Part 7 (1/2)
Now, after I was back in my place and the bustle was ended, there fell an uneasy silence, for men knew not if the feast was to go on.
Many of the ladies had gone, with the queen, and Elfrida was there no longer. But Ina stood up with a fresh cup in his hand, and he smiled and said, while the eyes of all were on him:
”Friends, we have seen a strange thing, but you have also seen the deeds of a brave maiden and a ready warrior to whom I am beholden for my life, as is plain enough. Yet we will not let the wild ways of our western neighbours mar the keeping of our holy tide. Maybe there is more to be learnt of the matter, but if so that can rest.
Think now only of these two brave ones, I pray you, for I have yet the Bragi bowl to drink, and it is not hard to say whom I should pledge therein.”
Then he looked round for Elfrida, not having noticed that she had gone with the queen.
”Why,” he said, ”it was in my mind to pledge the lady first, but I fear she has been fain to leave us. So I do not think that I can do better than pledge both my helpers together, and then Oswald can answer for the lady and himself at once.”
He rose and held the cup high, and I rose also, not quite sure if I were myself or some one else, with all the hall looking at me.
”Drinc hael to the lady Elfrida, bravest and fairest in all the land of Somerset!” he cried. ”Drinc hael, Oswald the king's thane--thane by right of ready and brave service just rendered!”
Then he drank with his eyes on me, and there went up a sort of cheer at his words, for men love to see any service rewarded on the spot if it may be so. Now I was at a loss what to say, and the lady should have been here to bring the cup to me in all formality.
Maybe I should have stood there silent and somewhat foolish, but that the ealdorman, her father, helped me out.
”Come and do homage for the new rank, lad,” he said in a low voice.
He was at the lower table near me now, for the high table had been broken and the king stood alone on the dais.
So I went to the steps, and bent one knee at their top, and kissed the hand of the king, and then held out the hilt of my sword, that he might seem to take it and give it me again. But he bade me rise, and so he took off his own sword, which was a wondrous one, and the token of the submission of some chief on the Welsh border beyond Avon, and he girt it on me with his own hands.
”You nigh gave your life for me, my thane,” he said. ”That man's knife was perilously near you.”
He touched my tunic with his hand, and I looked. Across it where my heart beat was a long slit that I had not found out yet, where the knife flew at me. That stroke must have been the man's bane, because to reach me thus he had thrown his arm across his chest, and so had fallen on his weapon.
Then I was going, I think, though indeed I hardly know what I did at that moment, but the king stayed me, laughing.
”Do not think that I am going to let you off the cup, though. Now you shall pledge me, and if you have any vow to make which is fitting for a thane, make it and let us all hear it. But you have also the lady to think of in your words.”
Then there was a little rustle at the door which was on the high place, and the queen returned with some of her ladies, hearing that all was seemly again, and she stood smiling at these last words.
But Elfrida was not with her, and I was glad, else I had been more mazed yet. So I plucked up heart and took the cup from the hand of the king, trying to collect my thoughts into some sort of fitting words.
”Drinc hael Cyning,” I said, while my voice shook. ”Here do I vow before all the Saints and before this company--that I will do my best to prove myself worthy of this honour that has been set on me!”
”Why, Oswald,” said the queen, ”that is no sort of vow such as you should make, for we know that already, and you have proved it now if never before. And you have forgotten Elfrida.”
Now, I thought to myself that the last thing that I was ever likely to do was to forget that maiden, and with that a thought came into my head, and as the queen was smiling at me, and every one was waiting, I grew desperate, and must needs out with it.
”Now, I cannot do better than this,” I said, finding my courage all of a sudden. ”Here do I add to my vow that so long as my life shall last I will not again forget the Lady Elfrida. Nor will I be content until I am held worthy by her to--to guard her all the rest of my days.”
With that I drained the cup, and while the thanes laughed and cheered all round me, and Ina smiled as if well pleased enough, the queen set her hand on my arm, smiling also, and said:
”That was well said, my thane, but for one turn of the words. Why did you not tell us plainly that you mean to win her? We all know what you mean.”
Then I went to my place, and I glanced at Herewald, to see how he would take all this. Somewhat seemed to have amused him mightily, and his eyes brimmed with a jest as he looked at me. Presently, when men forgot me in listening to the vow Ina made, that he would add somewhat to the new Church in thankfulness for this escape, the ealdorman came near me and whispered:
”You are a cautious youth, Oswald, for I never heard a man turn a hint from a lady better in my life. Nevertheless, if you are not careful, Ethelburga will wed you to Elfrida for all your craft.”
He laughed again, and said no more. But I was looking at Owen, who seemed to have some thoughts of his own that were troubling him sorely. He smiled and nodded, indeed, when he caught my eye, but then he grew grave again directly, and afterwards his horn stood before him on the table untasted, and his look seemed far away, though round him men sang and all was merry.