Part 53 (1/2)

”Barnabas,” Angelique said, still unable to call him Aaron, ”must you? You have no idea what that is like. I do.”

He looked at her. ”You have a better idea?”

”No, but - banishment to the fiery pit -”

He saw her shudder at the memory it evoked. ”You were allowed to leave. Judah would not be. His punishment would be for all eternity.”

”Very well. I can't fight you, and I know you have the power to do it.” Judah's gaze met Angelique's. ”Beautiful Miranda. I really would have taken you with me, tried again. I suppose it just wasn't meant to be.” He sat back. ”I'm ready.”

Barnabas circled him twice, then began the incantation. ”I summon the denizen of the fiery pit to escort this soul back with you and make him one of your cursed legion. Come, and claim this soul as one of your own. Come. And once there, he will remain throughout eternity as punishment for his crimes. Come, lost souls of the darkness. Follow my voice.” A sudden wind blew into the room, carrying the agonized shrieks of the Lost Ones with it. Angelique covered her ears, trying to shut out the terror filled memories that they called forth. The window closed with a loud bang, and97.

the room was still, the calm after the storm. Quentin sat upright, not moving, but Angelique didn't notice as she ran across the room to throw herself into her husband's arms for comfort.

”It's alright, my darling,” he a.s.sured her. ”He's gone forever.”

”You're sure?”

”Yes. You were not eternally banished. There was hope for your release. But not for Judah.”

She looked at Quentin. ”Why hasn't he moved?”

”I placed him in a trance so that I could reverse my spell back to the portrait.”

She looked at Barnabas. ”You could end his curse, couldn't you?”

”Yes. And I will - later.” He touched Quentin's wrinkled, aging hand, returning it to its former youthful appearance. His face was next, and then Barnabas touched his fingers to Quentin's forehead. ”Quentin.”

He opened his eyes. ”Barnabas. Angelique. What are you doing here?”

”You don't remember, Quentin?”

”The last thing I remember is coming up here after your wedding, having a brandy - Maggie was here.” He glanced quickly around the room.

”Maggie's fine,” Barnabas a.s.sured him. ”What happened?”