Part 24 (2/2)

”Oh, really, cousin? About what?” He'd had a few more drinks, and now his anger at Barnabas was returning.


”Don't you even talk to me about her. After what you did -”

”I never intended to hurt her, Quentin. I needed - someone, Maggie was there. If I had known that it would have the effect it did -”

”You still would have done it. She's not Josette, Barnabas. Josette is dead - just like Angelique.” Quentin paused when he saw the stricken expression on his cousin's face. ”Look, I'm sorry. That was a low blow. It's just - Maggie's - special.”

”I agree. But, Quentin, is it wise for you to become so - involved with Maggie?”

”No. No, cousin, it's not wise. But then, when have I ever done anything wise? And I wish I could say that I know what I'm doing. But I don't. All I know is that Maggie says she's not looking for a long-term relations.h.i.+p right now, and is willing to accept whatever we have.” He smiled. ”You know, right now, I think I'd do just about anything to be able to stay at Collinwood.

He picked up the brandy decanter. ”I'm going up to bed and try to get some sleep.”

Barnabas watched him go with troubled eyes.

Amy smiled happily when Quentin entered the room the next afternoon. ”Dr. Hoffman told me you were here,” she said, giving him hug.

”I drove up last night. How are you?”

”I want to go home. To Collinwood.”

”You will. I'm sorry about Chris and Sabrina, Amy.”

She looked down at her hands. ”Thank you. Uh, Quentin,”

”What is it, Princess?”

”Chris told me something a couple of months ago. Maybe you can tell me if it's true.”

Quentin was immediately on his guard. ”What did he tell?”

”That we're related to the Collins Family.”

Quentin relaxed. ”He was right, Amy. Did he explain how?”

”Not really.”

”Then let me try. You remember the first Quentin?”

”Of course I do. He nearly killed David.”

”Yes. Well, he had two children. Twins. A boy and a girl. The boy was my grandfather. The daughter was your grandmother Lenore.”

She frowned. ”Why weren't they raised at Collinwood?”
