Part 45 (2/2)
”I think I need some brandy tonight.”
”Coming up.” He gave her a gla.s.s, then went to the fireplace, as she sat on the sofa. ”Now. Tell Uncle Quentin all about it.”
”This is serious, Quentin.”
He looked at her. ”You mean that, don't you? What's wrong?”
”I don't really know where to begin. I suppose it started two nights ago. Barnabas went for a walk before dawn, and when he returned, he told Willie to repair a headstone at Eagle Hill.”
”What stone?”
”Judah Zachary's. Has Barnabas told you about him?”
”That evening, Barnabas was so -cold. Frighteningly so. I went to the cemetery and watched Judah's grave. When Barnabas arrived, he went directly to that grave. Quentin, I'm almost positive that Judah is trying to possess him and I don't know what to do.”
”Is he responsible for Roger's illness?”
”I believe so. He's trying to make Julia think that I did it, but I hope that I convinced her otherwise this afternoon. I doubt it, though. I'm sure he found something else to d.a.m.n me in her eyes. Judah hates the Collins family, Quentin. And me. Roger is only the first who will fall. It would appeal to Judah's rather - cruel sense of humor to use Barnabas as his agent to destroy the family. You've no idea how cruel Judah can be, Quentin.” She shuddered at the memories that talking about him evoked.
”You really are afraid of him, aren't you? Is there anything I can do to help?'
”The first thing we have to do is find a way to prove that he's Judah.”
”Any ideas?”
”I have a plan, but I'll need your help to carry it out.”
”I'll do anything. You know that Barnabas and I may have had our differences, but he's been there every time I've needed a friend.”
Carolyn was alone in the drawing room when Barnabas and Julia arrived. ”I was about to go check Mother,” she told them. ”Maggie's gone to look in on David and Amy.”
”I'll go check Elizabeth, Carolyn. Then I'll call the hospital and see if there's been any change.”
”Thank you, Julia.”
Barnabas looked around the room. ”Where is Angelique.”
Carolyn hesitated a moment before answering. ”She and Quentin left about a half-hour ago. He said something about
their needing to talk. I think they went to the West Wing.”
His eyes locked on the foyer door. ”How is your mother this evening?”
”Not much better. Uncle Roger's illness has. .h.i.t her very hard.”