Part 27 (1/2)
Carolyn looked up from her drink, about to suggest that they leave when the door opened and a woman entered. She froze. ”My G.o.d. Quentin - ” She squeezed his arm tightly.
Quentin, facing the door, looked in that direction, his handsome features revealed his surprised shock. ”I see her - but I don't believe I see her.”
Curious, Barnabas turned in his chair to look at the new arrival. ”Angelique.” His voice was barely audible. She crossed the smoke-filled room and began speaking to the bartender. Without a word, Barnabas rose and went to the bar himself.
”Collinwood you say? You just keep on the main road going north - Oh. Mr. Collins. This lady's trying to get to Collinwood.”
Those blue eyes held no recognition as they turned to him. ”You're a Collins?”
”Barnabas Collins. Miss - ?”
”du Bois. Miranda du Bois.”
”Why are you going to Collinwood, Miss du Bois?”
”I have an appointment with Mrs. Stoddard concerning a job.”
”A job?”
”As her personal secretary. Really, Mr. Collins, I fail to see how this concerns you.”
”Forgive me. I had no idea that Cousin Elizabeth was considering hiring a secretary. Do you have a car?”
”Then I'll go with you.” When she looked as if she might refuse, he added, ”To show you the way.”
Carolyn and Quentin were in shock as they watched the couple leave. ”What's going on, Quentin?”
”I wish I knew, Carolyn.”
”She looked like Angelique, but I'm sure she didn't know Barnabas.”
”I'll ask Hank what he knows,” he said. As he stood, Julia entered, looking around the room. ”Julia. Over here.”
She came over, frowning. ”Have you seen Barnabas?”
”He just left. Carolyn, why don't you fill Julia in while I talk to Hank?”
Curious, Julia sat down. ”What happened?”
”It was the strangest thing, Julia. We were just sitting here when - she walked in.”
”Angelique is dead, Carolyn,” Julia reminded her.
”Then this woman was her double. She went to the bar and so did Barnabas. They talked for a few minutes and then left together.” Both women looked up as Quentin returned. ”What did Hank say?”