Part 39 (2/2)

”She reminds me of - someone else.”

”My mother. She is like her in some ways. My mother accepted you.”

”Yes. But only for your sake.”

”About those plans that Amy mentioned?” he asked, changing the subject.

”I have them with me. I'll show them to you at the Old House.”

”Very well. Amy is quite taken with you.”

”You sound surprised.”

”No, only pleased. I was concerned that you and she might not get along.”

”Amy's growing up. She needs a woman's influence in her life. And she also needs the stability for a home and family.”

”Something you never had?”

”I had a home, and my mother, but -”

”You wanted more.”

”I suppose. I know I missed having a family.”

”You have one now,” he told her as they entered the Old House. Inside, he poured her a gla.s.s of port. ”I'm still curious about those plans.”

She handed him the pages and sat down, sipping her wine as he bent over the sketches. ”Where is Willie?”

”I gave him the evening off, and Julia won't be back until much later. Who drew these?”

”Amy did. She has a good eye for measurement and detail.”

”I approve of these. I'll have Willie contact the proper people to start this tomorrow. The upstairs improvements will be the priority.”

”I think, if you don't mind, that Amy would like - Josette's room.”

”Why should I mind?” He pulled her up from the chair. ”Angelique, you are going to be mistress of this house, and as such you will have complete charge of it and its operation. Whatever changes you want to make, you are free to make them.”

”I don't want to change anything. I like this house as it is. I always have. I just wish I could move in right now.”75.

”So do I,” he said, holding her tightly. ”Everytime you leave, I'm terrified I'll never see you again. I lost you once -”

She placed her fingers to his lips. ”You won't lose me again, my darling. I have no intention of letting that happen.” She replaced her fingers with her lips.

After several minutes, Barnabas said, ”This is where you belong. Where you've always belonged.”
