Part 47 (1/2)

”Good. He should be in with Julia for about five minutes and then he'll come up here. Open the door and get ready.” When she heard the sound of footsteps on the cellar stairs, she slammed the door loudly, then said, ”I can't believe that woman. How dare she talk to me like that!”

”I'm sure Elizabeth didn't mean anything, Angelique.”

”Oh, of course. Come into the parlour and have a brandy.”

Quentin followed, saying, ”She didn't actually say anything.”

”Oh, she didn't have to. They way she said what she did was enough. Honestly, Quentin. She all but accused me of marrying Barnabas for his money. All because of that story I told about Ca.s.sandra and Nicholas.”

”I'd make allowances for her if I were you. She's upset about Roger -”

”That's no excuse. Oh, I wish I could pay her back for what she said to me this evening.”

”Now, Angelique. Don't start that again.”

”You're right. But I will think about it.”

”And I just bet you enjoy every minute of it.”

Barnabas' voice cut into the air like a knife. ”I didn't know you were here, Quentin.”

”Good evening to you, too, Cousin. I just brought Angelique home. I'll see you later,” he told Angelique.

Seeing the look on her husband's face, she was silent until the door closed behind Quentin. ”I'm tired. Spending all day at Collinwood exhausted me.”

”How is Elizabeth?”

”Elizabeth? She was much better. When I left, anyway. Goodnight, Barnabas.”


”Julia, I want you to go to Collinwood and keep an eye on Elizabeth.”

Looking up from the microscope, Julia frowned. ”Why?”

”I just overheard Angelique talking to Quentin. She and Elizabeth had an argument this evening and I'm worried that she might do something.”

”Surely she wouldn't, Barnabas. Not after just arguing with her.”

”I'll go myself, then,” he said. ”Every minute we stand here is another in which Elizabeth's life may be in danger.”

Julia sighed. ”I'll go.”

Elizabeth was sitting on the drawing room sofa trying to keep her mind on a report that Carolyn had brought from the plant. Suddenly she began to feel as if she were on fire. The papers dropped to the floor. Her voice weak, she called for help as Quentin came into the room. ”Elizabeth? Is something wrong?”

”Quentin. Burning.”

He placed a hand on hers. ”My G.o.d. You are burning up. I'll go get Julia -”

She grasped his hand. ”Don't leave -Quentin. I'm - frightened.”