Part 5 (1/2)

Sport Royal Anthony Hope 16210K 2022-07-22

”A gentleman desires the honor of an audience with Her Royal Highness,”

he announced.

”At this time of night!” exclaimed the princess.

”He says his business will not bear delay, and prays for a interview.”

”All business will bear delay,” said the prince, ”and generally be the better for it. Who is he?”

”The Baron de Barbot.”

”Oh, I must see him,” cried the princess. ”Why, he is a dear friend of ours.”

I had detected a rapid glance pa.s.s between Dumergue and the prince. The latter then answered:

”Yes, we must see Barbot. If you will go to the drawing room, I'll take your message myself.”

”That is kind of you,” said the princess, retiring.

”Give me the card,” said the prince, ”and ask the baron to be kind enough to wait a few minutes.”

The servant went out, and the prince turned to me.

”Why didn't you kill him, Mr. Jason?” he asked.

”Is it----” I began.

”Yes, it's your baron,” said Dumergue.

”It's really a little awkward,” said the prince, as though gently remonstrating with fate. ”We had arranged it all so pleasantly.”

”It would upset the princess,” said Dumergue.

”What upsets the princess upsets me,” said the prince. ”I am a devoted husband, Mr. Jason.”

”If there is anything I can do, sir,” said I, ”rely on me.”

”You overwhelm me,” said the prince. ”Is there anything, Dumergue?”

”Why, yes, sir. Mr. Jason was at the ball. Why should he have fought, if he wasn't?”

”You are right, Dumergue. Mr. Jason, you were at the ball.”

”But, sir, I--I don't know anything about the ball.”

”It was just like other b.a.l.l.s--other _masked_ b.a.l.l.s,” said Dumergue.

”Perhaps a little more so,” added the prince, lighting a cigarette.

”There was a scandal at the last one,” Dumergue continued, ”and the king strictly forbade anyone connected with the court to go, under pain of his severe displeasure. There had been a rumor that a royal prince was at the one before, and consequently----”