stormed their forts successively, but found great reluctance in the sepoys to make their way into the inner inclosures of the women's apartments. Being at a loss what to do, their only resource, he says, was to threaten that they would seize their eunuchs. These are generally persons who have been bought slaves, and who, not having any connections in the country where they are settled, are supposed to guard both the honor of the women, and their treasures, with more fidelity than other persons would do. We know that in Constantinople, and in many other places, these persons enjoy offices of the highest trust, and are of great rank and dignity; and this dignity and rank they possess for the purpose of enabling them to fulfil their great trusts more effectually. The two princ.i.p.al eunuchs of the Begums were Jewar and Behar Ali Khan, persons of as high rank and estimation as any people in the country. These persons, however, were seized, not, says Mr.
Hastings, for the purpose of extorting money, as a.s.sumed in the charge, but as agents and princ.i.p.al instruments of exciting the insurrection before alluded to, &c. Mr. Hastings declares that they were not seized for the purpose of extorting money, but that they were seized in order to be punished for their crimes, and, _eo nomine_, for this crime of rebellion. Now this crime could not have been committed immediately by [the?] women themselves; for no woman can come forward and head her own troops. We have not heard that any woman has done so since the time of Zen.o.bia, in another part of the East; and we know that in Persia no person can behold the face of a woman of rank, or speak to females of condition, but through a curtain: therefore they could not go out themselves, and be active in a rebellion. But, I own, it would be some sort of presumption against them, if Jewar Ali Khan and Behar Ali Khan had headed troops, and been concerned in acts of rebellion; and the prisoner's counsel have taken abundance of pains to show that such persons do sometimes head armies and command legions in the East. This we acknowledge that they sometimes do. If these eunuchs had behaved in this way, if they had headed armies and commanded legions for the purposes of rebellion, it would have been a fair presumption that their mistresses were concerned in it. But instead of any proof of such facts, Mr. Hastings simply says, ”We do not arrest them for the purpose of extorting money, but as a punishment for their crimes.” By Mr.
Middleton's account you will see the utter falsity of this a.s.sertion.
G.o.d knows what he has said that is true. It would, indeed, be singular not to detect him in a falsity, but in a truth. I will now show your Lords.h.i.+ps the utter falsity of this wicked allegation.
There is a letter from Mr. Middleton to Sir Elijah Impey, dated Fyzabad, the 25th of January, 1782, to which I will call your Lords.h.i.+ps'
”Dear Sir Elijah,--I have the satisfaction to inform you that we have at length so far obtained the great object of our expedition to this place as to commence on the receipt of money, of which, in the course of this day, we have got about six lacs. I know not yet what amount we shall actually realize, but I think I may safely venture to p.r.o.nounce it will be equal to the liquidation of the Company's balance. It has been at once the most important and the most difficult point of duty which has ever occurred in my office; and the anxiety, the hopes and fears, which have alternately agitated my mind, cannot be described or conceived but by those who have been witness to what has pa.s.sed in the course of this long contest. The [Nabob's] ministers have supported me n.o.bly, and deserve much commendation. Without the shrewd discernment and knowledge of the finesse and tricks of the country which Hyder Beg Khan possesses, I believe we should have succeeded but indifferently; for I soon found that no real advantage was to be obtained by proceeding at once to violent extremities with the Begum, and that she was only to be attacked through the medium of her confidential servants, who it required considerable address to get hold of. However, we at last effected it; and by using some few severities with them, we at length came at the secret h.o.a.rds of this old lady. I will write you more particulars hereafter.
”I am sorry to inform you my little boy still continues in a very precarious way, though somewhat better than when I had last the honor to address you. My respects to Lady Impey. And believe me, with great regard, my dear Sir Elijah, your faithful, obliged, and most affectionate humble servant,
My Lords, we produce this letter to your Lords.h.i.+ps, because it is a letter which begins with ”_Dear Sir Elijah_,” and alludes to some family matters, and is therefore more likely to discover the real truth, the true genius of a proceeding, than all the formal and official stuff that ever was produced. You see the tenderness and affection in which they proceed. You see it is his _dear Sir Elijah_. You see that he does not tell the dear Sir Elijah, the Chief-Justice of India, the pillar of the law, the great conservator of personal liberty and private property,--he does not tell him that he has been able to convict these eunuchs of any crime; he does not tell him he has the pleasure of informing him what matter he has got upon which a decision at law may be grounded; he does not tell him that he has got the least proof of the want of t.i.tle in those ladies: not a word of the kind. You cannot help observing the soft language used in this tender billet-doux between Mr. Middleton and Sir Elijah Impey. You would imagine that they were making love, and that you heard the voice of the turtle in the land. You hear the soft cooing, the gentle addresses,--”Oh, my hopes!” to-day, ”My fears!” to-morrow,--all the language of friends.h.i.+p, almost heightened into love; and it comes at last to ”_I have got at the secret h.o.a.rds of these ladies_.--Let us rejoice, my dear Sir Elijah; this is a day of rejoicing, a day of triumph; and this triumph we have obtained by seizing upon the old lady's eunuchs,--in doing which, however, we found a great deal of difficulty.” You would imagine, from this last expression, that it was not two eunuchs, with a few miserable women clinging about them, that they had to seize, but that they had to break through all the guards which we see lovers sometimes breaking through, when they want to get at their ladies. Hardly ever did the beauty of a young lady excite such rapture; I defy all the charms this country can furnish to produce a more wonderful effect than was produced by the h.o.a.rds of these two old women, in the bosoms of Sir Elijah Impey and Mr. Middleton. ”We have got,” he exultingly says, ”we have got to the secret h.o.a.rds of this old lady!” And I verily believe there never was a pa.s.sion less dissembled; there Nature spoke; there was truth triumphant, honest truth. Others may feign a pa.s.sion; but n.o.body can doubt the raptures of Mr. Hastings, Sir Elijah Impey, and Mr. Middleton.
My Lords, one would have expected to have found here something of their crimes, something of their rebellion, for he talks of a few ”necessary severities.” But no: you find the real criminal, the real object, was the secret h.o.a.rds of the old ladies. It is true, _a few severities_ were necessary to obtain that object: however, they did obtain it. How then did they proceed? First, they themselves took and received, in weight and tale, all the money that was in the place. I say _all_; for whether there was any more they never have discovered, with all their search, from that day to this. Therefore we fairly presume that they had discovered all that there was to discover with regard to money. They next took from these unfortunate people an engagement for the amount of treasure at a definite sum, without knowing whether they had it or not, whether they could procure it or not. The Bhow Begum has told us, as your Lords.h.i.+ps have it in evidence, that they demanded from her a million of money; that she, of course, denied having any such sums; but Mr. Middleton forced her unfortunate eunuchs or treasurers, by some _few severities_, to give their bond for 600,000_l._
You would imagine, that, when these eunuchs had given up all that was in their power, when they had given a bond for what they had not, (for they were only the treasurers of other people,) that the bond would not have been rigidly exacted. But what do Mr. Hastings and Mr. Middleton, as soon as they get their plunder? They went to their own a.s.say-table, by which they measured the rate of exchange between the coins in currency at Oude and those at Calcutta, and add the difference to the sum for which the bond was given. Thus they seize the secret h.o.a.rds, they examine it as if they were receiving a debt, and they determine what this money would and ought to produce at Calcutta: not considering it as coming from people who gave all they had to give, but as what it would produce at the mint at Calcutta, according to a custom made for the profit of the Residents; even though Mr. Hastings, upon another occasion, charged upon Mr. Bristow as a crime that he had made that profit. This money, my Lords, was taken to that a.s.say-table, which they had invented for their own profit, and they made their victims pay a rupee and a half batta, or exchange of money, upon each gold mohur; by which and other charges they brought them 60,000_l._ more in debt, and forced them to give a bond for that 60,000_l._
Your Lords.h.i.+ps have seen in what manner these debts were contracted,--and that they were contracted by persons engaging, not for themselves, for they had nothing; all their property was apparently their mistresses'. You will now see in what manner the payment of them was exacted; and we shall beg leave to read to you their own accounts of their own proceedings. Your Lords.h.i.+ps will then judge whether they were proceeding against rebels as rebels, or against wealthy people as wealthy people, punis.h.i.+ng them, under pretence of crimes, for their own profit.
In a letter from Mr. Middleton to Mr. Hastings, after two other paragraphs, he goes on thus.
”It remained only to get possession of her wealth; and to effect this, it was then and is still my firm and unalterable opinion that it was indispensably necessary to employ temporizing expedients, and to work upon the hopes and fears of the Begum herself, and more especially upon those of her princ.i.p.al agents, through whose means alone there appeared any probable chance of our getting access to the hidden treasures of the late Vizier; and when I acquaint you that by far the greatest part of the treasure which has been delivered to the Nabob was taken from the most secret recesses in the houses of the two eunuchs, whence, of course, it could not have been extracted without the adoption of those means which could induce the discovery, I shall hope for your approbation of what I did. I must also observe, that no further rigor than that which I exerted could have been used against females in this country, to whom there can be no access. The Nabob and Salar Jung were the only two that could enter the zenanah: the first was a son, who was to address a parent, and, of course, could use no language or action but that of earnest and reiterated solicitation; and the other was, in all appearance, a traitor to our cause. Where force could be employed, it was not spared: the troops of the Begum were driven away and dispersed; their guns taken; her fort, and the outward walls of her house seized and occupied by our troops, at the Nabob's requisition; and her chief agents imprisoned and put in irons. No further step was left. And in this situation they still remain, and are to continue (excepting only a remission of the irons) until the final liquidation of the payment; and if then you deem it proper, no possible means of offence being left in her hands or those of her agents, all her lands and property having been taken, I mean, with your sanction, to restore her house and servants to her, and hope to be favored with your early reply, as I expect that a few days will complete the final surrender of all that is further expected from the Begum.”
There are some things in this letter which I shall beg your Lords.h.i.+ps to remark. There is mention made of a few preliminary severities used by Mr. Middleton, in order to get at their money. Well, he did get at the money, and he got a bond for the payment of an additional sum, which they thought proper to fix at about six hundred thousand pounds, to which was added another usurious bond for sixty thousand; and in order to extort these forced bonds, and to make up their aggravated crimes of usury, violence, and oppression, they put these eunuchs into prison, without food and water, and loaded their limbs with fetters. This was their second imprisonment; and what followed these few severities your Lords.h.i.+ps will remark,--still more severities. They continued to persecute, to oppress, to work upon these men by torture and by the fear of torture, till at last, having found that all their proceedings were totally ineffectual, they desire the women to surrender their house; though it is in evidence before you, that to remove a woman from her own house to another house without her consent is an outrage of the greatest atrocity, on account of which many women have not only threatened, but have actually put themselves to death. Mr. Hastings himself, in the case of Munny Begum, had considered such a proposition as the last degree of outrage that could be offered. These women offered to go from house to house while their residence was searched; but ”No,” say their tormentors, ”the treasure may be bricked up, in so large a house, in such a manner that we cannot find it.”
But to proceed with the treatment of these unfortunate men. I will read to your Lords.h.i.+ps a letter of Mr. Middleton to Captain Leonard Jaques, commanding at Fyzabad, 18th March, 1782.
”Sir,--I have received your letter of the 13th instant. The two prisoners, Behar and Jewar Ali Khan, having violated their written solemn engagement with me for the payment of the balance due to the Honorable Company on the Nabob's a.s.signments accepted by them, and declining giving me any satisfactory a.s.surances on that head, I am under the disagreeable necessity of recurring to severities to enforce the said payment. This is, therefore, to desire that you immediately cause them to be put in irons, and kept so until I shall arrive at Fyzabad, to take further measures, as may be necessary.”
Here is the answer of Captain Jaques to Mr. Middleton.
”_April 23d, 1782._
”Sir,--Allow me the honor of informing you that the place the prisoners Behar Ali Khan and Jewar Ali Khan are confined in is become so very unhealthy, by the number obliged to be on duty in so confined a place at this hot season of the year, and so situated, that no reduction can with propriety be made from their guard, it being at such a distance from the battalion.”
You see, my Lords, what a condition these unfortunate persons were in at that period; you see they were put in irons, in a place highly unhealthy; and from this you will judge of the treatment which followed the _few severities_. The first yielded a bond for 600,000_l._; the second, a bond for 60,000_l._; the third was intended to extort the payment of these bonds, and completed their series.